Tag Archives: France

Teaser Tell All


Time To Tell!

Wasn’t that a fun Teaser?    We were starting to wonder if anyone would guess it when WHAMMO – someone did!


First things first though………………please have a seat and get ready to cheer for the person who was our FIRST COMMENTER.    You know how sometimes we have SEVERAL people within the first sixty seconds to comment so we give away several FIRST COMMENTER badges?    Well this isn’t the case this week because our FIRST COMMENTER was the ONLY one in the first minute.



Miss Sharon is a FREQUENT FLYER in the First Commenter department but usually we have more than one FIRSTIE – this week this badge (which is a new one!) is ALL YOURS Miss Sharon!

I was the one and only FIRST COMMENTER on the Teaser of June 18, 2019! Wahoo for me!

Then we watched the guesses coming in……………and it seemed people were truly stumped.    It really was a very pretty and interesting photograph and it was a GUEST TEASER photo sent in by our super good friend and stalwart student at Ding Dong, Miss Jackie of TWO DEVON CATS.

Here’s another look at the photo:

This is the City Hall in La Rochelle, France!    It has an amazing history back to the 15th century and actually had a terrible fire with a lot of restoration done – you can read all about it by


THANK YOU MISS JACKIE!   This is for you:

My fabulous photo was featured on the Tuesday Teaser of June 18, 2019!

Who was the lucky FIRST RIGHT GUESSER this week?

Don’t keep us in suspense – WHO WAS FIRST RIGHT GUESSER????

CarolMaeWY in Wyoming, USA


You guessed La Rochelle, France FIRST and this is for you:

I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of June 18, 2019! YAY FOR ME!

Now as of when we did this post, nobody else had guessed it BUT if someone HAS guessed it before midnight EST Tuesday, then you get this:

I guessed RIGHT on the Teaser of June 18, 2019 but I was NOT first to get it right…..oh well.

Those of you who guessed but were wrong get a brand new Greenie!

I was WRONG with my guess on the Teaser of June 18, 2019. BOO HOO!

I didn’t win a THING – not even a free diaper change!

Cheer Team?   How about a rowsing cheer for our winners today???????

Well Well Well I do declare
We’ve got some winners’ names to share!
Miss Sharon was FAST as usual commenting in class
First Commenter for her and a pat on the…..back (tee hee)
Then Carol from Wyoming arrived on the scene
She was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER so she’s today’s Queen
A hearty thanks to Miss Jackie for the photo this week
Now lets give Professor Teddy a pinch on the cheek!!!

Thanks ladies…………………well done…………..now to celebrate the fact Teaser is over for the week, let’s head to the cafeteria where the Swedish Chef has prepared lunch for us shall we?

If we don’t eat soon I’m going to get a CRANKY on!


Shtoooodents!   I hope you enchoy your lunch again today.  You seemed to eat well yesterday!   Even Kismet who Miss Dingleberry said is rather cranky I believe enchoyed his seeds.   

Today’s Delightfully Delicious Menu:

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OK Schtoodents – oops – we mean STUDENTS (!) – we’ll see you NEXT week for more Teaser fun! 

Your Professors, Angel Sammy and Teddy

Pee Ess – HAPPY International Box Day

Teaser Tell All


Well, I know I confused the HECK out of some of you yesterday morning when WHAMMO my blog goes live and there’s no Teaser Photo there………….would you believe I was just seeing if you were paying attention?  No?  Well I didn’t think you would…………the actual reason it wasn’t there is Mom woke up in the middle of the night in a panic because she thought she’d previously used the photo she has ORIGINALLY put on my blog for the Teaser and got to the computer in time to keep that photo from staying on my blog.  She removed it and uploaded different photos to her computer but FORGOT TO INSERT THEM ON MY BLOG!   DUH…..MOM…..good grief!

SO – my girlcatfriend, the beautiful Sundae, emailed me to say “SAMMY – CHECK YOUR BLOG ASAP” – which I did and saw the error and some smarty-pants comments from you early birds about the Non-photo.  Mom took care of it and VOILA………we’re back in business!

Here’s the photo that was briefly NOT on my computer……………………


I had some great guesses – I discovered by following up on some of those guesses that the chateaus and castles, etc. in the Loire Valley look a LOT ALIKE………..!   However, THESE photos were taken at the beautiful Chenonceau Chateau which was one of my Mom’s favorite stops on their tour through France.   What a beautiful place – kind of fairyland-like and magical she says.   Here’s a better shot of the whole thing:


So who was the first RIGHT GUESSER???   My buddy Easy!   Leo from Doggy’s Style guessed another chateau which looks VERY much like Chenonceau though and a couple of other people guessed that same one too.    Easy, here’s your PURPLE BADGE :


AND those others of you who guessed Chenonceau get THIS:


AND those of you who didn’t have a clue get THIS:



Now, those of you who aren’t on board for the big Valentine’s Day Ball affair that ‘s happening in Blogville might do well to visit HERE to get the scoop – the clock is ticking – time’s a wasting’ and if you want to see yours truly and his hot date Sundae there, get going my friends!   And if you wanna go to the Ball but don’t have a date – visit EASY – he’s the guy to see if you need to be “fixed up” (and I’m not talking surgery here gang – I’m talking about getting a DATE!).


