Tag Archives: poem

Friendly Friday Fill-Ins


Hello everybody – time for me and Mom to do our bestest job filling in the blanks our co-hosts, 15andmeowing and Four-legged Furballs gave us to work on this week.    Every week they each supply two sentences for us to complete – it’s a cool way of getting to know more about each other isn’t it!    If you click the badge above, you will FLY over to 15andmeowing where you can join up with us using the LINKY form!

Guess who is the only filler-inner this week – ME ME ME ME!  I thought I’d go ahead and dive back in to full possession of fill-in-the-blanks at least for this week.   Maybe next week I’ll let Mom have a whack at it too.   Here’s this week’s sentences and I filled in the blanks with ORANGE!

  1.  I would like to improve my psychic skills.  (If I did, I could be in the right place at the right time for treats and knowing when Mom needs a special hug)
  2.  My favorite treat is Delectables Squeeze-ups!!.
  3.  My current to-do list includes continuing to behave when I’m allowed outside so that I won’t have to wear my harness and leash – so far so good – I stick close to Mom and Dad and I intend to KEEP it that way!
  4. I finally got my Dad to put a long stick under the couch and pull out all my springs, mice, and ping pong balls that I ACCIDENTALLY put there!

There – I did pretty good didn’t I?   Like I said, next week I’ll share with Mom or let her do the whole thing depending on the sentences…………….I mean it’s really NOT “all about me” around here – it’s about me and Mom sharing!

Speaking of sharing – I just have to brag a little bit about my Mom………………….she shared a very old poem she’d written with her friend Doctor Phoebe Chi (an amazing physician and poet as well as the lady who makes gorgeous sea glass jewelry)…………..and Miss Phoebe asked if she could publish it on her blog.   Mom said YES…………..and there’s a link below to the poem on her blog.   Mom is thrilled…..we admire Dr. Phoebe so much and to have her want to put Mom’s poem (which fits these times pretty well!) on her blog made us happy.

Keeping the Faith

Big Hugs to all of you AND to Dr. Phoebe!   

Love, Teddy


Thankful and Poetic Thursday


It’s a “Two-Fer” Day! 

We’re being THANKFUL with Brian and POETIC with Angel Sam

First up – Thankful Thursday which is hosted by my buddy Brian – if you click his BADGE you can visit his blog, and use his LINKY tool to hook up your “Thankful” post to the Hop.   We share all our thankfuls every Thursday.   After such a tough and sad week with the tragedy in Las Vegas all I can say is that I know everyone there was THANKFUL that there were so many concert attendees as well as First Responders who helped EVERYONE who needed it……..we are so sad for those who were killed and those who were wounded.   It breaks our hearts………….truly.

On a lighter note, my Angel brother Sammy didn’t let me down this week – last night he transmitted via his trusty computer which he took with him to the Rainbow Bridge when he left in December – his weekly THOROUGHLY POETIC THURSDAY poem and post…………..and HERE it is!!


Greetings from the Rainbow Bridge my friends……..

We’re working our way down (up?) the alphabet to the end – this week we’re all writing poems about ANYTHING that starts with the letter “Q”………….I did give you some prompts if you needed them to help get your creativity jump-started last week……….these were the prompts which you could use if you needed to!

(1) Quiet (2) Quarrel (3) Q-Tip (4) Quack

If you wrote a poem this week, you can put your blog link in the comments here and we’ll follow the link and read your MASTERPIECE or you can even just type your poem in our comments and we’ll read it here!    I hope you wrote something though – if I can write poetry my friends, YOU can write poetry.  Give it a try – you might surprise yourself!!!!


By Sammy Kimmell, October 5, 2017

Late at night when you’ve gone to bed

You might have visions of me in your head

In that twilight time before you sleep

We Angels visit – into your beds we creep!

We snuggle up close and let you know

We miss you too – it’s love we show………

We’re quiet and careful not to wake you up!

We won’t knock over the clock or your water cup!

We just want to be with you for a little while

Even though you’re asleep, we can see your smile….

We cannot stay, we must all be quick…..

But on your hand or your cheek we might give a lick!

A kiss of love, a promise that we will keep

To be with you on your journey for your FINAL SLEEP………….


We Angels will be with you – our beloved humans – when your turn comes……it’s what we do……it’s our turn to take care of YOU like you took care of us when we were with you.   Now if that’s not TRUE LOVE, what is????   

Next week we will be celebrating the letter “R” and I’ll give you four prompt words to help you get your imagination going and thinking of what YOU will write about next Thursday!   Ready?

(1) Rain (2) Run (3) Ruin (4) Rabbit

Maybe those will give you some ideas………..you can write about ANYTHING that starts with an “R” though………use your imagination – we animals have good imaginations !!!!    I hope you have a great week and I’ll look forward to reading your poetry next Thursday!    Give it a try – you might just have FUN writing a poem!!

