It’s Double Up Day!


Thankful Thursday and Poetic Challenge ALL IN ONE!

First up – let’s talk about being THANKFUL!    Every Thursday the blogosphere shares with each other some of the things that we are THANKFUL for – new things, old things, doesn’t matter – most of us have things we truly are thankful for and we’re no exception here at One Spoiled Cat!    Thank you Brian for hosting this wonderful Blog Hop – if you want to join in – click his badge and visit him to use the LINK tool and you’re IN!

Mom is thankful that Angel Sammy sent me to his old shelter so my Mom and Dad would find me – I’m thankful HE did that and that THEY found me!   Those are BIG thankfuls for me.   Angel Sammy is thankful that when he arrived at the Rainbow Bridge it was everything he thought it would be and more.   He has US here if he needs us and he has all his Angel friends THERE if he needs them and to do good works with since Angels work hard every day.   Mom is thankful for many MANY things…….to have her health again, to be ALIVE and about to have her 70th birthday, to be married to my Dad for 27 years in a couple of weeks, to have ME (tee hee), to have a comfortable home and all the things she wants or needs……….fortunate?  We all are.   We’re THANKFUL.

I also received a BLOG AWARD from some friends this week but I’m going to write about that and follow the “rules” for the award in another post – but until then, we want to THANK our friends Hemingway and Steinbeck  for nominating us for this award!    You two are such good buddies and pals.

The second part of my blog post today is one I do WITH my Angel brother Sammy.     This is the THIRD TIME to go through the alphabet here on the blog – can you believe it?   We’re chugging our way through and have made it to the letter “J”…………….As you all know, Angel Sammy transmits HIS poem to me via his laptop computer and the Rainbow Wi-Fi link every Wednesday night so I can post it for you every Thursday morning!    His way of keeping in touch with us all!

Here’s what I got from him last night:

Greetings From Paradise !

Hello Friends!   Oh how I look forward to Thursday of every week so we can share our poetry with each other………….I write mine from my vantage point of the Rainbow Bridge, and you write yours from wherever you are………..and we enjoy each other’s thoughts.   Remember if you decide to write a poem you can post it HERE in our blog comments OR you can give us in comments your blog link where we can zip off to read your words!   Poems do not have to rhyme…….poems are thoughts we put together for the purpose of sharing and putting what we think or feel into words.  

We are up to the letter “J” and I gave you four prompt words that you could choose to use one or more of but you can write about ANYTHING starting with the letter “J” !!!    These were the prompts I gave you last week if you needed an inspiration:


I’m using one of my prompts from last week – the word “JUNGLE”!


By Angel Sammy Kimmell, August 16, 2017

Cats all share one special feature

An “inner” soul of a fierce, wild creature!

Pretending we are stalking dangerous prey

We practice hard almost every day!

Among the houseplants or gardens we bungle

Pretending we’re tigers in our own private jungle

We sneak up on toys, food bowls or your TOES

Where we’ll attack nobody knows!

Our jungle can be among furniture or on beds

Or the blankets, sheets and pillows where you put your heads!

As long as we THINK that we cannot be seen

We stalk and have fun and try not to be MEAN

Our inner wild animal comes out as we play

Then we tuck it back inside to let loose the next day!



Now it’s YOUR turn!   Write a poem – trust me – you will feel good sharing a thought or idea or feeling…………I do it every Thursday with all of you – give it a try!    Now for NEXT week’s prompt words which might jump start your thoughts for a poem!  

(1) KISS  (2) KEY  (3) KING  (4) KINDLE

Good luck my friends and I’ll look forward to seeing you NEXT Thursday for Thoroughly Poetic Thursday with ME!!

I will love you all FOREVER, Angel Sammy

Thank you dear brother………………we’ll look forward to next Thursday and in the meantime everyone – why not take Angel Sammy’s suggestion and WRITE A POEM !!

Hugs, Teddy

41 responses »

  1. I’m so glad that an angel was there to lead your pawrents to you ;o) and I agree cats are tigers, they may be a little smaller, but they are related with the mighty cats… and size doen’t matter you have the power of a tiger and the heart of a lion :o)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Phenny you are SO VERY WISE for a young guy……I think Easy has given you some extra “smarts” to figure things out – we kitties are all tigers – different sizes but still lionhearted through and through! GRRRRR!!!!!

