Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Thursday!  Time for all of us who participate in Brian’s Blog Hop to share what we are thankful for this week.    If you want to play along, click the badge above and link up with us won’t you?    I am super thankful that we actually got a couple of raindrops this week – two days we had lots of noisy thunder and some decent rain but each of the two events lasted about 15 minutes.   Not enough to break the drought OR do much for all the outside stuff like grass, trees, and shrubs!    Oh well………it’s summer.   Guess we should be happy we got ANY “wet” at all.    I’m also very thankful that my Mom and Dad are still healthy – I am keeping a CLOSE EYE on them believe me!

I also got to be thankful that Angel Sammy’s email with his poem for this week arrived.   Let’s see what he’s got to say shall we?


Time for Thursday Poetry!!

Hello friends…………….hope you are all hanging in there and making sure you are taking care of yourselves as best you can.   Staying safe – using your masks – socially distancing AND washing your hands or paws!!    If you’re doing that then GOOD ON YOU!

Last week’s poems for the little baby eating watermelon were so adorable…………but I have a feeling the poems for THIS week are going to be really fun too.    So let’s get this party started shall we?    Here’s your photo that I gave you last week to use for today’s poem:

“Uh Oh!”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell    ©July 29, 2020


Wouldn’t you know this would happen Tom?

On our way to the Senior prom?

All dressed up and we get a flat tire

We’ll probably get there just under the wire!

Now don’t get grease on your new dress pants

You’ll smear it all over ME when we’re having a dance!

Don’t worry though – it’s really not that tragic

Our Senior Prom night will still be MAGIC!


Nice that she didn’t heap too much angst on poor Tom – after all it wasn’t HIS fault they had a flat!   Talk about bad timing though.     Anyway, these two will have a wonderful evening – one of those that every human remembers always – and the flat tire will make for a really FUNNY story they can tell their kids and grandkids many years from now (assuming they survive the Prom and decide to “get hitched”!!)

Now here’s the photo I found for all of us to use to write a poem for NEXT Thursday……………..I hope you’ll participate with me – Poetic Thursday is just a pile of fun!

Mom has a friend who will love this photo I know – she’s a horse aficionado and this is a very beautiful photo indeed.    But what kind of a mood will you use for your poem for this photo everyone?   It’s rather dreamy but is she out to give her dogs exercise or is she part of a hunting party or is she meeting someone special in a clearing in the woods?????

It’s up to you to figure that part out.    I’ll have my poem ready for you next Thursday and I hope you have fun with this one………………..

Take care everyone – keep safe and well.    It’s a MUST!

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love always, Angel Teddy


Love the poem Angel Sammy and thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule every week to play poetry with me and our followers.    We have a lot of super duper poets who tune in on Thursdays don’t we?!

Hugs, Teddy

47 responses »

  1. Yes, she looked more irritated than angry and I am sure they had a good time once they got to the prom.
    Next week’s photo is lovely. Dalmatians were originally used for protection against highwaymen and used to run beside carriages and nobility who were out riding on their horses.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That was one lovely poem, Angel Sammy. Granny never had experienced this, as far as she remembers, so she’s Thankful for that 😉 Glad you had a little wet, we had lots of wet, but now we’re in a three-days-in-a-row-ahead heatwave alike, so we’re taking it slow again😺Your picture is very cute, Teddy💙Pawkisses for a COOL Thankful Thursday to all of you🐾😽💞


  3. May you have enough rain but not too much. That is my prayer for everyone, as i’ve lived through drought and flood, and don’t like either.

    Great poem! Yes, no matter what, years from now the flat tire prom story will be chuckled over and retold.

    My poem is over here.

    Hope you have a great Thursday!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I love your poem Angel Sammy! It’s just right in tone. I would have wanted them patient with the situation too. For today’s, it may indeed be “to hounds! To hounds”!


    • Yep you and I “saw” the same thing in the photo and we aren’t the only ones! It was a darling photo and she looks like she’s being VERY patient – obviously she cares a lot about the poor guy! Thanks for playing poetry with us every week. I knew you’d like next week’s photo!

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  5. There’s never a good time to get a flat tyre, but it always seems to happen when it’s most inconvenient!

    We’ve got plenty of rain at the moment – I’ll try to send some your way.


  6. That poem was great! They do look like they are headed off to prom in the years before everyone needed a limo to go. I know who you are referring too about horses, I Love the photos she takes of the wild ones. Have a great day! XO

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Angel Sammy well done on the poem and the fine photo. You, Mom and I think alike.
    As for writing the poem, I wrote it last week for fear of brain freeze due to the Novocaine.
    Usually each week I’m inspired when I see the picture so I try to jot down a few ideas.
    Sending loads of hugs to you and yours.
    Hugs Cecilia
    PS First thing this morning my left cheek looked like I was storing food in it. Moist heat has helped

    Liked by 2 people

  8. I hope you get some more rain, but not lots like from a tropical storm coming your way. That was a cute Angel Sammy poem. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


    • Yes it looks like that storm will be heading up the coast and we’ll probably complain about too much rain……..typical……….too much/not enough…….it’s SUMMER!

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. ted o nator…..we getted 5 dropz oh rain two….crunchee grazz looks like toast, but one oh de naybor
    catz came bye N sprayed R bushez; sew they shuld bee good ta go fora few 🙂 ♥♥♥

    sam o bacon yur poemz all wayz bee awesum….for sum reezon de gurl iz thinkin oh de moovee Christmas Story…..whicl led ta a bar oh soap 🙂 pleez tell everee one we said hi ♥♥♥


    thought in de doodz head:

    nail in de tire trix
    werked like a charm… noe danze now
    wunder if sheez mad

    thought in de gurlz head

    eye can reed yur mind
    sew this waz a trix ewe say
    guezz what eye am thinkin

    heerz two a grate week oh end…bee happee safe & well ♥♥♥♥♥


    • HA! Hilarious poem doods….love it!! My Mom says she knows what was in his mind alright….. We sure did read a lot of totally cool poems for this photo – guess it was a winner!

      Happy Friday and weekend you all…
      Hugs, Ted O Nator


  10. We have a feeling that Prom night turned out just fine for this couple – what a good young man he was to just get right in there to change the tire. There were probably many good laughs years later over this shot.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  11. Another great poem, Sammy. Mom agrees, they’ll have a story to tell that will make that night even more memorable. Teddy, the photo of you at the end of the post is so super cute. We had about a two hour rain storm this afternoon with lots of rain and another shorter one this evening. Mom and Dad are really happy about that. Mom wrote a limerick for this week. Here;’s the link:
    XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • We loved your limerick for this week’s photo……it was a totally cool photo and lots of super poems were written we think. We had rain all night – it’s let up this morning but I’m SURE our grass is happy!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


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