Tuesday Teaser Class


“I don’t know about you all but I’m happy to see some GREEN – just in time for St. Patrick’s Day too!”

“Greetings Class!  It’s St. Patrick’s Week and it’s time for you to COMMENT!”

Obviously we’re celebrating early since we won’t be with you on St. Pat’s Day.    I see a lot of you wore green today anticipating we might be doing that!

Let’s start off with our rules and our St. Pat’s badges shall we?

So be sharp today – study the photo and do your best so you can win a special St. Patrick’s Day badge!!

The Teaser is a Graphics Department pick………………………Rusti the Photo Security Guard would you please bring in our photo for today?

Here’s the photo for today!

Where Was This Photo Taken?

That is the question of the day………..and it’s up to YOU to figure it out and make a guess.    Tomorrow we’ll let everyone know who wins a badge and who studies harder next week!!

Cheer Team?    How about a cheer!

The St. Pat’s Teaser photo is a whopper
A genuine Irish Jig show stopper!
All we ask is that you try your best
Prove your brain is the better than the rest!
Tomorrow we’ll announce those who have won
And St. Pat’s Class for 2023 will then be DONE!

“Hey I wanna know why you didn’t put my picture with those DOGS at the beginning class – I’m dressed up too!!!”

You waited this whole time to ask us that Tommy?    Well we’re sorry you felt slighted.   You look smashing in your green shirt and tie!   You can lead us all to the cafeteria for lunch – how’s that?!

“You mean all I have to do is whine and I get to lead class to the cafeteria????”

Hello students!   Miss O’Dingleberry and Miss O’Mary Ellen ready to serve!

Today’s O’Menu:

We’ll see you tomorrow for the TELL ALL Class Students – GOOD LUCK!

Your Professors – Angel Sammy and Teddy

77 responses »

  1. I’m sure you’ve heard of the towns of Cork and Limerick in Ireland. Well, this is the town of Mold (Miss D’s hometown, no doubt)… and the lush color has nothing to do with the country’s famous greenery. This town is rotten from the inside out, and it shows in the beautiful waves of green penicillin. I have no explanation for why the houses are all white in the town of Mold, but that red one in the middle there… good to see even a little (or LOT of) mold can’t keep the man-eating otters away from a Teaser location.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I love everyone’s festive outfits. I am guessing somewhere in Ireland. 🙂 I know that is too vague. Have a great day. XO


    • Enjoy your meal – this may have been the SMALLEST Teaser class we’ve ever had – either people are getting tired of Teaser (!) or the time change has thrown everyone for a loop!!!!


  3. YooHoo, we’re here and as it is St Patrick’s this week, this must be somewhere in Ireland. Kinsale, County Cork…? Now we can use an Irish trifle with an Irish breakfast wrap as it sound so delicious😺Double Pawkisses for all of you💚


  4. FISH AND CHIPS, NO CONTEST! And it certainly looks like Ireland, and since it’s St Paddy’s day perhaps is IS the emerald country. But bottom line, we don’t know, haha.


  5. Wee think this place iss West Bay area of UK. Wee feel guud ’bout THIS answer Professor Teddy!
    Missus Dee an Miss Maryann may wee have 1 order of Irish Salmon Kitty sixed an 1 bowl of Irish Stew?
    Fore ‘ssert may wee have a peece of Irish Minty Cake (BellaSita’ss fave here) an a wee saucer of milk pleese??
    Many thanx…yore such lovely Lunch Ladiess!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an 🙂 BellaSita Mum


  6. Well well…sometimes I am a firstie and sometimes I am not…today I am very much NOT! But I did arrive…LOL!

    That does look like a nice green place to help us celebrate St Paddy’s Day…I will have to go and hunt it down, when I have some time. A way loty greener than here where its 26F and snow covered, still…Blah! At least the sun decided to come out of hiding!

    May I please have some Bacon Avocado Salad, Onion rings, and an Irish Trifle? They’ll go good with my late coffee.


  7. After some snooping around the interwebs, I also think this is Kinsale Village in County Cork, Ireland. I found out its an old fishing village and has a lot of historical naval and military significance. Lots of good eating places there…and places to stay if you wish…yes, I DO wish!!


  8. Late to class – so I got this one. I guess the right answer before the person who gets is the first to get it right! That was easy …. OK … time to eat! Going full Irish today …. a cup of Irish stew to get me going …. Irish Pub Steak, fried cabbage with bacon, o-onion o-rings, fresh fruit, Irish Mint Shake, and my sheet of Irish Mint Cake.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I am late late late… we went down to Ft. Meyers early this morning and just returned and I am doing commenting now! Don’t know where the Teaser photo is but it is very pretty.
    No Irish O’Grouper? Well, I think the Irish Stew looks fabulous and a slice of apple pie with custard sauce please!


  10. Lots of Irish goodies to choose from…I’ll have a “bap” and an Irish Trifle…and, hmm, my guess is for Maine, too…it looks like somewhere I’d want to live, and my two top dream places to live would be Maine or Scotland, so, anyway, I’m rambling…happy St. Patty’s Day, and happy “Pi” day!


    • Happy Pi Day to you too Willow…..enjoy your Irish feast. It does look EXACTLY like many of the villages along the water in Maine. Actually it’s one of the reasons I picked this photo because I thought it COULD fool people into thinking Northeast USA. Killarney is one of the most perfect little villages we’ve ever visited.

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

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