Tag Archives: Photo poem

Thankful and Thoroughly Poetic Thursday


Hi Everybody!   Thursday rolls around again and we join Brian’s Blog Hop which is ALL ABOUT THANKFULS!     Those of us who want to share our thankfuls go to his blog (click above) and fill out the LINKY form and enter our URL and we’re IN!    We are thankful for a number of things this week including:   The Cat Blogosphere is BACK with new hosts including Brian’s Dad, we had two sunny days out of the last seven so I was finally able to get some sun puddle action, our lawn tractor died but my Dad has a part on order so there’s hope for the old machine (20 years old!) yet, we’ve had our house power washed and our gutters cleaned out of all that disgusting oak pollen…………AND…………..AND……….well, I guess that’s about it since I’ve run out of thankfuls.    However I will say this – if we REALLY TRULY think about it, every single day we are thankful to HAVE that day.   None of us knows how long we will be here so be THANKFUL for every day.   Right?

I received Angel Sammy’s Thoroughly Poetic poem last night via email from the Bridge.   He never lets us down.   Here’s what he sent for all of us to see:


Happy Thursday – it’s poetry challenge day!

Another Thursday and another chance to show us your poetic skills in matching your words with a photo that I’ve given to spark your imagination.    We had some great poetry from you all last week with the photo of the two kittens.  This week’s photo has a lot of possibilities.    If you’ve crafted a poem to share, make sure and tell you you did in the blog comments so we can visit your post and read your poem – OR just write your poem in our comments – either way, share your words with us.   Some of you have said you’d like to try writing a poem SO GO AHEAD AND DO IT!   I encourage you to – you’ll find that it’s not so tough and knowing that poetry doesn’t necessarily mean rhyming helps….also there are long poems, short poems, and so many poetic forms that it’s totally amazing.   Anyway, here’s the poem I wrote for the photo I gave you last week.

“Day Is Done”

By Angel Sammy Kimmell    June 7, 2018

Days on vacation filled with fun

Good times don’t end with the fading sun

Night magic happens as the lights flicker on

Crickets call, frogs serenade, with nature we are one

Reflecting back on the day we have spent

Our vacation so perfect in this cabin we did rent

We cooked out, rowed the boat, caught fish, took a hike

All in the quiet of no trucks, no cars, and no motorbikes….

Just peace and quiet and breathing in the fresh air

Letting go of all worries as we sat on porch chairs.

When we return to “real life” we will treasure these days

We’ll recall the special moments before they fade in life’s haze

In the album will go the photos from this trip to the lake

Knowing next year when we return here, more memories we’ll make………


My Mom and Dad have often said they’d like to spend one vacation they take in a cabin on a lake.   They love Maine and have always stayed right on the ocean but Mom thinks the lake district would be a fun change with a quiet cabin, fire in the fireplace, and a rowboat to explore the shore.   I think Teddy would enjoy that – I was a little too “scaredy” for adventure but Teddy is different and I think he’d like it.    ANYWAY, there are also beautiful lakes and cabins in Virginia so they don’t have to TRAVEL far to find that little cabin on a lake.

Are you ready to see the photo I’ve picked for your poetic inspiration this week and your subsequent poem for next Thursday????

I think this will be another FUN one…………….let your imagination take you to a place where poetry just HAPPENS and share your poem with us next week!   I hope you join in the fun.   Until then, remember, I’ll be watching over you along with all your other friends at the Rainbow Bridge!

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love, Angel Sammy


YAY!   I like your poem this week my brother but I can’t hardly wait for next week’s.    It looks like a magical spot where teeny tiny people might live…………hmm……..maybe I’ll head out to the woods with Mom now and take a peek!

Love, Teddy

No mushrooms or tiny people under here!!

Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Hello and Happy Thursday!    Today we start off with being THANKFUL on Brian’s Blog Hop.   We all share something we are thankful for and let’s face it – we are all thankful for SOMETHING right?    Want to join us?  Please do – click his badge above and fill out the LINKY tool and you’re in!    Thanks Brian for hosting this.

Today I will say that I’m very thankful my Dad indulges me in my need to go outside.   A perfect example of just how special that is to me is today it’s raining like MAD – you  might say it’s raining cats and dogs in fact!

So you might expect that Dad would say “nope – not taking you out in the pouring rain – that’s crazy!”……………instead he put on his raincoat and rain boots and out we went.  He figured I wouldn’t go further than the covered front porch but he was WRONG.    I did go out in the pouring rain and ran all over the place getting absolutely DRENCHED.    He stayed under the roof of the porch until I wandered a bit far afield then he came down into the pouring rain WITH me and stayed with me.    After about 15 minutes even I had had enough.    Mom laughed when she opened the front door and wrapped me in a big old towel and gave me a rubdown.    Dad was just happy to get back in the warmth!     But I had to say that VERY FEW Dads or Moms would have done that – wouldn’t you say?    I mean it’s probably one thing if you HAVE to go outside in a pouring rain to do your business but I wanted to out there to PLAY.    Dad let me.   WOO HOO FOR DAD.