I Love and Miss You All,

Angel Sammy


Thanks dear brother……………..I know you’ll inspire at least a couple of our friends to give writing a poem for Thoroughly Poetic Thursday a whirl next week!    Meanwhile, thanks to everybody for stopping by today…………we hope you have a THANKFUL and POETIC day today!

Yep – it’s me – with my torn up red cube AND my “Mr. Rag” that is my best buddy and pal

Love, Teddy the Butter Bean

It’s Double Up Day!


Thankful Thursday and Poetic Challenge ALL IN ONE!

First up – let’s talk about being THANKFUL!    Every Thursday the blogosphere shares with each other some of the things that we are THANKFUL for – new things, old things, doesn’t matter – most of us have things we truly are thankful for and we’re no exception here at One Spoiled Cat!    Thank you Brian for hosting this wonderful Blog Hop – if you want to join in – click his badge and visit him to use the LINK tool and you’re IN!

Mom is thankful that Angel Sammy sent me to his old shelter so my Mom and Dad would find me – I’m thankful HE did that and that THEY found me!   Those are BIG thankfuls for me.   Angel Sammy is thankful that when he arrived at the Rainbow Bridge it was everything he thought it would be and more.   He has US here if he needs us and he has all his Angel friends THERE if he needs them and to do good works with since Angels work hard every day.   Mom is thankful for many MANY things…….to have her health again, to be ALIVE and about to have her 70th birthday, to be married to my Dad for 27 years in a couple of weeks, to have ME (tee hee), to have a comfortable home and all the things she wants or needs……….fortunate?  We all are.   We’re THANKFUL.

I also received a BLOG AWARD from some friends this week but I’m going to write about that and follow the “rules” for the award in another post – but until then, we want to THANK our friends Hemingway and Steinbeck  for nominating us for this award!    You two are such good buddies and pals.

The second part of my blog post today is one I do WITH my Angel brother Sammy.     This is the THIRD TIME to go through the alphabet here on the blog – can you believe it?   We’re chugging our way through and have made it to the letter “J”…………….As you all know, Angel Sammy transmits HIS poem to me via his laptop computer and the Rainbow Wi-Fi link every Wednesday night so I can post it for you every Thursday morning!    His way of keeping in touch with us all!

Here’s what I got from him last night:

Greetings From Paradise !

Hello Friends!   Oh how I look forward to Thursday of every week so we can share our poetry with each other………….I write mine from my vantage point of the Rainbow Bridge, and you write yours from wherever you are………..and we enjoy each other’s thoughts.   Remember if you decide to write a poem you can post it HERE in our blog comments OR you can give us in comments your blog link where we can zip off to read your words!   Poems do not have to rhyme…….poems are thoughts we put together for the purpose of sharing and putting what we think or feel into words.  

We are up to the letter “J” and I gave you four prompt words that you could choose to use one or more of but you can write about ANYTHING starting with the letter “J” !!!    These were the prompts I gave you last week if you needed an inspiration:


I’m using one of my prompts from last week – the word “JUNGLE”!


By Angel Sammy Kimmell, August 16, 2017

Cats all share one special feature

An “inner” soul of a fierce, wild creature!

Pretending we are stalking dangerous prey

We practice hard almost every day!

Among the houseplants or gardens we bungle

Pretending we’re tigers in our own private jungle

We sneak up on toys, food bowls or your TOES

Where we’ll attack nobody knows!

Our jungle can be among furniture or on beds

Or the blankets, sheets and pillows where you put your heads!

As long as we THINK that we cannot be seen

We stalk and have fun and try not to be MEAN

Our inner wild animal comes out as we play

Then we tuck it back inside to let loose the next day!



Now it’s YOUR turn!   Write a poem – trust me – you will feel good sharing a thought or idea or feeling…………I do it every Thursday with all of you – give it a try!    Now for NEXT week’s prompt words which might jump start your thoughts for a poem!  

(1) KISS  (2) KEY  (3) KING  (4) KINDLE

Good luck my friends and I’ll look forward to seeing you NEXT Thursday for Thoroughly Poetic Thursday with ME!!

I will love you all FOREVER, Angel Sammy

Thank you dear brother………………we’ll look forward to next Thursday and in the meantime everyone – why not take Angel Sammy’s suggestion and WRITE A POEM !!

Hugs, Teddy

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Double Duty Thursday!

Thankful Thursday with Brian and

Thoroughly Poetic Thursday with Angel Sam

First let’s talk about Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.    All of us who want to share what we’re thankful for join in and link up and talk about thankfulness.    Click on his badge above and you can use the Linky tool and hook up too!     Today I have to say I’m very thankful that I have a nice cool house to live in – why?  Because we’re having days close to the 100s and that means HOT HOT HOT.   Makes me think of all those animals who don’t have a nice cool home and access to fresh water.   It’s sad isn’t it.   Makes us realize how GOOD we have it.

