Tag Archives: new year

Sunday Selfie


Time for the last Hop of the year!    Kitties Blue (The Cat On My Head) has hosted this wonderful Hop for another whole year and we’re all about to start another year of showing ourselves off every Sunday.    If you’d like to join in the last 2018 Selfie, just pop on over to their blog by clicking the badge above and GO FOR IT.

Mom was trying like crazy to capture me in a photo with my new scarf and one of my hats she’s not been able to get me to wear since I received them but did I cooperate?   No.   Did she actually try to sneak me into them when I was at my most vulnerable?  (meaning when I’m waiting at the front door ready to go outside because she’s told me she’s taking me!)   YES!    I just screeched “no fair Mom!” so she took me outside on my harness instead.    SO that means instead of a new photo of me in some finery, I’m just ME.    And not only that but its’ a flashback ME………….from this time LAST year.   I suppose it’s better than nothing right?

So this was my Selfie from LAST YEAR at this same time………..just before we turned the calendar page into the first month of a new year.     For me – another year of loving my forever home……..for you?   Whatever you want it to be.    Just make it the BEST year ever OK?

Would you like to do a puzzle of me?   Click the MINI-ME below and you can!

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!!   Love, Teddy Angel Sammy, and Mom too

Fill In Friday and Shopping!


Time for the “Almost 2018” Friday Fill-Ins!

This is a super fun hop co-hosted by Ellen of 15andmeowing and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader and we just love it.   Every Friday each of our co-hosts give us TWO sentences with blanks to fill.   We get to share a little bit about ourselves and what we think when we fill in the blanks and that’s why it’s a FUN Hop!    Want to join in?   Click the badge above and go to McGuffy’s and sign up to join us.

I guess this might be another one of those fill-in Fridays where my Mom ought to do the filling in………….so I’m letting her…………and her fill-ins are GREEN today!

1. On New Year’s Eve, I will do what I always do – have a nice dinner with my husband, have a bottle of champagne with dessert, then go to bed EARLY – no parties or noise at our house – just a quiet start to a new year!

2. One goal I have for 2018 is to work on Teddy’s blog to make it more interesting and fun……I don’t want it to be boring for anyone!

3. In 2017, I accomplished nothing of note – I’m just grateful to be alive for another year so I guess I accomplished THAT!.

4. I lost my soul cat in 2017.   (but we adopted another sweet ginger boy who has healed our hearts!)

Gosh Mom – I’m glad to hear that – I  know you miss Sammy but I’m glad that I am helping you and Dad move on……………….as for me and this coming year – who knows – I just want to continue to be spoiled rotten and enjoy the fun of being a cat with you and Dad.   I’m not sure there’s anything that could make me happier!



Another FUN Blog Hop and this one is all about FOOD and sharing recipes and prices from our area of the world!    My friend Bacon at PIGLOVE is hosting this one AND if you want to join in – share a recipe and see what stuff costs in OTHER places just click the badge above and let Bacon know you have posted a recipe on your blog.    This month’s challenge was to share a recipe for a dessert, cookie or other treat that we do for holidays.     My Mom makes spiced nuts for Christmas and she must have made about TEN batches of these (my Dad is hooked on them!). so I’m sharing that recipe which is EASY PEASY.

Mom’s EASY Cinnamon Spiced Nuts


10 or 15 oz. can of Planters Mixed Nuts (unsalted or salted) – $6.26 (10. oz.)

1 tablespoon water (free!)

1 cup sugar (we had sugar)

2 teaspoons cinnamon – $1.89 for 2.57 oz.

1 teaspoon nutmeg – $4.99 for 2.47 oz.

One eggwhite

Preheat oven to 350 and grease a large cookie sheet (I used spray).    Beat one eggwhite until fluffy – add 1 tablespoon water and whip eggwhite again.    Add can of nuts and coat well.    In a small bowl mix together the sugar and spices then dump them into the nuts mixing well to coat all the nuts.    Put the nuts on the cookie sheet and spread out.    Bake the nuts 20-25 minutes, mixing the nuts on the cookie sheet a couple of times during the bake.    Take nuts out of oven and dump onto sheet of foil to cool.    VOILA!    Done!

These are quite addictive so WATCH OUT.

THANKS BACON for hosting this fun hop – gives us all a chance to share a good recipe AND see prices.    Can’t wait to see what our project is for NEXT month!

Woo Hoo!!!

Love Teddy


Today would have been my Dad’s 101st birthday…..Happy Birthday in Heaven Daddy – I will always be your “little girl”……Love, Pam

Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Time to be Thankful and then for us to see what poem Angel Sammy came up with for his Poetic Photo Thursday!    Want to join in this special Hop hosted by Brian?   Just click on the badge above and join in – we would love to hear from you!   As for my own Thankfuls this week – well I think all of us probably are most thankful for family and time together for the holidays.   I know I feel that way – my first Christmas with my Mom and Dad was wonderful……………I paid little attention to presents – mostly I just wanted to be NEAR the Christmas tree where I’ve enjoyed lots of pre-Christmas naps under the tree……….now all the presents are gone I have all that space for myself – but I have this feeling my beloved tree is going to be disappearing soon!    Still I’m thankful that I know what Christmas is about and it’s not gifts – it’s about love.

Angel Sammy transmitted his poem to me last night – he did miss having Christmas here this year but then it was BEFORE Christmas last year that he went to the Bridge so this is his second “missed” Christmas.    We certainly thought about him on December 2nd – I never met him but I “know” him because we cats are brothers and sisters of one big family………….and we know that one day we will all be at the Bridge together.

