Sam and His Dad

Sam and His Dad Playing on the Rug
Gotcha! Daddy Playing With Me On the Rug

HA!  Mom surprised us with the camera while I was playing with my Dad on the living room rug…I was pushing my plastic straw around and Dad got down on the rug with me (which isn’t easy for him to do….HAHAHA) and we wrestled around for a while.  I didn’t want you all to think I never play with Dad since I usually talk about my Mom.  Well, honestly my Mom is the one who feeds me, cleans my litter box, usually takes me outside when I want to go, and of course provides my FAVORITE nap spot – her legs!  But Dad plays with me often too………AND, he also gives me treats.  He has a small rug in front of his recliner – we call it “the cookie rug”……..why?  Well, because the ceramic container that holds my treats is by HIS chair and when I was little I knew that was where all the goodies were kept.  SO, I’d go over to him, stand on the little rug and look up at him until he got the message and gave me a treat.   I sure have my Dad well-trained!!

I visit the cookie rug frequently during the day…….I’m no dummy.  I know that if I sit there and look adorable and stare up at Daddy, that ceramic cookie jar will open up and I’ll get a handful of treats. 
Daddys come in handy for lots of things!  Playing on the floor AND as a nice, warm cookie dispenser too!
Sammy, One Spoiled Cat (who has to go to the vet today…yuck)

4 responses »

  1. Hi Uncle Jerry…..yep, the old man and I are buds….thru and thru….and you just know he loves me back because otherwise you wouldn’t catch him crawling around on the floor for NOTHING! HA

    Sammy, One Spoiled Cat


  2. Ahhhhh…I love this pix! You and Dad are downright purdy. I feel the love. Now if I could just get da Queen down on my level to play. Then again, who would I call to get her back up? I haven’t mastered dialing 911……….yet.


  3. Hey there Miss Kitty you Southern Belle you! Thanks for checking out the blog and the picture of my Pop crawling around on the floor playing with me and my straw. Took him a LOOOOOOONG time to get back up and I tried not to giggle while I watched! If you ever need lessons on how to dial 911 just let me know – of course I have an extra toe on my paw so dialing is pretty easy, but we can figure SOMETHING out…………….Say hi to the “other” Queen from me and my Mom will ya?

    Hugs from Sammy, One Spoiled Cat


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