Thankful Thursday and Poetry with Angel Sammy


Happy Thursday everyone.   We are being THANKFUL with Angel Brian AND later we’ll visit Angel Sammy’s Poetry Thursday blog.     First up as always is THANKFULS though and we are thankful that Angel Brian’s family continues giving us a Hop to visit and join to voice what we’re thankful for.    I’m very thankful that we had several absolutely gorgeous days with some relief from the endless rain – we continue to be thankful that all we had was RAIN though compared to the unfortunate people who have dealt with tornadoes and major destruction in some parts of the country.   We pray that everyone will recover from the awful weather events that have plagued the country in so many areas so far this Spring.    I’m thankful myself that Mom and Dad have indulged me with extra outside time lately – I’m enjoying walking around our yard and lying in the cool grass or lying under a tree in the shade or under the bushes in front of our porch where the mulch is cool and I can be in the shade but still enjoy smelling the smells of “outside”.    I’m a very lucky boy.

We’re also grateful that my brother Angel Sammy is still writing his Poetry blog once a week.   We know he has a lot of other things to do at the Bridge.    Let’s see what he wrote to us this week!

Hugs, Teddy

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ 

“Ready for Poetry?”

Hello friends.   It’s “our” day again – we’ll share the poems we wrote which were inspired by the sometimes crazy photos I give us all for inspiration.    I have fun and I sure hope that you do.    If you have written a poem this week – please let us know in comments…..or give us your link and we’ll go read it – or you can even write your poem in my comments…………..whatever you do, SHARE please!

Here’s the photo from last week we were to use for this week’s poem – AND my poem follows:

“An Accident Waiting To Happen”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell        ©May 22, 2024


The bread man can balance and pedal

He deserves some kind of medal

He makes the trip every day

His bike knows every inch of the way

Neither rain, nor runaway car, nor flat tire

Stops the bread man from reaching his buyers

His customers wait every day for his bread

As it arrives on the palette atop his head

It’s the best bread in all the town

He’s the “bread king” with a palette for a crown……

I sure hope that he doesn’t sneeze

Or he’ll be picking bread up off the road on his knees!!!


Ah yes – the lovely aroma of fresh bread… tempting it would be to pull up in a car next to him, hop out and grab a loaf to enjoy on the rest of your way to work!    HAHA   All I can think is that he has a wonderful sense of balance – probably delivered bread like this to his stall or to a shop a million times and knows every bump in the road.   

Here’s the photo we will all use for next week………………!

Nothing worse than being stuck in a boring meeting – or is there?   Anyway thought we might have a good time with this one.    If you want to join in the fun just post your poem here or on your own blog next Thursday and we’ll have fun seeing what we all find inspiring about THIS photo!!!

Meanwhile have a super duper week – and remember…………

Be kind, Be happy, and Be thankful for all you have

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love and Light, Angel Sammy


About onespoiledcat

We are Angel Sammy and Teddy......! Two ginger cats - one left for the Rainbow Bridge in December of 2016 (but still keeps in touch...) and the other in the "here and now" having lots of fun. Join us as we try to bring smiles to everyone around us with our blog.

35 responses »

  1. Love your poem!

    Next week’s picture reminded me of school where we would have to endure lectures on things we could care less about…and then wonder why we didn’t do well on the tests, later, LOL!!

    Here is my ditty…

    As I ride my bike

    Along this busy turnpike

    I’m carrying my bread

    Upon my head…

    I hope to not hit a bump-

    Cause all my bread will dump,

    And I will be in a slump!

    Tuesday was HOT and humid, Wednesday was gorgeous, and the humidity was gone, thanks to the storm front that went through…but there is rain over the holiday weekend. Go figure! But how thankful I am that tonight we can have fresh air from open windows!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Love that poem…..any number of BAD STUFF could happen to that “bread carrier” but I have a feeling he’s an EXPERT in dealing with any kind of situation. At least I hope so! We had a beautiful day yesterday but today we’re getting WET again. It is nice to have fresh air though and rain brings that!

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I loved Angel Sammy’s poem. He nailed it to the wall! And by the way, the picture be brought us for next week reminds me of my favorite brother talking about the endless B-O-R-I-N-G after school meetings of teachers while the Principle droned n for an hour and a half!!! Many times. The teachers were doing about what you see here! He drew picture that famous melting clock Dali did, and like a kid, passed it around to the other teachers!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Pingback: Poetic Thursday: Fred | these days of mine

  4. How did you get a picture of the church financial secretary where I work doing his board meeting presentation? (Just kidding, but so true.)

    Sammy, where you saw bread, I saw chicken legs, BOL! I think I’d rather the guy dump a load of them, right? Your friend, Riley


  5. Yes, we too hope the folks that have experienced weather-related hardships are getting what they need.

    That’s a lot of bread on his head!

    The image for next week looks like the office meeting that I attended earlier this week…ugh!


  6. Such nice thankfuls and it sounds like you are having a wonderful time outside Teddy. I enjoyed the Angel Sammy poem too. Thanks for joining Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


    • That poem was perfect……we didn’t know if those were bananas or bread loaves but no matter WHAT they are, people wrote some fabulous poems for the photo including YOU!!!!!!

      Hugs, Pam


    • We sure did LOVE your poem for that crazy bread man on a bike! We hope you boys are enjoying watching all the pretty things “popping” up in your garden this time of the year!

      Hugs and Kisses, Teddy and Mom

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Absolutely love the poem, Sammy. You nailed it. If Mom had the opportunity to do a poem, she was going to say the bread was fish and add a couple of us running after the bike guy. Maybe, she will still try to do it sometime. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


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