Tag Archives: cat treats

Bakin’ for Kitties in Baconia


Hello Bacon Fans……..today’s cooking class is a bit different from the usual – we’re paying tribute to a sweet and special kitty friend – Crockett from Lone Star Cats blog – by wearing orange (his favorite color) and cooking up some kitty treats instead of people treats.   We’re pawticipating in the Blog Hop to honor dear Crockett who went to the Rainbow Bridge last Monday after a tragic accident at home……..Crockett was a big internet favorite because of his great big eyes and his penchant for sticking his tongue out for photos.   He was just plain CUTE.   I asked Angel Sammy to please keep an eye on him and make sure he wasn’t lonely or scared.   Today would have been Crockett’s FIFTH Gotcha Day.    He can celebrate it at the Bridge with all his friends who have gone before.


Just click the sweet Crocket Forever badge above to visit Crockett’s Blog Hop


There really are some wonderful kitty treats that are TOTALLY SIMPLE to make so as a departure from our usual Saturday bacon………we’ll share some things to make your cat VERY HAPPY!

Teddy’s PARADE of Cat Treat Recipes:

Salmon Kitty Treats


  • 10 oz canned salmon undrained
  • 1 egg beaten
  • 2 cups whole wheat flour


  • Heat oven to 350°. Pulse 10 oz canned salmon (undrained) in a food processor and/or chop as finely as possible.
  • In a mixing bowl using a hand or stand mixer, combine salmon, 1 egg (beaten) and 2 cups whole wheat flour until dough forms. If dough is too dry, add up to 1/3 cup water. If dough is too wet or sticky, add a bit more flour. Dough should be tacky but not sticky.
  • Roll out dough on a floured surface until about 1/4 inch thick. Use a 3/4-inch cookie cutter in the shape of your choice to create your treats (or just form with your hands!)
  • Place treats on a parchment-lined baking sheet and bake at 350° for about 20 minutes. When they’re slightly browned and crunchy, they’re done.
  • Allow to cool before serving.
  • Store in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.

Chicken Treats

  • 1 ½ cups cooked chicken, shredded
  • 1 cup whole wheat flour
  • ½ cup chicken broth
  • 1/3 cup cornmeal
  • 1 tbsp. softened margarine

While your oven is preheating to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, combine the chicken, broth and margarine, then add the cornmeal and flour. Knead the dough into a ball and then roll it out to ¼ inch. Cut into one-inch pieces and bake for 20 minutes on an ungreased cookie sheet.

Cheese Treats

  • ¾ cup shredded or grated cheddar cheese
  • ¾ cup whole wheat flour
  • ¼ cup sour cream or yogurt (plain)
  • ¼ cup cornmeal
  • 5 tbsp. grated parmesan cheese

While your oven is preheating to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, combine all the ingredients into dough (add a touch of water if needed). Knead the dough into a ball and then roll it out to ¼ inch. Cut into one-inch pieces and bake for 25 minutes on a greased cookie sheet.

Note:   We found these recipes on the internet but you can create your OWN combinations with your kitty favorites just by substituting key ingredients.


We hope at least one of these will appeal to your finicky (oops – I meant “discriminating”) kitty.    All of them are pretty darn easy – be sure to store them well and since they’re fresh and contain no preservative type stuff don’t keep them FOREVER AND EVER – let your kitties have a special homemade goodie frequently !!!   After all – we deserve it!!!

Royal Hugs, King Teddy


Friendly Friday Fill-Ins


FRIDAY!!!!  YAY!!!!   Well, my Mom says she can truly remember when she felt like that anyway about Fridays back when she was working.   Friday was the BEST DAY EVER.    Now it’s “housecleaning day” which is still a good day because Mom gets help from Dad for this little chore.   I say little but in a three story house there’s a lot to clean and it’s SWELL of my Dad to pitch in!

So, here we are again – this is a great Hop that’s co-hosted by Four-Legged Furballs and 15andmeowing and the badge above will take you to 15andmeowing where you can link up for the Hop and share your FILL-INS.    Filling in sentences with blanks is a totally painless way to find out more stuff about your friends…….AND it’s fun!

Here are this week’s sentences and Mom and I kind of traded off filling in the blanks…….MY fill-ins are in RED and Mom’s are in GREEN.


1. Better to be quiet when asked a question you really do NOT have the answer to than give someone incorrect information.
2. Don’t pet me just because you think you “should” – I’d rather that you pet me because you WANT to!.
3. You couldn’t pay me to go back to working full-time.    (Note:  Don’t get me wrong – I loved working MOST of the jobs I had in my working life but I still prefer choosing what to do with my days now I’m retired!!)
4. “Delectables Squeeze-Ups”  is (are!) my comfort food.    MY MOST FAVORITE TREAT!!!
There you have it – some more exciting information about me and my Mom.   Well, maybe not EXCITING but perhaps interesting????     At any rate, be sure to join the Hop and check out everyone else’s FILL-INS!!