In other news, I got a NEW award from my buddies Mollie and Alfie – never seen this one before and all I need to do to accept it is thank them (THANK YOU!!!!!), link to them (DONE) and nominate six other friends for this beautiful award!


Well that’s quite something to be one of the “Best Blogs Around The World” don’t you think???     Who do I nominate????  Hmmm?????

Queen Nellie!

Bacon (My Cousin) the Piggy

Katie Isabella

The Florida Furkids


Two Blind Cats and Crew

We also managed to squeeze out some snow yesterday and last night………it’s still dark or I’d show you what it looks like outside……………although you HAVE seen snow before so no big deal right?????   Right!!!

So that’s about it for my show today ya’ll………………..tomorrow’s another day…………..in fact it’s a THURSDAY kind of day and I’ll be seeing you same time same channel.

Your Man About Town

Sammy !!

Teaser Tell All


Hi Everybody!   Well, as usual many of you were just too smart for me here in the TEASER CONTROL ROOM…….because a bunch of you guessed right and a bunch of you almost guessed right on the Teaser!

Here’s the photos again……….




Beautiful city right?  Well, these photos were three of many taken by my fabulous Guest Teaser this week, Miss Dianda from Cats & Company !!   She was on a vacation to France and sent me an email to see if I’d like to have some photos for a Teaser and I said YES PLEASE!!!   These three were taken in Blois, France which is the capital of Loire-et-Cher in North Central France.   Interestingly, my Mom and Dad HAVE been to this city but the only photos they have are on slides that one day they will get made into photos.  They both enjoyed seeing Miss Dianda’s pictures though because it brought back fun and happy memories

Who else enjoyed it?  Well, our WINNER of the “FIRST CORRECT GUESSER” award certainly enjoyed it…………..and I bet you know who that guesser was – our travel expert, Easy!!   This is for you buddy:

The Much Coveted First Right Guesser Award....

The Much Coveted First Right Guesser Award….

And I have some BIG SAMMY HUGS to pass out because I also had other people guess Blois, France!   You guys get this:

You guessed the Teaser correctly!

You guessed the Teaser correctly!

Who gets the hugs???

Clowie from Clowie’s Corner 

Mollie from Mollie’s Dog Treats

But that’s not all……….because a whole bunch of you said the photos were taken in France so you get special mention (and a hug too) because you were clever enough to figure that much out!   Those lucky people were Austin, Miss Trish, Miss Pix, Cody, Savannah, and Charlie Rascal !!

So I’d say this was a super good Teaser and I hope you’ll all join me in thanking Miss Dianda for sharing pictures of her beautiful vacation in Blois, France.

What else is going on in my world?  Oh it’s always SOMETHING isn’t it?   We all continue the process of getting the word out that our buddy Leo is house-hunting – looking for a family in California that he can call his very own.  His fostering situation with Savannah and her family needs to come to an end because he and Savannah aren’t quite seeing eye to eye (!)…..her family had hoped they could keep Leo but it’s time for Leo to move on.   I’ve added a badge to my sidebar that links to Savannah’s blog and I’ve put the word out far and side so the more people who know Leo’s ready to be adopted the better.   If you can help – if you know someone in California – please spread the word.  Leo’s going to make someone a FINE kitty family member!

I hope all my Canadian friends had a pawsome Canada Day and I’m looking forward to tomorrow here with our Independence Day celebration.  The one thing I don’t look forward to is fireworks because they’re quite scary to hear when normally my neighborhood is NICE AND QUIET.  But some of our neighbors like to do fireworks in their yard and I admit I’m not a fan.  Oh well…..everybody should celebrate in their own way right?  I will celebrate like this!



Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀 😀

Teaser Truth…..


Hi Tuesday Teaser Fans and everybody else tuning in today!

So I guess you want to know about the Teaser right?  I have to say that I really didn’t think people would take the time to zoom in on the sign on the building to try and read it (although Mom tried and couldn’t read it so we thought it was “safe”)……but some of you could read it.  You got a bit more of a hint than the “non-zoomers” BUT still, only TWO of you got it “spot on”.  Wanna know who? 

My friend Texas and my friend Isobel!   They guessed that it was Strasbourg, France.  YAY!!!!!

They both get the coveted super prize:

BIG Sammy Hug

There were some other folks who got extra creative with their guesses…..like these folks who guessed multiple countries instead of just one (!!) or just said “France” and I’m going to give them a semi-super prize and they are:  Miss Layla at Catwisdom 101, Pix at Sweet Days Under the Oaks, and Mollie at Mollie’s Dog Treats.  Here’s YOUR prize:

Medium Sammy Hug

And last but not least I’ve just GOT to give the “Booby Prize” to my very good friend Nerissa for guessing “EUROPE”……now THAT was creative!

Special “Made Me Giggle”  Hug

Here’s the photo again one more time:

So thanks to everybody for guessing – right OR wrong – it’s just fun playing the guessing game isn’t it?  Tune in next Tuesday for another chance to figure WHERE IN THE WORLD WERE MY PARENTS. 

I also want to take a minute to thank my little friend Poppy, the toy poodle for awarding me the Kreative Blogger Award which I already have……as always, it’s the thought that counts so THANK YOU POPCORN!

Tomorrow I’ll tell you my idea for a contest I’m going to have AND YES THERE WILL BE PRIZES!  YAY!

Happy Wednesday, The Big Tease aka Sammy