Tag Archives: cats

No Snow…..For Now!


Hi Friends!

So yesterday I had a photo of me on my sled in the middle of a snowy winter day (that was an old photo of my front yard!!) and I talked about how we MIGHT have some snow this week.  Well that was all based on our weatherman actually knowing what he was doing and we all know that weatherpeople really just have a great big dartboard with areas marked “SNOW, SUN, RAIN, CLOUDS, NO CLOUDS, WHATEVER” on it….and they toss a dart before going on the air and wherever it lands – that’s our weather forecast.  RIGHT?  RIGHT?

Well our weather person has changed his mind – he’s taken snow OUT of our forecast this week.  I have mixed feelings about that.  On the one hand I would have sort of enjoyed trying out my sled this year again……on the other if it doesn’t snow, my Mom is going to go up and visit my Auntie Carol on Thursday so no warm laps.  See what I mean?  CONUNDRUM (a fancy word for “I don’t know how to feel about this”).

Sam in snow Winter 2010

Snow! Yay! Mom has to stay home!


Sam enjoying the front porch on a pretty fall day

Mom! Don’t leave me!

(no this is not my actual front porch at this time – this was in the summer….most of these flowers are dead as doornails now!)

See what I mean? Conundrum…….

So, what’s a guy to do?  I think I’ll just keep it one day at a time…………..it’s only Monday – right?

Meanwhile, guess what……I have another GUEST TEASER tomorrow……and guess what else???  It’s not from My Three Moggies…….it’s a whole NEW Guest Teaser and I just bet this one is tough…..even for the King of Teasers, Mr. Easy Weimaraner!    Be prepared everyone……don’t say I didn’t warn you OK?

Mom spent some time yesterday (during the boring bits of the football game she was watching) looking through catalogs getting started on her “Christmas Wish List”…..she and my Dad exchange lists at Christmas so they have an idea what each other wants for pressies.   Nobody has asked ME for MY wish list yet though.  I’m thinking I’ll do one anyway, and leave it in a good spot like either to the side (or in) my litterbox so Mom sees it……….OR, by my food dish………OR, I could just go AROUND my parents and send it directly to Santa Paws.  He’s the main man anyway.   Anyway, the point in bringing this up is that it’s NOT too soon to start your wish lists and get your pawrents to go to Mollie’s SHOP to get a bunch of swell stuff for you from the most happening store in blogville!

Click Logo to Visit Mollie!

Click Logo to Visit Mollie!

Let me tell you if you don’t already know – this is the BEST stuff ever and Mollie’s Mom makes all this great stuff herself…..the clock’s ticking though – time’s running out to order in time for the holidays so get those humans of yours in gear!

I’ll see you tomorrow for the Teaser……………….READY OR NOT – HERE I COME!!

Well of course I'm a fan of the Teasers - I'm the one who DOES the Teaser after all!!!!!

Well of course I’m a fan of the Teasers – I’m the one who DOES the Teaser after all!!!!!

And last but never least, Happy Veterans Day to those who have served their country.  My Mom always thinks of her Dad on Veterans Day – he SO loved being in the Air Force and spent his career as an officer being proud of what he did for his country – I wish I’d had a chance to meet him – I bet he would have liked me!

Mom With Her Dad In His Uniform

My Mom being escorted down the aisle by her Dad…..in 1990. He’d been retired for many years at this point but got his uniform out for the wedding – it still fit!


Happy Monday!  Sammy

Saturday Is Caturday!


Hi Everybody………Happy Saturday morning to you!

So far we have seven photos already for our contest and I think most of you are liking the “Embarrassing Photo” category (although we do have two for “Favorite Toy and Me”).  This is so much fun……I’m so glad you all are enjoying this and just think how much fun it will be when I upload all the photos and you get to see them all and choose your favorites!! 😀

Remember, if you want to re-read the rules and the details on my photo contest, just go HERE to see what’s what!

Meanwhile, I’ll make this a short blog today because if your humans are like MY humans, it’s gonna be a busy day – so let’s get started with it – right???

Sam Loves His Friends!

Yes indeed I do! I REALLY do!


Happy Saturday Hugs to you……………Sammy

Sam’s Deck Observations

The newly discovered (after 11 years!) deck on the house

I know winter's coming when the umbrella gets taken down and put in the basement.....