Happy Friday!   Teddy

Saturday Stuff

Sam Saying HI To The Camera

C'mon Mom....time to make breakfast!!

Saturday!  Kind of a day much like any other around here since my Mom and Dad are retired…..it’s not like they “sleep in” because they don’t have to go to work…….in fact they both still get up pre-dawn like they did when they worked!  Mom says some habits are hard to break.  Anyway, the one different thing about Saturday is that Daddy usually likes to have a big breakfast.  That’s OK with me because one of my most favorite treats (and yes I know I probably shouldn’t eat it but I do!) is always on the menu.  BACON!!!!!  I like a little piece of bacon.  That’s all I want – just a little piece – then I’ll walk away and leave my parents alone for the rest of their breakfast. 

But that got me thinking…….I bet we ALL have our little favorite “treats” – some of us are content with regular made-for-kitty treats (which I personally love), but some of us also like stuff that our peeps eat too. 

My particular favorites are:  bacon, butter, flavored yogurt (plain yogurt is yucky I think), once in a while a tiny edge of a piece of salami and I think that’s about it.  Now we’re talking TREATS here…..something you just get once in a while. 

Come on everybody – ‘fess up……what’s it gonna be?  What goodies do you like?  (Human visitors can confess to their favorite sinful treats here too!!!!!).

Hope everybody has a nice Saturday – whether bacon’s on your menu or not!

Your Buddy Sam

p.s.  Monday the Mr. Chirpy caper continues in London with Kozmo from CATFROMHELL – make sure and tune in to my blog AND Kozmo’s!!!!!

The “Cookie Rug”

Sam On His Cookie Rug

Having a munch on some treats (or cookies as we call them in my house!)

Hi Everybody!  Happy Saturday……today I have a sort of long story to tell which relates to this photo Mom took of me Friday.  

WAY back when I came to live with my parents twelve years ago I sort of bonded immediately with my Mom.  She was my “primary care giver” and had several cats throughout her life whereas my Dad hadn’t – maybe I somehow knew that?  Anyway, one of the things she did RIGHT OFF THE BAT was make my Dad the “cookie/treat dispenser”……her way of getting me to depend on Dad for something.  Well, it worked – big time.  The little rug that sits in front of his recliner became the spot where, if I wanted a treat, I’d go and sit and give him “THE LOOK” – sure enough, my personal cookie dispenser (aka Dad) would give me a handful of treats on the little green rug! 

Eventually of course we started calling that rug “the cookie rug”……after some years, if nobody noticed that all my treats were eaten and there weren’t any there for yours truly to munch on, I would leave a rather BLATANT and noticeable reminder that someone was falling down on the job!  That’s what the pink rubber circle is all about. 

Actually that little pink rubber circle used to live in the basement.  It was part of a toy I had torn apart (oops) many years ago…..all that was left were two rubber circles – a red one and a green one.  

It was MY idea to leave the reminder but much to my parents’ surprise, the red rubber circle that I had kept in the basement all of a sudden started appearing on that green rug – Mom said “that’s to call attention to the fact that he’s out of cookies!” and that’s exactly right.  I brought it upstairs and deposited it on Dad’s rug during the night because – horror of horrors – he FORGOT TO LEAVE ME COOKIES BEFORE HE WENT TO BED!! 

So, there you have it…….the story of the little green cookie rug and the pink rubber circle.  Mom always puts the pink circle back by my toy box if she finds it on that rug (after she gives me some treats of course!).  Sure enough…….it makes its’ way back to the REMINDER SPOT if someone doesn’t keep my treats stocked up.  Heaven forbid.  Who runs this joint anyway????????????? Hummmmmmmmmm?????

Happy Saturday gang



Sam and His Dad

Sam and His Dad Playing on the Rug
Gotcha! Daddy Playing With Me On the Rug

HA!  Mom surprised us with the camera while I was playing with my Dad on the living room rug…I was pushing my plastic straw around and Dad got down on the rug with me (which isn’t easy for him to do….HAHAHA) and we wrestled around for a while.  I didn’t want you all to think I never play with Dad since I usually talk about my Mom.  Well, honestly my Mom is the one who feeds me, cleans my litter box, usually takes me outside when I want to go, and of course provides my FAVORITE nap spot – her legs!  But Dad plays with me often too………AND, he also gives me treats.  He has a small rug in front of his recliner – we call it “the cookie rug”……..why?  Well, because the ceramic container that holds my treats is by HIS chair and when I was little I knew that was where all the goodies were kept.  SO, I’d go over to him, stand on the little rug and look up at him until he got the message and gave me a treat.   I sure have my Dad well-trained!!

I visit the cookie rug frequently during the day…….I’m no dummy.  I know that if I sit there and look adorable and stare up at Daddy, that ceramic cookie jar will open up and I’ll get a handful of treats. 
Daddys come in handy for lots of things!  Playing on the floor AND as a nice, warm cookie dispenser too!
Sammy, One Spoiled Cat (who has to go to the vet today…yuck)