Now I guess you want to know if Angel Sammy sent me his poem for today and I must say OF COURSE HE DID!   Has he ever let us down?   Nope!   Here’s what he sent.


Time for Thoroughly Poetic Thursday!

Here we are yet again everyone – and I do hope you wrote a poem to share for today like I did.   I know it’s “just another thing in the week” having a poetry day but I am hoping that more of you will pawticipate since it’s just so much fun.    My sincere thanks (and a hug) to all of you who are writing a poem every week based on the photo I give you the week before.    I gave you a rather interesting photo last week don’t you think?   It was somewhat MAGICAL in feel and I bet you felt it too – I’m sure it reflects in your poems.    Here’s the photo you had to think about and write about followed by my poem:

“Magic Tree”

By Angel Sammy Kimmell     April 26, 2018

An ancient old tree with arms spread wide

Plenty of holes for squirrels to hide

Time seems to have passed you by

As you reached your arms up towards the sky

Creatures you have held in your welcome embrace

Shelter and comfort, offering such a safe place

Storms, and winds and lightning strikes and hail

Have tried to batter you but to no avail

Your strength has kept you from an ending so tragic

I am absolutely sure you are a tree of MAGIC!


I wonder how many of you studied this photo closely and noticed one particular detail high up in the tree branches on the right side of the picture…………facing the sun is a cardinal………..and I would be willing to bet you it was thinking “this is MY tree and I feel the magic!”…………of course that tree can hold dozens of birds, squirrels, and all other manner of critters but for that cardinal all that matters is the magic moment facing the sun when the tree is ALL HIS!     

If you wrote a poem be sure and tell us in comments here on Teddy’s blog……….OR you can even write your poem in our comments!    Just be sure and share……….we love reading your work.   

How about next week?    I’m sure you can’t wait to see what photo I’m going to give you to spark your imaginations for another poem………….here it is:

Love that face……………this will be another great one to write a poem about…….It was nice visiting with you again my friends………I hope you will join me next week in sharing a poem.   I know you see a lot in this guy’s face.    Tell us all about it in a poem!

Oui Oui – me in my French beret which inspires my POETRY!

Love and Hugs, Angel Sammy


Thanks Angel Sammy……..The face I love seeing the most is YOURS!    I wish it was here in purrrrrson so we could nap and play together but I know one day we will do that so I’ll be patient – I have a long life to live taking care of our Mom and Dad!

Hope to see all of you next Thursday as we are THANKFUL and POETIC together.

Love, Teddy

Me and Dad on a NICE SUNNY day (not like today for sure!)

Thankful and Poetic Thursday


It’s Thursday!   Time for the THANKFUL blog hop Brian hosts at his blog AND for Angel Sammy’s poetry day.    First though let’s give some time to be THANKFUL.   If you want to join us, please click Brian’s badge and join in by filling out the LINKY tool.    It’s great to share our thankfuls every week.    This week I’m super thankful that the weather has been nice enough that I’d been able to go outside a LOT and it’s not even really NICE and Springy – but it’s NICER than winter weather so my parents have been taking me out more.   I love being in my yard……..I munch on grass (yes we actually have some coming up already!) and enjoy the sun on my furs (if the sun’s out of course otherwise I just ENJOY the fresh air).    Mom and Dad are positive I was an outdoor kitty before they adopted me – I love the great outdoors and actually enjoy the COLD.    I think that’s why they think maybe I was a barn cat or had a major outside connection.   I can’t give it up but at least I’m SAFE out there with my harness and leash on.

Now for the next part of today’s blog – Angel Sammy transmitted his POETIC THUSDAY poem to me via his internet connection at the Rainbow Bridge so I will show you that now!


Hello Friends!   Ready for some poetry?

I hope some more of you have thought a little more about joining in our Poetry Challenge every week because it sure is FUN.    I didn’t have a lot of time to work on a poem this week because they are keeping us busy at the Bridge with Easter and Passover coming up……..we have a lot of ANGELIC duties to take care of you know.    BUT I did find some time and using the photo I gave you last week as your poetic inspiration, I crafted my poem based on this photo!  

First of all – don’t you just LOVE this photo?   what a fabulous spot this would be to spend a summer afternoon…………all those beautiful tulips and petty green trees and grass????!!!!   Spread out a picnic blanket and VOILA – heavenly!    So here’s the poem I wrote to go with this photo.