Here’s Angel Sammy’s poem………….


It’s Time For Poetic Thursday!

Hello my friends!   As my little brother Teddy has already said – we all hope your holiday was bright and beautiful.    It’s always bright and beautiful at the Rainbow Bridge but those of us who are Angels wish we could be with our families in purrrrson instead of in spirit when it comes to special occasions like holidays.   

Did you write a poem this week to share with us?    We have been doing PHOTO-inspired poems instead of using the alphabet – I hope you’re having fun with that.    This was the photo I gave you last week to think about and write a poem about – followed by MY poetic thought about it!

“A New Start”

by Angel Sammy Kimmell, Dec. 28, 2017

In the dark night sky the colors are bright

They light up our hearts as they light up the night

They signal the start of a brand new year

Their bold colors pop as their sound fills our ears

The world full of hope that perhaps a new start

A new year might just bring some peace in our hearts

It sometimes seems like peace is so far away

Perhaps it will come closer if we hope and we pray

It must overcome the ache of the losses we feel

It must conquer threats from others so real

In a world full of doubt that real peace can be reached

Let LOVE be the way for those fences to be breached.

I think everyone would like for the new year to bring a new start – let’s make sure it is one!    We Angels promise to work overtime to help…………… ♥

I’m hoping you will share your poem this week by giving us notice in our comments here that you have a poem written for us to read – just give us your link OR you can even write your poem in our comments…………just give it a try……….so many people have said “I can’t write poetry” but when I ask them to try to express their thoughts about a photo or a word they CAN.    You know what?  We truly CAN do anything including write a poem.    Here’s my photo for you to think about this coming week – then next Thursday we will all share again!   Just think it will be 2018 then.  WOW.   


Oh I think this one will be FUN!  

I hope to see you here again next Thursday with a poem about this photo – what does this make you think of, feel, what do you see, WANT to see………use your imagination and write a poem!

‘Tis I ! Angel Sammy, zeeee French poet!!!

Until next week, Angel Sammy signing off from the Bridge……..with hugs!


Thanks a lot Angel Sammy………….I like your poem today but I can’t WAIT to see what you come up with for NEXT week!

Sammy was a party animal!

Hugs, Teddy



New Years Eve Bacon


A New Year……BUT

Bacon will still ring out the old year

before it rings in the new!


It sure is – even if that Caturday is New Year’s Eve!


One must make sure that before one indulges in a New Year’s Eve NIPTINI, one has FOOD in one’s tum.


Then we will all be praying that the new year coming continues to be bountiful in the bacon department.


After all, two out of three vets highly recommend bacon for their patients – US!


And we all know that BACON truly does make every single thing BETTER including New Year’s Eve!

SO…… what are you waiting for?


Let the begging BEGIN!!!!!


Here’s to a happy, healthy 2017!

Love, Angel Sammy

P.S.   Tomorrow, January 1, 2017 would have been my 17th birthday.   Since I’m now a Rainbow Bridge Angel, I’m not having a big par-tay to celebrate…..instead, I’m inviting everyone to stop by and have a New Year’s Day birthday breakfast with me…..no party hats and balloons – just a good old breakfast buffet complete with bacon (of course).   We’ll just start the new year off EATING……..TOGETHER………like the good friends that we are!

Sam's Birthday 2012

Teaser Tell All


Well!  What a Teaser!


I guess I didn’t fool many of you with yesterday’s Teaser did I ?!    You know, I wasn’t sure about it because I know that those sculptures “travel” around a lot so it could be in many spots but the photo we used was just one of those spots so I thought it might “test” you to figure out which one!

Let’s thank the one who sent in our Teaser photo from yesterday shall we????    It was sent in by Gracie from GoodnessGracie – thanks for the photo Gracie and this is for you!


Now let me show you the fab photo she sent then we’ll get to the awards!

teaserdec27-2016These sculptures are in MANY places in the world, and in fact this particular one has been to three places (maybe more) but when Gracie’s Mom and Dad captures this photo, they were in front of La Scala Opera House in Milan, Italy!    YAY!

Let’s talk BADGES…………………….the first order of business today is telling you that we had only ONE Teaser First Commenter yesterday instead of a tie!    WHO was the first to comment?

Da Phenny at EasyWeimaraner – that’s who!   Seems Easy might be whispering in Phenny’s ear and helping him become a TEASER EXPERT already!

This is for you Phenny:



Gimme a P Gimme an H Gimme an E Gimme an N Gimme another N Gimme a Y..... What's it spell? PHENNY that's who! YAY Da Phenny!

Gimme a P
Gimme an H
Gimme an E
Gimme an N
Gimme another N
Gimme a Y…..
What’s it spell?
PHENNY that’s who!
YAY Da Phenny!

I do believe Phenny is gonna be a force to be reckoned with on Teasers don’t you?   This is for you little guy:


We had QUITE A FEW others who guessed Milan, Italy and if you were one of them – guess what – you get a badge too!!!


Were you WRONG?  Did you blow it?   Were you clueless on Tuesday?   Help yourself to a Greenie then!


So that’s it for 2016 Teaser gang……………….we have done all the Teasing we’re going to do this year.   Next Tuesday we’ll be starting out the Teasing Year of 2017 and I’ll try to find something suitably TOUGH for you to start the year with OK?   OK!

MEANWHILE, Happy New Year – Suzie and I will see you in 2017!


Final Teaser Hug of 2016,

Hug, Angel Prof Sammy
