Monthly Archives: October 2015

Can It Be Thursday Already?


YES IT CAN………..not only “CAN” it, but it truly IS.   Well, time is whipping by at an incredible pace and before you know it, we’ll be WELL into Fall and Halloween will be over and we’ll be talking TURKEY (Thanksgiving of course for those of us who celebrate it in November).

Meanwhile, the leaves in my yard are doing their thing………..just gorgeous if I say so myself!

Backyard tree in fall

Talk about ORANGE!

Maples are almost TOO pretty!

Maples are almost TOO pretty!

I am just loving the weather though – I’ve been outside as much as I can get OLD MOM to take me………….sometimes I just sit on the front porch and look out over my kingdom (haha) and think how lucky I am to live here………other times I cruise around a bit (with Mom watching me closely) and waddle (yes I waddle now when I walk) down to the front stone garden to do my business (yes you know what I mean), or walk down the sidewalk sniffing as I go for signs of introoders.   The skunks, raccoons, possums, and rabbits visit during the night time and I can SMELL them the next morning.   They even have the NERVE to come up on my front porch to drink the water from the water bowl that’s out there!

Excuse me Mr. Possum - did someone invite you here?

Excuse me Mr. Possum – did someone invite you here?

Anyway, I do love Fall and Mom and Dad are starting to have fires in the fireplace now which I REALLY like…………….talk about cozy.

I’ve had a lot of email lately from some of you asking about how I’m feeling these days.   Well, I have been very good about taking my thyroid medicine – Mom is still having good luck (mostly) with crushing the pill up and mixing it with either turkey baby food or beef baby food.  I love that stuff.  GOBBLE GOBBLE………I’m on board with baby food!    I don’t hork very often – I’ve always been a horker since I was tiny……but maybe once a week is my average.   All is well on the “potty box” situation too.    So that’s about it for my report other than I DO have mobility issues – if I’m lying down for any length of time it’s tough standing back up again – I will limp my first few steps and go slow then I loosen up.   Mom says it’s just like her and Dad……get stiff in the old joints and it takes a minute to get “steady” on the feet (or paws).

So – there’s the THURSDAY REPORT………Fall is falling, animals are visiting my porch, I’m in good shape for an old guy, and getting excited about SAM-O-WEEN!   I hope you are too??

Hugs, Sammy

Sam enjoying the front porch on a pretty fall day

Door guard on duty….


Teaser Tell All



YES – it’s that time again – I know you’re anxious to hear the scoop on yesterday’s Teaser photo!

First of all, Mr. Mystery Man, would you please bring in the silver briefcase and post the photo again for us?????

Here's the photo!

Here’s the photo!



What’s the deal on this photo?   Well, first of all it was taken by my Mom when she and Dad were on an October trip through New England – THIS photo is of “The House of the Seven Gables” which is in Salem, Massachusetts!    A most interesting place……AND one which I featured on a Teaser back in March of 2012!!!  Nobody guessed it then and since I didn’t have many followers then I thought I’d dust it off and post it again……… huh?    Mom LOVED this house – it was a little spooky but beautiful and the gardens were spectacular even in October.  The town of Salem was a real “hoot” and since they were all decked out for Halloween it was even MORE fun to be there then.   Here’s some information on not just the house but the book “The House of the Seven Gables” – definitely a spot to visit if you’re ever near it for any reason!   CLICK HERE

Now, who was the FIRST COMMENTER yesterday morning when we went LIVE?   It was by Cousin Bacon of PigLove that’s who!  BRAVO  BACON MY MAN!  You get this!


Who was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER?   Well, it may come as no surprise but it was the unofficial KING OF TEASERS, Easy from EasyWeimaraner that’s who!  Easy my friend, this is for you!


There were a bunch of peeps who ALSO guessed The House of the Seven Gables in Salem……………………….and all of you who did, get this!


Were you left out in the cold?   No idea where these photos were taken?   Not a clue?  Not even a HINT of a clue?  Well, have no fear – you still get a GREENIE!


Now wasn’t that FUN??  Of course it was…………….you know you love Tuesdays with Sammy the Teaser Dude………….just about as much as I love doing them and having fun with you.    Remember if you’d like to be my GUEST TEASER one week, email me a photo you think has the RIGHT STUFF to fool everyone and I’ll feature it!   Now wouldn’t THAT be fun?

That’s about it for this week friends…………..tune in next week when we’ll do this all over again…………….WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!


See You Next Week!!

See You Next Week!!

Love, Sammy the Teaser

Tuesday Teaser



Can You Believe It? 

It’s THAT time again!

Are you ready to amaze yourself with your powers of deduction?  Are you ready to impress your friends and neighbors with your ability to examine a photo and figure out WHERE the photo was taken???   GOOD – then you are TEASER material!  YOU just might have a chance to win.    As always you must look at the photo and tell me what town/city and what state/country the photo was taken in………….easy right?   Well yes it is and you can do it – I know you can.   Ready?


Two photos – same place – neither one of them very good quality (Mom!!!!!) but WHERE were they taken???

If you are the FIRST PERSON to leave a comment on this blog today, you get this:


If you are the FIRST PERSON to guess the Teaser photo location correctly today, you get this:


If you guess correctly but aren’t FIRST, you still get this:


And if you are woefully, and sadly, deficient in the geography department, and don’t know, you get this:


GOOD DEAL YES???  Why YES it is!   You don’t leave empty-handed and these days that’s pretty danged wonderful!

Tomorrow I’ll tell you who wins what!   Now get to it…………

Also, don’t forget the clock is ticking on the Sam-O-Ween Costume Contest…… have until the 28th my friends to send me your Sam-O-Ween Costume Contest entry for BEST COSTUME.   There will be a surprise package for the winner – no matter where you live or what kind of creature you are – if you are the one with the most votes (voting on 29th and 30th) then YOU WIN!

Entries to me at junekimm(at)aol(dot)com


Hugs, Your Pal Sammy



Almost Tease Time!



I’m the #1 Fan in Fact!


The day before the Teaser………..things are quiet everywhere while everyone studies up on their geography hoping they will recognize SOMETHING in the Teaser photo tomorrow.   Well, here’s hoping somebody does!!   Mom has picked out the photo that we’ll be using………………so STAND BY – tomorrow at an undisclosed/top secret time, the TEASER post will blast into your inbox…….it will scorch the sky as it arrives at your house through the atmosphere and WHAM, BAM, THANK YOU SAM you’ll get to guess where the photo was taken!

Now for other news, it’s cold EARLY here.    We rarely are freezing BEFORE Halloween (oops I mean Sam-O-Ween) but sure enough we had frost last night AND will have it tonight again.  Brrrr.

My sweater!

My sweater!

I’ve had a few questions about my Sam-O-Ween party……. first of all NO you don’t have to enter the contest to come to my all day party – EVERYONE is welcome at the party and you can stop in ANY time at all.


Also, the voting poll will be open TWO days – the 29th and 30th and YOU, my wonderful followers, will be the ones voting – not me – not my Mom – but YOU!   You can vote for as many as you like but there will only be one “BEST” and that friend will be getting a surprise package from ME!   The contest is open to all animals and no matter where you live, we will ship your prize to you!   Humans can send photos of themselves in but you can’t be in the contest – I’ll put you in the party photos if you like but the contest is ONLY for ani-pals!

Now, don’t forget to tune in tomorrow…………………..I’ll be here – and you’ll be guessing WHERE the Teaser was taken………… it a date?  Oh goodie!   See you here!

Hugs, Sammy

SAM-O-WEEN will be a SCREAM.....

SAM-O-WEEN will be a SCREAM…..