Teaser Tell All


Hi Everybody!   Well, as usual many of you were just too smart for me here in the TEASER CONTROL ROOM…….because a bunch of you guessed right and a bunch of you almost guessed right on the Teaser!

Here’s the photos again……….




Beautiful city right?  Well, these photos were three of many taken by my fabulous Guest Teaser this week, Miss Dianda from Cats & Company !!   She was on a vacation to France and sent me an email to see if I’d like to have some photos for a Teaser and I said YES PLEASE!!!   These three were taken in Blois, France which is the capital of Loire-et-Cher in North Central France.   Interestingly, my Mom and Dad HAVE been to this city but the only photos they have are on slides that one day they will get made into photos.  They both enjoyed seeing Miss Dianda’s pictures though because it brought back fun and happy memories

Who else enjoyed it?  Well, our WINNER of the “FIRST CORRECT GUESSER” award certainly enjoyed it…………..and I bet you know who that guesser was – our travel expert, Easy!!   This is for you buddy:

The Much Coveted First Right Guesser Award....

The Much Coveted First Right Guesser Award….

And I have some BIG SAMMY HUGS to pass out because I also had other people guess Blois, France!   You guys get this:

You guessed the Teaser correctly!

You guessed the Teaser correctly!

Who gets the hugs???

Clowie from Clowie’s Corner 

Mollie from Mollie’s Dog Treats

But that’s not all……….because a whole bunch of you said the photos were taken in France so you get special mention (and a hug too) because you were clever enough to figure that much out!   Those lucky people were Austin, Miss Trish, Miss Pix, Cody, Savannah, and Charlie Rascal !!

So I’d say this was a super good Teaser and I hope you’ll all join me in thanking Miss Dianda for sharing pictures of her beautiful vacation in Blois, France.

What else is going on in my world?  Oh it’s always SOMETHING isn’t it?   We all continue the process of getting the word out that our buddy Leo is house-hunting – looking for a family in California that he can call his very own.  His fostering situation with Savannah and her family needs to come to an end because he and Savannah aren’t quite seeing eye to eye (!)…..her family had hoped they could keep Leo but it’s time for Leo to move on.   I’ve added a badge to my sidebar that links to Savannah’s blog and I’ve put the word out far and side so the more people who know Leo’s ready to be adopted the better.   If you can help – if you know someone in California – please spread the word.  Leo’s going to make someone a FINE kitty family member!

I hope all my Canadian friends had a pawsome Canada Day and I’m looking forward to tomorrow here with our Independence Day celebration.  The one thing I don’t look forward to is fireworks because they’re quite scary to hear when normally my neighborhood is NICE AND QUIET.  But some of our neighbors like to do fireworks in their yard and I admit I’m not a fan.  Oh well…..everybody should celebrate in their own way right?  I will celebrate like this!



Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀 😀

47 responses »

    • Well Austin my man, you DID guess that it was France so you DID get on the “BIG SAMMY HUG” award list……and just look how many people didn’t even have a clue!! Maybe next week you’ll be FIRST?!?!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  1. Good morning, Sammy! Concats to the winners. (Sorry we didn’t get to visit yesterday: Motor Mommy was very sick, but thanks to the fine nursing skills of yours truly, she’s much better today!)
    Love the pic of you in front of your festive front porch!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Nurse Sundae! Good for you getting your Mom back on her feet today. Summer colds are awful on humans aren’t they? I know your Motor Man had it too…hopefully all the humans in your household are better today.

      Love, Sammy


  2. Since I didn’t try to guess, I didn’t get the Teaser!!! I think you should have some special Sammy-hugs for losers like me!! LOL!!!


  3. Thanks for the hug and for my first right guesser prize! I think I should change my name in “Teasy Rider” :o) Blois is a very nice city, you can discover a lot of things – even the magic house of the GREAT HOUDINI. It’s totally magic! If you visit Paris and you have time – it’s not far away (2 hrs. with a car).


    • Teasy Rider – I like the sound of that! I should think the Houdini house would be tons of fun to visit – we’ve definitely got that on our list of “gotta see this” for our next trip to Paris…..

      Human Hugs from ME
      Kitty Hugs from Sam


        • Hopefully my parents can see some of those next trip…………they intend to take 2 or 3 days AFTER the tour is over to see stuff that’s not on the tour. Now they’re trying to decide whether to go in Spring or Fall!

          Kitty Hugs, Sam


          • Oh wow……..good idea…..I’ll tell Mom and Dad……they always take Fall vacations but thought Spring would be fun for a change….maybe it’s just plain SENSIBLE as well as fun for next year?!?!


  4. We love the way your peeps have decorated their porch for the 4th of July, Sammy! And WOO HOO I finally got the right COUNTRY on the teaser. Would never have guessed the city, though! We all hope Leo finds his forever home very soon!!!


    • Concatulations Miss Trish on guessing it was France – you DO get points for that you know! It’s amazing how far and wide the word has gone out for our friend Leo – hopefully he’ll soon have that home he would so love to have.

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  5. Mommy says she recognized it as France immediately, but didn’t know where. She says she’s never been to Blois, but she has already warned us that she and our dad are going to Paris in November so we can start preparing ourselves mentally for their going away AGAIN! Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Oh dearie me….well, this time I think you should definitely organize a GREAT BIG PAR-TAY for when they’re gone. I mean you all did a great job on your own of trashing the joint but just think what we could ALL do if we tried to help out this time? WOO WOO

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


  6. conga ratz two ewe easy on winnin de chek frum sammy in de amount oh $78,367.98 !!! way kewl…..sammy…az uzual…we wuz knot even in de rite countree, tho they trooly DUE haz trout in Prague !! ~~~~~~ wee bee layin low & hidin…..til after de 4th…heerez hopin ewe haza safe holiday anda grate week oh end; grill much trout !!


    • Hey Guys….laying low until AFTER the noisy July 4th celebrations is a very good idea…..I’m gonna do the same thing. I hate all that noise…..I’ll have my earplugs on tomorrow night! HAPPY TROUT 4th dooooooods!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Blois is a lovely city but then France is beautiful EVERYWHERE isn’t it…. 😉 We thought if you had stopped by to see the Teaser that you’d recognize Blois…..tee hee

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy and his Mom


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