Teaser Tell All Class


It’s TIME to TELL ALL !!

Well class – we weren’t entirely sure anyone was going to show up to school yesterday – we waited several minutes before someone came a-knockin’ at the door.    Want to know who the FIRST COMMENTER WAS??????????????????



“Woo Hoo!!”

And here’s your badge gang:

We were the FIRST COMMENTERS on the Teaser post of March 14, 2023 for St. Patrick’s Day!!!!

We weren’t sure anyone else was even going to BE at Teaser Class because it got VERY QUIET in class for several minutes before someone else arrived.   We thought maybe our beloved students were TIRED of coming to Teaser class every Tuesday.   Sniff Sniff.

Anyway, here’s the fabulous Saint Patrick’s Day-themed photo that our Graphics Department submitted for you all to guess in honor of St. Patrick’s Day:

This is BEAUTIFUL Killarney, Ireland!!   

The parents of your beloved (we hope) Professors stayed overnight in Killarney and saw the castle and met a lot of wonderful people – had a tour of the park surrounding the castle in a horse drawn cart which was lots of fun (so they say!).


Drumroll please…….

Our Chief of Campus Security – Officer CLOWIE!

Congratulations!  Here’s your badge!

I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser post of March 14, 2023 for St. Patrick’s Day Class!

If you also guessed correctly – you get one of these badges of your VERY OWN!

I guessed correctly on the Teaser of March 14, 2023 for St. Patrick’s Class BUT I was NOT FIRST!!!

AND if you guessed but you were WRONG – you get a St. Patrick’s Day GREENIE!

I tried….but I guessed WRONG on the Teaser post of March 14, 2023 celebrating St. Patrick’s week.

Congratulations WINNERS!

Uhoh……I hope it wasn’t anyone we know?!

I think our Cheer Team should give us a cheer before we head to the cafeteria don’t you???

Here we are looking cute and sassy
Five Irish babes looking quite classy
We’re here to tell you who won a badge
We thought you’d rather have us tell you than Madge!
Our FIRST COMMENTERS were Katty and the Weims
They were the only students here right on time!
The we waited for FIRST RIGHT and what a treat!
Security Chief Clowie could NOT be beat!!
We had a good time for St. Pat’s this year
We hope you did too now we’re having a green beer!

Let’s eat!



See you next Tuesday Class!

Your Professors


50 responses »

  1. Beautiful Kilarny…must visit one day. And bacon cheese zucchine are SO incredible. Mama has another recipe for you that you might like before the cold weather goes away. She’s putting it in wordless Wedesday…..


    • OH GOODIE on the recipe – we’ll check your post later today!! Fingers crossed for the “teefie clean” dear Loulou!!!! Also please tell your Mama that Killarney is fabulous…..just fabulous.


  2. Congrats to Katty and Clowie! I actually guessed the right country. 🙂 Nice cheer ladies. Have a great St Patty’s Day! Hope you catch a leprechaun; I hear they are tasty. Xo

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Well dun Aunty Katty an Clowie!
    Professor Teddy wee WERE on rite side of THE werld this week 🙂 Mew mew mew mew…..
    Missus Dee an Miss MaryAnn may wee have 2 orders of Pancakess an Bacon? An may bee have 2 Cheezecake Browniess two?? Thanx! Happy St Patrick’ss Day =^..^=
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an 🙂 BellaSita Mum

    Liked by 1 person

  4. We were pretty sure the photo was from Ireland, but our mom couldn’t figure out where it was taken. Congratulations to the winners. The cheer team looks lovely in green. We are all going to have some pancakes and bacon. Thank you! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


  5. Congrats to Katty and Clowie! Well I was right on my second guess. I so nearly put Killarney first time. We went to so many lovely places it is hard to remember which is where. I should have got it as we had a lovely Irish stew for lunch in a pub near there. Actually we visited a lot of pubs on our road trip. We chose B&Bs with pubs within easy walking distance 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Concats to Katty and Clowie!!! I guessed the country and the first letter correctly – it’s huuuuuuuuuuge, isn’t it?! Anyway, head towards the cafeteria! Hmmmm, let’s see! I’d like a bacon cheese zucchini, a chicken avocado salad, and peach smoothie!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Hooray for the winners! Of course i love coming to class, even if i am always very late. My schedule may be busy but it’s never too busy for you.

    The Emerald Isle is the perfect place to have as a Teaser this week.

    Got any more roasted mixed veggies? They’ll go great with my supper.


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