“Happy Faces”

By Angel Sammy Kimmell    March 28, 2018


Acres of blooms in gardens galore

Springtime is popping with flowers and more

Trees bud and shrubs grow and nature awakes

New growth needs warm breezes and all the sun it can take

Blooming flowers in colors from pastels to deep hue

Glistening in morning sun as it shines on the dew

Have you ever noticed when you see flowers that they make you smile?

It’s great to observe if you sit down in a garden for a while

People stop and point and smell the bouquet of  scent in the air

For a minute or an hour, you can forget all your cares

Get lost in the glory that comes from the flowers

Their beauty and color contain so much power

A garden of flowers is such a happy place

It’s for sure you will see more than one happy face!


Flowers are special – and you can’t look at a garden full of flowers without smiling at the wonder of the beauty of nature.   I used to go out in to my Mom’s garden when she had one in our backyard and just SIT…….I sometimes would lie down and squash some flowers accidentally (oops) and stay there for an hour – sometimes falling asleep while Mom pulled weeds or cut flowers all around me.   I just found it a happy place.   She doesn’t have a flower garden anymore but it’s a fond memory of mine.    I expect Teddy will enjoy being outside with Mom as she weeds her perennial bed (which is a lot less work to have!).    

I hope you enjoyed my poem today and I bet when I read YOURS I will enjoy them too!    The tulip photo speaks to me of SPRING and EASTER and warm weather…………..what did the photo “tell” you when you looked at it?    If you wrote a poem, tell us you did in comments and give us your blog link so we can read it OR put your poem in our comments and SHARE.   

Meanwhile, I have a photo for your NEXT WEEK’s poem inspiration……………can’t wait to see what you write for this one.   

Our poetry challenge will be to write a poem about this photo – how does it make you feel?  What do you see and what do you think.    I will see the answers to those questions NEXT Thursday when we share our poetry!  


Oui Oui – me in my French beret which inspires my POETRY!

Big Angelic Hugs from me to all of you!   



Thank you Angel Sammy!   I love your poem today but then again I love all your poems.   I hope everyone else wrote one – it’s fun to see what people come up with.    Thanks for joining in the fun everybody.

Hugs, Teddy


Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Is it Thursday already?  Yep it is……..time to talk about being Thankful – which I am and always will be.     If you are wanting to talk about how thankful you are just join in the Thankful Hop hosted by Brian – simply click the badge above and go sign up!

I’m thankful that we did NOT get snow from either of the weather systems that caused havoc north of us…………what we DID get was tons of wind – powerful wind – lots of our neighbors lost shingles, siding and trees…….we lost ONE big oak down in our woods, and had a lot of “little stuff” to clean up out of the yard.   So I’m THANKFUL too that we didn’t have damage to the house.

My Mom is thankful that she won a contest at The Evil Squirrel’s Nest blog………there were three random pictures posted and the project was to write something, draw something, or otherwise somehow make a cohesive story or whatever out of the three photos.    Someone else won the actual competition but Mom was in the draw for the “random winner” and her number was picked!  So she has a new badge on our website from the Squirrel.    YAY for Mom!    This was her entry HERE.

Now the second part of our Thursday post is always what I get from my Angel brother Sammy who sends in his Photo Poetry Challenge via email from the Rainbow Bridge – this week of course he didn’t let any of us down – I got his poem and I’m sharing the email I got from him courtesy of “Rainbow Wi-Fi” below!


Hello Friends and Fellow Poets (or Readers!)   Time to share a poem!!

We were watching from the Rainbow Bridge as many of you had yucky weather to deal with – you know we have no influence over the weather but we were hoping everyone would be alright and thank heavens most of you were.    We only have gentle breezes and sunshiny days at the Bridge you know – we are lucky but then the price we pay for that beauty is having to be physically apart from our beloved families…………we are ALWAYS with you in spirit though!!

Here is the photo I gave you LAST week to use as your “inspiration” for this week’s photo poetry……………….I hope you were able to find time to write a poem inspired by this wacky little photo???   If you did, please share your blog link to your poem in my comments here OR write your poem IN our comments.   We’d love to see if you had as much fun as I did with this photo.

“Capturing Humans”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell, March 7, 2018

A professional photographer is my job at the zoo

I use my camera to take photos of you!

I try to take photos of things fascinating

Like groups of loud humans congregating

They move in herds or occasionally alone

They usually have a thing on one ear they call “phone”

They chatter away with their group like WE do

They giggle and point when they come to our zoo

They don’t seem to notice that we find them amusing

They do funny things that we find so confusing!

They have something we don’t – why can’t they see?

They can roam at will……..and we LONG to be free.


