Teaser Tell All


Hello again!  Are you ready for us to TELL ALL?

While we thought it might be somewhat of a tough Teaser yesterday it really wasn’t long at all before we had our FIRST RIGHT GUESSER……………..we’ll tell you who that was but FIRST…………………….Who was our FIRST COMMENTER – or should we say who WERE our FIRST COMMENTERS because we had two in the first minute!


Yes really!     Let’s get a drumroll and we’ll tell you who the winners were:

Our Two First Commenters Were:   Sharon and Ingrid!

And here’s your badge ladies – you each get one of these:

Woo Hoo – I was one of TWO First Commenters on the Teaser post of May 21, 2024!! Wheeee!

Now I suppose you’d all like to know what the scoop was on the photo right?


Here’s the photo from the Graphics Department:

A photo of the harbor in Norfolk, VA Beach, Virginia!

And now I suppose you’d like to know WHO guessed this first????????????????????????


Here’s your badge Miss Jackie…..congrats

I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of May 21, 2024……YES – ME !!

If you guessed but were wrong, here’s one for you:

I was WRONG with my guess on the Teaser of May 21, 2024……oh well…..at least I tried!

AND if you guessed RIGHT but you were not FIRST to be right, you get this one:

Well I was RIGHT with my guess on the Teaser of May 21, 2024 BUT I was NOT the First Right Guesser………!


What say we hear from the Cheer Team shall we?

We started off with COMMENTERS numbered TWO
Sharon and Jackie but none of the rest of you!
Then in a short time later we had another FIRST
It was Jackie with the right guess
We’re so happy we could burst!
We have lots of smarties in class this time around
Next week might be YOU or maybe you’ll be class clown????

Let’s all celebrate in the cafeteria – my tummy is rumbling and I bet yours are too!!!

“We have just what you need to stop the rumble!”

The Menu:

We’ll see you next week students!

Professor Angel Sammy and Professor Teddy

34 responses »

  1. Are we boring or what? Grouper always wins in the fish dept. WOW, Norfolk. Your mama has probably seen that lovey harbor.


  2. Congrats to Sharon and Ingrid! Congrats to me too, fresh back from our cruise and a first right guesser.


  3. Congrats to Speedy Sharon and Ingrid and Congratulations to Jackie! A very beautiful Teaser to have guessed right. It’s beautiful place to visit. Good FOOD to be had there too! Grouper is my choice today!

    Good Morning, Virginieeeeeeeeeeee!


  4. Congratulations to Sharon, Ingrid and Jackie! XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


  5. Winnie made me smile

    May I have an egg salad sammich

    and Congrats to all. I haven’t been to Norfolk, in years it really has changed.

    Hugs Cecilia


  6. Congrats to my fellow firstie Sharon, and to Jackie for first right!!

    Its so stinking hot and humid here, last night after midnight it was still 79F!! UGH!

    Anyways that kind of spoils the appetite, so may I please just have some onion rings, and a jug of iced tea??


  7. Concats to Sharon and Ingrid, and even a bigger one to Jackie!!! I always associate to an English TV series from my chieldhood called “The Onedin Line” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Onedin_Line, whenever I see a sail ship. I cannot imagine how this series was broadcasted in the 80ies in Hungary, because it strongly propagated the values of venture capitalism. I thing seems to be certain, however: I’m hungry (I had supper 10 minutes ago). Could I have a chicken fajitas, a tuna salad bowl, and a bunny Mary?


  8. That’s a place I might actually be able to visit someday. It’s not next door, of course, but it isn’t that horribly far, either.

    Congratulations to your winners and you have two different kinds of roasted veggies, could you pass some of each and I’ll have them with supper, thank you.


  9. I sneaked in late in the afternoon before the door was locked, and got me egg and cheese toast too. Miss D was so nice about it. I was in an awful hurry yesterday and my guess what sure wrong!!


  10. Pingback: Memorial Day Weekend ~ An Ussie | Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs

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