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Bravo Bravo Angel Sammy…what a great poem about Jungle…the home of our 10th cousins.
    I love this line
    We sneak up on toys, food bowls or your TOES

    Where we’ll attack nobody knows!
    Ohhhh the K words might present more of a challenge than the J words…we’ll see what the party in Mom’s head comes up with next week
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • Madi between you and your Mom, I know you won’t disappoint next Thursday and you ladies will produce another FABULOUS poem for us! I’m so happy you are feeling good – whatever was getting you down has obviously “left the building” !!!!!

      Love, Teddy


  3. This is such a wonderful post. I am glad your Mom and you have much to be thankful for. I am thankful for her friendship and your too. That was an excellent Jungle poem and so true. I love tyour artsy photo Teddy and congrats on your much deserved award. XO


  4. What a spectacular poem today, Sammy. We know your brother Teddy loves playing jungle games. You found the perfect kitty for you mom and dad. We have a poem today for Astrid and Lisbeth’s birthday. http://WWW.THECATONMYHEAD.COM/astrid-lisbeth-birthday-girls/ They’d like to thank Teddy again for their beautiful card. Love to all. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy


    • We love your poem for the girls’ birthday – I do hope they had a most special day – the sisters may not be “cuddle buddies” but they are part of the KB Krew TOGETHER. Thanks for joining in our Poetic Thursday – you always have a FABULOUS poem to share!

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. This post is all shades of purrfection! Teddy, we just love reading about all the wonderful things for which you are thankful. You and Angel Sammy and your mom and dad are all so lucky to have each other. And, of course, we love your poem, Angel Sammy! The kitties here love playing jungle games, that’s for sure. Purrs, and concatulations on your award, too!


    • Thank you for the kudos….Angel Sammy does a pretty darn good job on Thursdays – he has always loved writing poetry – I’m glad he’s still doing that at the Bridge!!!!

      Love, Teddy the Tiger


  6. That was a wonderful poem. Zoe and Raja love to stalk through the garden and the house, too. They love catching bugs and pieces of paper.
    Yael from


  7. Hello Teddy,
    I love your Jungle poem. You are so talented. Me… not so much.
    Did you know dat tomorrow is National Bad Poetry Day? Yup. Dat’s more my speed.


    • Hi Ranger!!!! I think bad poetry is just as tough to write as good poetry (!!!!!)…….seriously though, that’s a FUN day to celebrate and heaven knows there’s plenty of poems out there that would qualify! HAHAHA

      Sending you HUGS,


  8. That was such a good jungle poem, Teddy. We are very thankful to you for being our friend. We have so much to be thankful for. The whole world needs to take a break and remember all the good things in their lives and put all the evil and nasty stuff away.

    Woos – Lightning and Misty


    • I would love it if the world would take a break….things are moving too fast and in a difficult direction. What’s with that? We animals of the world think humans need to STOP and smell the roses!

      Love, Teddy


    • Sorry you had a rough week but with Clyde I’m sure it’s been EXTRA hard….sounds like he’s doing so much better though!! We think you are amazing with all you do AND kitties too!!!! They are precious.

      Love, Teddy and Mom too


  9. Our tomatoes are juicy…
    Hanging in their tall green jungle.
    the peeps make the bugs jump –
    Out of the way…They are shooed…
    The two leggers go harump.
    When they see hornworms -Hey!
    You can’t chew on our food.
    They are so jealous,
    And guard them quite zealous.
    So they go on to the dump…
    The compost pile – a vegetation hump…
    in our yard, there they may chew…
    Or become for the birds a worm stew!

    And Angel Sammy, your poem about the life of kitties is so eloquent today:)

    And concats on your blogging honor!


    • Oh I love your POEM!!!!!!! My Mom is a tomato-holic and just loves the smell of a nice ripe tomato on the vine. Hornworms fortunately haven’t invaded our plant…..Mom’s guarding the tomato vigilantly! Thanks for the kudos for Angel Sammy’s poem too……..

      Love, Teddy


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