Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Happy New Year and what a great year it was for being thankful.   I’m sure 2020 will bring a load of thankfuls too but right now I want to say I’m so thankful that things started out quietly in the world for the start of this new year.   We hope it stays peaceful – it’s a worry we all have.    I’m thankful that Brian has this wonderful Hop every week so we can share out loud the things we’re thankful for.    Like FRIENDS!

Angel Sammy’s poetry post got to me in time in spite of the fact the wi-fi connections up at the Rainbow Bridge aren’t always GOOD – This week they were!


Hello Poetry Fans – here we go with a new year of poetry!

Yes indeed – you all wrote some magnificent poems last year and there’s no reason to think this year will be any different – I am also hoping that more of our followers decide to give writing a poem a chance.   I think you’d like it if you tried it!    Don’t say “I can’t write a poem” because everyone truly can.   AND IT’S FUN!

Here’s last week’s photo and my poem follows:

“Future Biker”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell    ©January 2, 2020

Vrooom Vroom give me some room

I’m on the move just watch me zoom!

My Daddy rides a great big bike

His motorcycle is lots faster than my trike!

He works on the highways where he sometimes chases

Crazy drivers going fast who think they’re in big races!

Mom and I worry about him when he’s on the road

I’m gonna help him when I’m all “growed” !

Until then I’ll be a policeman in my yard……

I might be little but I can work real hard!

This little boy sure looks happy on his bike – before his parents are ready for it, he will be asking for a bigger bike – and a BIGGER bike.    Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if he became a policeman like his Dad! 

Did you write a poem?   Are you going to share it with us?   Please do!  Just let us know in comments you wrote one – tell us your link and we’ll pop over to read it.    By all means too if you want to try your hand at poetry – please do that as well.    Two lines or ten – rhyming or not – poetry is a great form of expression!    

Here’s next week’s photo – you have a whole week to think about it and write your poem to share next Thursday.   Make a new year’s resolution to try writing a poem!    GO FOR IT.

All I can say about this photo is “YIKES” and I think it will be a fun photo to write a poem about…………………hope you think so too!    See you next week!


I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Hugs from the Bridge………..Angel Sammy


Thanks Angel Sammy.    Love your poem…..I wonder if I asked for a trike would Santa Paws bring it to me next year?

Love, Teddy

42 responses »

  1. That is a lovely poem, Angel Sammy. I was brought up with bikes and rode pillion behind my mum from 5 years old. It would never be allowed now! She used to take me up to my auntie and uncle about 65 miles away for me to spend the summer holidays. My dad died when I was 5 so it gave her a break.I remember telling her to go faster and we could almost get the ton but not quite.
    So many of your poem photos bring back forgotten memories.
    Next week’s photo made my stomach lurch just looking at it!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Miss Jackie my Mom has lots of fun memories of learning to ride bikes – and a lot of skinned knees too! So glad you enjoyed some of your forgotten memories because of Angel Sammy’s poem!! We agree about next week’s photo – in fact when we were looking at photos similar to this my Mom almost got dizzy. Imagine doing this kind of thing for a job?!?!?!?!?!? EEEK!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

    • All you need to do is give us your blog address and we’ll follow it to your page and your poem! Since we now have your blog address because you commented – hopefully our followers will follow that to your page – thanks for being a “newbie” for our Thursday poetic day!


      Liked by 2 people

  2. Reblogged this on autistsix and commented:
    Hi guys especially Angel Sammy and Teddy.
    I am attempting a poem based on the challenge picture below.
    Don’t laugh, but wait its meant to be funny, laughing is okay.
    Special Worker
    I bet you didn’t know,
    About the West Pole.
    Invisible to the Naked Eye,
    Invisible except to one guy.
    He has the job to tinker and tune,
    And check our adherence to the moon.
    A city grew up on just the right spot.
    But want his job, I certainly do not.

    Love Lisa.

    Liked by 2 people

    • You wrote an adorable poem this week – I’m glad you decided to join in the poetry fun – it gives us yet another way to express ourselves with the added challenge of using a photo to achieve something!

      Hugs, Pam


  3. I enjoyed your poem Angel Sammy. It was perfect and made me smile extra much! Mom said wanting to be like your daddy is just the highest compliment a child can pay him. XXXXX That uterine…climbing so high…I couldn’t do that if my life depended on it.
    Katie Isabella


  4. Excellent poem from Angel Sammy, he never disappoints. Thank you for always finding fun poems to inspire us. Have a great day! XO


  5. Pingback: Day 2 – autistsix

  6. How funny that we both began our poems with. Room. Sammy’s poem was excellent, as always. But a big grin on our faces. Really hoping this is a good year for all of us. Mom did write a poem, and her is the link:
    Yikes is right about next week’s photo. Love to all. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • Glad you liked Sammy’s poem….the guy is still cranking out good poetry even while he’s at the Bridge working hard! LOL That photo for next week really is cringe-worthy. We loved your poem……..!!

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy


  7. So glad the connection with the bridge stayed good, Angel Sammy. That man in the new picture doesn’t had anything to do with it, did he😸You’re a real star, your poems are always purrfect and fun😸Pawkisses for a Happy Thursday to you and Teddy too🐾😽💞


    • The man in the photo for next week’s poetry inspiration might be trying to get up to where our “basement door” is at the Rainbow Bridge but he has a long way to go! Glad you liked Angel Sammy’s poem – I wish I could write like he does Binky!

      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

    • We got weak in the knees just posting the photo for next week! It was even worse when Mom did a google search for “high rise steel workers” – this was one of a million SCARY photos!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. The last time my peeps were that high was 1999 when they were at the restaurant at the top of the RCA building. They ordered a martini to enjoy the view (which included to complete World Trade Center complex) They got the bill and the waitress wanted to know if they wanted another round. At sixteen bucks a pop, they declined. (pun intended) but they did get high.


  9. Teddy, we hope you and your mom and dad are having a purrfect 2020 thus far! Angel Sammy, your poem is purrfection, as always! This image was so cute, especially compared to the slightly frightening new image. That sure is an interesting one to work with! Purrs!


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