Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Where does the week go?    It’s already Thursday and already time to be thankful on the Hop again.    This is a great Hop – hosted by Brian and if you would like to VOICE your thankfuls out loud, click the badge above and link up with the rest of us.    We all have things we’re thankful for but once a week it’s great to tell the world too!

I am also happy because it’s Poetic Thursday as well which is when Angel Sammy shares a poem with us and gives us a photo for us to write a poem about for NEXT Thursday when we will see/hear from him again.

First though – I want to say how thankful I am for my Mom and Dad.    I know that they get a bit frustrated with me from time to time, especially when I’m almost constantly asking for one of them to take me outside.   Fortunately for me, my parents don’t mind accompanying me – to keep an eye on me even though I’m in my very own yard – the foxes and other predators don’t know where my yard starts and ends but I do!    I just love being outdoors……..and since we have a nice covered front porch with rockers Mom and Dad hang out there while I’m sniffing and poking around the yard and when I head to the BACK yard – we have a deck with chairs so they just transfer back there.

Lucky me!    Now let’s share with you the email we got from Angel Sammy shall we????


Hello Poetic Friends!

Time for us to share some poetry.   You had a whole week to think about the photo I gave you last Thursday – so let’s see what you came up with and I’ll show you what I wrote as well.

First though let me encourage you again to give writing a poem a try – some of you say “I can’t write a poem” and I always tell you that everyone can because it’s true.   Poetry describes a feeling, a thought, a moment in time, and so many other things but it does NOT have to rhyme to be poetic.    Just open your heart up, look at your subject (or think about it) and WRITE!   Trust me – you CAN do it.

Here’s the photo I gave you last week and my poem follows:

“Ridin’ With Grandpa”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell    ©May 12, 2021


C’mon kids – just hop in the  back

Granny even packed us up a snack!

Out in the cornfield we’ll go a-ridin’

Might see a deer or a fox a-hidin’

“Grandpa go faster” I hear you say

But I want this fun to last – maybe all day

These days with you kids keep ole Grandpa young

I’ll treasure these moments ’til my days are done……



Hayrides – those three kids in the photo probably will talk about the day they rode out in the wagon on the back of Grandpa’s tractor for years to come.    Moments like that are what fill our dreams sometimes.    I can tell you that those of us at the Rainbow Bridge think of moments like this and I’m sure humans do too.    Sometimes you might be looking at a person and see them smile for what seems like no reason – well sometimes it’s a memory popping into their head bringing a smile and making their day.    You might think some things you do with or for another person are SMALL but to them, it could be BIG.    

SO – how about a photo for NEXT week?   You have a week to come up with something to share and if you wrote a poem THIS week, please tell us in comments that you did and give us a link so we can read it.    Most of all thanks for joining in the fun every week!!

Not a big photo but what an expressive painting!    I think we can all do a great poem with what we see and feel about this painting.   We’ll find out next week right?   See you then?

Until then please stay happy and healthy…………things are looking better for humankind on Earth we think – please keep it that way……………!

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love and Light, Angel Sammy


Oh I  love your poem this week Angel Sammy……….I also can’t wait to see what everyone else did with their impression of the photo last week too!!!!    Thank you for visiting us.  I love and miss you.

Hugs, Teddy

64 responses »

  1. That is a lovely poem, Angel Sammy. Your photos very often bring back lots of memories and this one in particular does.
    Your mom and dad have lovely places to sit and watch you when you are outdoors, Teddy.


  2. I love that you have being outside to be thankful for sweet Teddy, and Angel Sammy made a perfect and meaningful poem. Mom’s hurrying right so she and brovver can go to the Big City for stuffs. XX


    • Hope you’re feeling better this morning dear Katie! Yes I know I’m lucky to be able to go outside to sniff and explore……I do appreciate that a LOT believe me!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Know what? That’s my favorite thing about having a photo as inspiration – EACH of us “sees” something different – even if it’s just a little bit different, our imaginations and life experiences add to our poems in unique ways. You did a GREAT job….!

      Hugs, Pam


    • Glad you like the poem today from Angel Sammy…..yes I think Mom and Dad are happy to have somewhere to SIT while I wander around the yard – they can see me well from either place and keep me safe!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  3. That was a great poem. Angel Sammy never disappoints. Nice thankfuls too, you are lucky you have such good folks and a nice big yard. XO


  4. How blessed to have the wonderful outdoors sit-and-relax space for all to enjoy, even little Teddy …
    and we were touched by the last line of your poem … yes, grandparents treasure the times with the
    little grands til their days are done.
    Our poem somewhat reflects that.


    • Angel Sammy sure found a great photo for us all for this week didn’t he……lots of “memories” in the poetry we’ve read today. Yours was especially wonderful – we could almost smell the vegetables and the dinner made with farm fresh food. Thanks for playing poetry with us.

      Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam


  5. Such a nice thankful Teddy and I hope you get some more fun out n’ abouts! We enjoyed that cute poem too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


  6. What a great poem. I always remember going to my grandpa’s farm. Love your outside area. Enjoy your day. A nice one here.


  7. ted o nator…grate ta see ewe dood….we haz been off line sinz february….COD…..thatz like 48 yeerz ago….we hope ewe N mom N dad iz doin soooper grate awesum happee healthee….and pleez N joy sum out o doorz time for uz with thanx…..yur last foto total lee rox …..

    sam oh bacon yur poem thiz weekz total lee kewl 🙂 think of de mice inn side that hay 😉



    • Tabby Buddies! It was great to get a notice of a blog post from you today – made my day in fact! Long time no hear from you so it was just tons of fun to “hear” you again. Mice in the hay – sounds like a snack to me!

      Take care of yourselfs OK?
      Love, Ted O Nator and Sam O Bacon……..


  8. Hi Sammy, Teddy and Mom Pam! Terrific thankfuls! We are lucky that we are allowed out whenever we want between 7 am and 6 PM. Mom makes sure we are never out as soon as it starts to get dark.
    We love your poem. Ours was of a memory too. Mom worked on a dude ranch a couple of summers and the stable hand, Jack would get the wagon going with the kids in the back and he would tell us stories of the faries, elves, dragons and ogres that lived in the woods and fields. They were always friendly beasts! Thanks for all the wonderful prompts! We love participating (when we can think of a poem).


    • Well this week you knocked it out of the park with your poem – we just loved it – the beginning of a children’s book for sure! 😉 Glad you have fun with the photos Angel Sammy finds for us to use….

      Hugs, Teddy


  9. I definitely hear you about the joys of outside, T. I like to beg Mom to let me onto the balcony. Then I beg her to let me in. Then I beg her to let me back out. And then back in. SOOOO much fun!

    Love and licks,


    • HAHAHA……I sometimes do that too – I prefer having Mom or Dad or both of them with me but if they enclose the deck and I’m restricted to just that space – I want one of them there with me (for entertainment purposes of course!). HAHA

      Hugs, Teddy


    • I’m glad to have a yard that I’m allowed to enjoy…..It took a while of training me with harness/leash before I learned my boundaries but now that I have, I enjoy exploring on my own (well…almost….Mom and Dad still are watching me!).

      Hugs, Teddy


  10. Our adult kids have many fond memories of times on the tractor with Grandad. Love that poem!!!

    Teddy, we too love being outside, especially at this time of the year.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber


  11. Teddy, you have such a lovely yard and wonderful parents who let you explore almost as much as you like. That’s a great thankful. And as always, Angel Sammy, had a great poem. Our mom did write one as well. Here’s the link:
    Sending lots of love and hugs to all of you. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


    • Your Mom did an OUTSTANDING job with her poem this week – it was perfection. We sure do love reading everybody’s poetry and Angel Sammy loves sending us photos – I hope he continues to do that for a long time!

      Hugs, Teddy


  12. Pingback: Thankful Thursday – Comedy Plus

  13. That’s a sweet poem! I never went on any hayrides like that till I was a young adult! Hmmm, I think I was deprived? Since then I have been on a few more, and they are fun!

    That picture for next week is very famous, did you know that? I have seen it in many places, its of a Dutch man who did sea rescues, and painted by a German artist.
    Here is what I found out about it:

    The iconic painting ‘The Fisherman’ exists in thousands of Norwegian homes and is considered as a Norwegian icon, a part of our identity and coastal culture. A culture which now is threatened by the oil industry.

    Some research into the background of the painting reveals that this painting has nothing to do with Norway. The painter of the original work was German and the portrayed man was Dutch and not a fisherman at the time.

    Some people love it and hail it as the best painting ever made, other think of it as kitch and worthless. It’s popularity in Norway has never the less made the painting Iconic. “The Fisherman” was painted around 1920 by Harry Haerendel. Harry was born in Hamburg in 1896 and died in 1991. He studied painting in Hamburg and Berlin and travelled all over Europe. The portrayed man is Dorus Rijkers, a Dutch sea rescuer, a hero of his time. Dorus was honored for saving more than 500 people at sea. When he died at the age of 81, a parade with thousands of people participated in his funeral.

    Now to try and find a moment to write a poem…


    • I did know it was famous and I can see why really – just purely from an artistic point of view more than who it is and who painted it. That is like “icing on the cake”…….I love the look in that fisherman’s eye……wise, “knowing”, sea-loving/understanding. I’m not sure I’d say it was the best painting ever made but it speaks to me and obviously a lot of other people. I think writing a poem with it in mind will be fun.


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