Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Happy Thursday everybody.   Double duty day – first we want to share our “Thankfuls” then we’ll have some fun with Angel Sammy’s Poetic Thursday.     Thanks to our friend Brian for hosting the weekly Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.    A great way to get us to focus on the many things we can be thankful for.    My thankfuls this week include (1) the three hours of heavy snow resulted in NO inches of snow because it all melted on impact!, (2) My Mom had her first preliminary appointment before getting cataract surgery, and finally my Mom has a THANKFUL – she says she’s thankful that it’s been incredibly windy and cold this last week because when I ask to go outside and she takes me, we aren’t out there any longer than five minutes!   Why?  Because I HATE WIND!

If you want to share your thankfuls – click the  badge above and link up with us.

Next up – Sammy’s Poetic Thursday.

Hugs, Teddy

♥ ♥ ♥

Hi Poetry Lovers!

Let’s share what we’ve written this past week shall we?    We used the photo I gave you LAST Thursday as inspiration for today’s poetry sharing fun.    I hope you gave writing one a try if you haven’t written poetry before and those of you who HAVE written poetry before – make sure and tell us you did in COMMENTS and give us a link so we can read it!

Here’s the photo followed by my humble poem offering:

“No.  Thank.  You!”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell    ©March 15, 2023


What comes to mind – I want to be clear

Is the danger involved with a dive from up here

A freak lightning strike or a shift in the wind

Could spell disaster – A most tragic end

A job on a cruise ship might be fun

But if offered “pool diver” status – I would definitely RUN!


Makes me dizzy just looking at the photo.   I hope she gets paid big money to do that dive stuff.    I thought it was interesting there were VERY FEW people watching from the spectator seats below.   Maybe a lot of people like me just don’t want to see SCARY stuff!!!

Next week I have a goodie for all of us.   Here’s next Thursday’s poem inspiration:


Well it’s interesting right?   Let’s see what we all can do with this photo – and we’ll share next week.   I’ll look forward to see what you come up with!!   Until we meet again I hope you will……………..

Stay Well and Stay Happy


I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love always, Angel Sammy


51 responses »

  1. I agree, that is a scary height. The time wasting side of myself worked out that it is possibly 30 feet high!


  2. Pingback: Poetic Thursday: She’s A Pro | these days of mine

    • We saw your poem first thing – it’s perfect – in fact we have read a lot of absolutely adorable and fun poems today – I think everyone enjoyed the challenge… week’s will be interesting to write a poem for!!!

      Thanks for playing poetry with us every week!
      Hugs, Teddy and Mom


  3. Sammy’s poem was perfect. Trying to get ideas for this poem, Mom watched a couple of YouTube videos on Oasis of the Seas. They have elaborate aqua shows. Like you, she wouldn’t want that job!! People in the front rows were getting soaked. Next week’s photo is a hoot. Teddy, our mom dislikes the wind as well. Love & hugs, Kitties Blue


    • I know they do this kind of “thing” on a lot of those cruise ships with pools these days…..I just hope she gets a BIG FAT PAYCHECK for being the official “risk my life diver” !!!


  4. I know I’ve said this before, but I have to say it again, I really must say something about this picture for next week. Mom knows alllllll about that stuff.


  5. Next week’s picture looks well, a bit on the not real side, LOL! Who lifts weights in a dress and heels…and looks like its effortless as well…Hmmm, maybe its an early version of being photo-shopped, LOL!!

    Here is my quicky thrown togwether poem for today:

    I am so very high;
    Almost can touch the sky!
    But when I dive…
    Will I survive??

    Though that girl standing there doesn’t look too scared…I would be all wet before I even fell into the water, LOL!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Oh wow that lady has on high heals to do weights. LOL. Great poem. Those heights make me cringe. Jakey ran around and played today with his balls and tunnel. Yay. Says rain coming. Have a great day.


    • My Mom is happy that most windy days I won’t even WALK – I just stay on the front porch and get some fresh air then stand at the front door and stare at the door “willing” it to open for me!!!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  7. sneekin round de inter netz two day on sum free wi fi and wanted two say HI ted o natorz….hope ewe and mom and dad iz grate and EWE iz stayin
    in trubullz;) we hope that ladee made it two de water aye oh kay !!! YEOW !! ♥♥♥


    • Glad you sneaked out and about to say HOWDY-DOOO. We hope you all have a MY-T-FINE St. Patty’s Day with plenty of fishies and ZERO Burds. That photo of the girl getting ready to dive makes us a little WOOOOZY just looking at it! I hope she has insurance.

      Huggies, Ted O Nator


  8. Another great poem from Angel Sammy. That is definitely not a job I would want. I am glad your mom is going to get her eye surgery soon. XO


  9. Terrific thankfuls Teddy, hooray for melting snow. Your Mom will do fine with her surgery and will be glad to see you clearly. That was a terrific poem too, that high dive is just way too high!


  10. GRATE poe-em ‘angel’ Sammy!!!
    Teddy an Miss Pam mee nose BellaSita used to DIVE an shee was feerless….shee meowed to mee NO WAY shee wuud have EFURR dove from that hite!!!! **shivurrss**
    ~~head rubss~~BellaDharma~~ an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum


  11. That really was one scary picture and are glad next week’s isn’t at all like that. Maybe Mom will help us with a poem again. You were brave to look at that picture long enough to write such a good poem, Angel Sammy! XOX Xena, Lucy, Riley and Chia


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