The second part of today’s blog belongs to my brother Angel Sammy……………it was his idea to begin writing poetry and sharing it on Thursdays and drawing everyone into the “game” by going through the alphabet each Thursday and write a poem about something starting with a letter of the alphabet.    This past year we started our third time through the alphabet but with a twist – this time you can either write a poem about ANYTHING starting with that week’s letter OR use one of Angel Sammy’s “prompt” words!     This week we’re doing the letter “E” and his prompts for that letter are:

(1) Earth  (2) Evil  (3) Escape  (4) Empty

Angel Sammy transmitted via his wi-fi connection at the Bridge the following for today’s Thoroughly Poetic Thursday!     If you wrote a poem and would like to share it, you can tell us you did and give us your blog link in my comments  OR you could even write your poem in my comments and we’ll be able to read it here…….either way, it’s fun to try your hand at writing a poem.  We hope you give it a try!     Here’s what I got from Angel Sammy overnight:

Hello My Friends!

Today is Thursday and it’s time for me to share the poem I wrote honoring the letter “E” as we upsh our way through the alphabet yet again!    I decided to use one of my prompt words – which one?  Well I chose the word EMPTY!

“E” is for “Empty”

by Angel Sammy Kimmell, July 12, 2017

Empty means there’s nothing there

It’s gone, it’s finished, nothing to spare

There’s empty words, empty brains (!) and empty hearts

Empty gas tanks, food bowls, and grocery carts!

NEVER empty was the cat food shelf in our kitchen

Even though brands of food I was constantly switching!

Empty means nothing there and that was NOT me

I lived my life on FULL and happy as could be

And that’s what I wish for you, that you’re FULL of love like me. 


Before I go, let me give you NEXT week’s prompt words – remember you don’t have to use one of these words – you can write a poem about ANYTHING starting with the letter “F” OK?    My suggested prompts are:

(1)  Feast  (2) Frog  (3)  Frosty  (4) Family

Be Happy!   Hugs, Angel Sammy

Thank you Angel Sammy………….I’ll look forward to seeing what you come up with for next week…………AND now I think I’ll see if anyone has left a poem in our comments today OR a link to their poem on their own blog!!!!

But first a need a nap……tee hee………Love, Teddy



Thanks Angel Sammy for sending me this poem – I’ve printed it out and tacked it up above my bed to remind me to never get EMPTY and to always stay FULL!!

Now if you’d like to know what

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Thankful Thursday Time

(then we’ll be creatively poetic!)

Time again to join Brian’s “Thankful Thursday” blog hop – and you can too if you just click the badge above and use the LINKY tool when you arrive to add your blog link and SHARE!   Today I’m thankful for bunches of things………..I’m thankful that I have a COOL house to live in because it’s been unbelievably HOT around here and it makes me worry about all the animals that don’t have a home to be safe and cool in.   I know Angel Sammy is cool – he says it’s perfect temperature all the time at the Rainbow Bridge……!    We are lucky AND we are thankful.    I can stretch out in Mom’s office and enjoy the perfect temperature…………..

Being CUTE before I went over to my beat up kitty cube to snooze…..

In La La Land snoozing………

Now for Angel Sammy’s Thoroughly Poetic Thursday and today is the FIRST DAY so we will start the alphabet ALLLLLL over again for the THIRD time!    You have a choice of doing a poem about ANYTHING you pick which starts with the letter “A”, OR, using one of Angel Sammy’s prompt words to write your poem about for “A”.    The words he gave us last week are:

(1)  ANTS   (2)  ANGER  (3) APPLES  (4) ANKLES

Sammy decided to do a poem with one of the prompts and chose ANKLES!



By Angel Sammy Kimmell, 6/15/17

When I was just a little kit

It’s Mommy’s ankles that took a hit

I’d wait for her to walk on by

Then leap and grab a leg in a flash of an eye!

I’d wrap my arms and hold on tight

Then bite her ankle with all my might!

I know it was mean but it sure was fun

Mom would usually laugh – THEN RUN!!!!

What is it about an ankle that’s hard to resist?

I’m just not sure but I will insist

That kitties deserve a good ankle bitey

To settle for less just wouldn’t be righty!


HAHA Angel Sammy – that was a good one………………..!!    I can’t wait to read everyone else’s poem today and you all can give us your blog link to your poem in our comments OR even compose and show off your poem in our comments…..but for heavens’ sake, give writing a poem a try because it’s GOOD for your creativity and FUN for us to read!

Angel Sammy gave me four prompt words for NEXT week’s poetry challenge which will be with the letter “B”………………remember you can do ANY “B” word for your poem or use one of his prompts – it doesn’t matter – just write!

(1)  BANANA (2)  BATH  (3)  BRAVE  (4)  BALLOON

Now, what’s tomorrow???

FRIENDLY FILL-IN FRIDAY with co-hosts 15andMeowing and McGuffy’s Reader…….see you then!

Angel Sammy and Teddy too…………….