Yesterday was “take the umbrella down” day.  It’s a definite sign that the weather has changed enough that Mom and Dad don’t spend evenings on the deck having dinner at the table, or coffee in the mornings!  Besides, we start getting a lot of windy days and nights in the fall – – – so the umbrella comes DOWN.  The other thing that happens is that Mom cuts back (or even throws away) all the flowers she plants in the boxes on the deck…..even our one tomato plant in the big pot goes!  The tomato gave us a LOT of tomatoes this year though – and it looked pretty tired and sad yesterday so Mom put it in the compost heap……back to nature……

Most people in our neighborhood have HUGE decks.  Mom and Dad had a small one built – just our size.  I like going out the kitchen door onto the deck sometimes instead of out the basement door – just like to change things up once in a while you know!  Keep everyone on their toes.  Anyway, yesterday after the umbrella came down, I was out on the deck just lying in the sun enjoying the day.  It was a bit chilly but still nice.  Besides, from up on the deck I have a better view of the woods out back and all the activity at our bird feeders by the woods.  We had a total of 11 squirrels running around the yard yesterday – digging holes for acorns…..Mom says she wonders if the fact we have so many more acorns coming down from the trees than usual means we’re going to have a BIG winter.  The squirrels seem to think so.  They’re packing it away like crazy! 

Mom says Mother Nature tells us a lot if we just listen……every year we’ve had bigger than usual acorns or larger sized acorns, we’ve had a lot of snow.  Hmm……I’m rethinking that sweater idea.

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

Sammy, One Happy Deck Cat


Deer Like Sunflower Seeds!

Deer helping themselves to sunflower seeds in the birdfeeders

Mom tried to get this photo before the deer heard her but it didn't work so well.....there was a Mom and her two little spotted babies eating sunflower seeds!

So this was our morning excitement….a Mommy and her two little babies helping themselves to our squirrel proof birdfeeders (which the squirrels figured out ages ago!!).  Sunflower seeds seem to be the favorite food of ALL our creatures (except me of course). 

We haven’t had any rain here in a looooooooong time, and things are drying up including all the greenery in the woods so the deer are up in the yard helping themselves to EVERYTHING.  Mom calls her flower gardens “the all you can eat salad bar” because they LOVE the impatiens so much.  At this point Mom says “let them eat whatever they want” – after all, without any rain, everything looks pretty pitiful anyway! 

Except me of course……..I never look pitiful – unless I’m trying to get an extra helping of treats.  Then I can look downright heartbreaking.  Heh heh…..we cats are masters of communication when we WANT to be – including a wide variety of facial expressions to accompany our other forms of expression – like ankle biting, howling and yowling, chirping, and of course the old standby – hissing. 

I have a feeling there will be a lot more deer wandering the yard today so I’ll keep an eye out from my vantage point on top of the couch at the big window into the backyard.  Maybe I can even get Mom to take a DECENT photo of them to share with you.  It’s tough to capture them on film because they are on the alert and Mom can’t sneak out to the deck without a bit of noise when she opens the door.   I hope we get some rain soon – it might give the deer more green stuff to eat instead of just seeds.  I worry about those little babies!!! 

I’m just a softie……..of course I’m the most important bit of wild life around here but I DO worry about the wandering cats, the deer, and all other creatures…….makes me realize how great it is to be ONE SPOILED CAT.

Happy Sunday……………..Sammy

Dog (cat??) Days of Summer

Cousin Toby cooling down in his pond

My Cousin Toby has the right idea - keeping cool !

Now this is what I call a great way to stay cool on a hot day!  We’re going to be into the 100s today and I’m kind of thinking Cousin Toby is one smart shih-tzu in figuring out how to be comfortable if you’re in the great outdoors.  Cousin Toby and my Aunt Carol (and my other Cousin Mollye) live on top of a mountain in West Virginia.  Aunt Carol had this way neato pond and mini-waterfall in the backyard and it didn’t take Cousin Toby long to discover if he plopped down on his belly in the pond, he’d get cooled off. 

We don’t have a pond…..but we DO have a woods, and it’s a lot cooler down in the woods.  Mom and Dad made a path down to a little patio that has a bench that swings on it and it’s a nice spot for me to hop onto and keep an eye on things sometimes.   Still, on a day like today is going to be, the best place will probably be INSIDE the house.  I can just sit on my perch and see all the other creatures out there in the heat……..

What a view!

Staying cool inside...watching everything else out in the heat!

I do feel bad for all the cats and dogs who have no home to stay cool in…..they have to do the best they can to survive.  Mom keeps a big bowl of water on our front porch for any cats who need a drink as they make their way around the community – and there are several of them who know it’s there and come to sit on the shady porch and enjoy a cool drink of water.  I’m very lucky to be “off the streets” and living in my nice home.   I think about that EVERY SINGLE DAY!

Remember on hot days to make sure your pets are inside as much as they can be, but if they are outside, they need plenty of fresh water and a safe, shady spot like I have!

Sammy, One Spoiled (and lucky) Cat