Sometimes it makes us sad that so many animals are in cages but zoos are doing a better job of giving animals in captivity more natural habitats AND because endangered animals are taken care of in zoos, they are PROTECTED !     That’s a GOOD thing!    But still I wonder how many of them see humans roaming freely and wish they could do that.   Probably more than we will ever know……………………..Now did you write a poem this week?   If not, I hope you will consider doing one next week – you can write one – I know you can.

Here’s next week’s inspirational photo……………I bet you can do something with this one – we’ll compare poems next week OK?    It’s a deal……………………

This one will be interesting………

So I will see you here next week on Thursday…………..I’ll be anxious to read your poems……………..C’mon now don’t let me down!    Meanwhile know that I am watching out for all of you – my friends – from the Rainbow Bridge.

Oui Oui – me in my French beret which inspires my POETRY!

Love, Angel Sammy



Thanks Angel Sammy.    I can’t wait to read everyone’s poems for today as we visit our blog buddies AND just wonder what they will “see” in next week’s photo – what I see scares me to death!    HAHAHA

Love, Teddy

This is as close to WATER I want to get – forget surfing!!!

Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Today We’re THANKFUL with Brian and Poetic with Sammy!

Thursday is our “two posts for one” day – we’re starting off with being Thankful on Thursday with our friend Brian (click badge above) and joining his Thankful Blog Hop.   We all share what we’re thankful for and it’s fun to see what everyone has been thankful for the previous week.   If you click the badge you will go there and you can join up with the rest of us!

I have a kind of silly thankful this week – today is day TWO of some incredible weather here in Virginia.   It’s February and we have two days in a row of almost 80 degrees.   That is TRULY weird.   Oh a “normal” February day, it’s anywhere from 30 -45 degrees and maybe some snow thrown in the mix.   We even DID have snow this past Saturday!    Anyway, it’s been glorious and I’ve been able to get Mom and Dad to take me out on the front porch for some SUN and some fresh air and lots of walks around the yard.   I’ve dug some holes, eaten some grass and rolled around in the dirt!   LIFE IS GOOD.   Tonight cold comes back so I’ve been very THANKFUL for a break!

Onward to part two of our blog today which is when we get to see the poem Angel Sammy sent us for his Poetic Thursday challenge……………


It’s Poetic Thursday my friends…

Nice to be with you all today – Thursday is MY day with what used to be MY blog but my little brother Teddy is now hosting.    He does a great job but gives me some space to do MY thing on Thursdays.    Every week I give you a PHOTO and your challenge is to write a poem about that photo – what does it make you think about, what do you feel when you look at it, what comes to mind, etc.    It’s a lot of fun……..AND everyone can write a poem if you just try.     Honest!     After I share my poem from this past week’s photo, I’ll give you a NEW photo for NEXT Thursday to write a poem about……….

Here was last week’s Photo inspiration:


By Angel Sammy Kimmell   Feb. 22, 2018

There are times when we really want to be alone

No knocks on the door, no ringing telephone

Just relaxing in the quiet of a “newborn” day

No questions asked – so no answers to say

But being alone isn’t always the best

We might have a problem to get off our chest!

We might need some help with a problem or two

Or perhaps there are times when only a hug will do…

Still, it’s important to feel “whole” when we’re just one

For each of us has a journey of our own to be done

The road we each travel is ours to complete

Although having a partner makes the trip much more sweet.


Sometimes it’s good to be alone………..but sometimes we really don’t want to be alone and need a friend or partner to be there for us and with us.    We are though individuals over and above what we are with others so we HAVE to be comfortable within ourselves.   My Mom says she learned this when she was single after being married the first time!!   She didn’t know how to be ONE – she only knew how to be HALF of two!     I was always alone being an “only kitty” but to tell you the truth, I was always MUCH happier when my Mom and Dad were there with me………….  That was the inspiration for my poem today.    And “ALONE” was the first thing that popped into my head when I wrote my poem for today.   

Did you write a poem?   If you did, how about giving us the link to your poem in my comments?   We can ALL read it!   If you didn’t write one – join us next week……I promise you’ll have fun.    Now for next week’s photo inspiration!!

This one ought to be fun right?   I’ll see you next week – can’t wait to see what you do with this photo…………..it’s thought-provoking for sure!   

Oui Oui – me in my French beret which inspires my POETRY!

Love, Angel Sammy


Thanks my brother!    That was a doozy of a poem…………….and I’ll be looking forward to next Thursday when we get together again to be THANKFUL and to read POETRY together!!!

Hugs, Teddy


We learned this morning that Sarge – Blogville’s favorite pawlice chief and friend to all, has left for the Rainbow Bridge.   We hadn’t heard from him in a long time and then when we did – it was this sad news……..we will always remember this special guy.   You can leave a message for his family HERE