Sunday Selfie Hop


It’s Sunday and time to Hop with Kitties Blue again………………………..the day of the week we join in their Hop and show ourselves off with selfies!    If you click their badge you will go there and you can sign up and do the same – smile pretty for the camera!

I’ve got a DIFFERENT selfie for you today…………….it’s not ME – it’s my Cousin Casey!     Casey lives with my Auntie Carol (my Mom’s sister) and Mom visited with Auntie Carol Wednesday and of course HAD to take a few photos.    Do you get the idea from this photo of Casey that he enjoys having his photo taken?    Poses pretty well doesn’t he?!     Casey is an Imperial Shih-Tzu……smaller than the regular sized Shih-Tzu and has a distinctive “liver” coloring meaning brown nose, lips and eyes instead of the usual black.    My Mom thinks he’s kinda cute – know what?  I do too – and I’m a WHOLE LOT BIGGER THAN HE IS!   TEE HEEEEEEEEE

Smile for Mom’s camera Casey……………..

Casey is a very cool pup – he is a “dog of many colors” as my Mom says.   He has a different color coat almost every time Mom sees him!    I can give you some examples:

Casey at Easter in 2017

Casey in August of 2017

Pretty fun isn’t it?   I think Casey might be magic or something.    Anyway, I decided he could be the SELFIE GUY for us this Sunday.     Mom even made a fancy picture of him with Lunapic AND of course a puzzle for you puzzle peeps!

Mom used the “CONNECTIONS” art filter on Lunapic for this one………I like it – looks somehow a little oriental maybe?

Here’s the puzzle of the above photo – good luck – might be a bit of a toughie………………………still, a fun way to spend a Sunday afternoon right?    See you next week for another Selfie – probably of ME ME ME!



Love, Teddy

Before we go……………………..

Summer’s sister Binga at SPARKLECAT went to the Bridge last night.  She had a long and happy life with Miss Janiss and we are very sad to see her go.   If you click the badge above, you can visit SPARKLECAT and leave a note for Summer, Boodie and Miss Janiss.

On a happier note, today is our little buddy Sawyer’s SECOND birthday!   Sawyer’s had  rough time of it with his seizure disorder so if you stop by (click his birthday card) to wish him a happy day I think he’s REALLY appreciate it!

50 responses »

    • I wonder if he might be part chameleon – it’s really funny that he changes color but no matter what color he is my Mom thinks he’s adorable (not as adorable as me of course!).

      Hugs, Teddy


  1. Why, I am so glad to meet your Cousin Casey! You’re sure right, Teddy, he IS cute. Mom said she’d love to hold him.


  2. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Teddy I’m so very happy to see a photo of Teddy. OMDs I thinking he might be a magician with his ability to change colors. MOL I spy one of his mom’s gorgeous quilts too.

    I was so sorry to read about Binga…she was for sure a fixture in Blogging community.

    Happy Bday to Sawyer
    Hugs Cecilia


    • Casey is adorable…Toby is too (the other pup) but Casey is the only one who is a “color changer” !! The quilt in the photo is on Carol’s bed and the other one is on a footstool in the living room. He’s so photographable! Yes it was very sad that Binga left for the Bridge but of course her Mom didn’t want her to suffer. I’m sure she’s a gorgeous Angel.

      Love, Pam


  3. Casey is adorable, how odd about the color changes. Beautiful art. Thank you for the puzzle. I am very sad about Binga, she was a beautiful girl. XO


  4. Meow meow grate Selfiess there Casey doggie! An Teddy yore photoe iss adoorabell too!
    Wee are so furry sorry ’bout Binga…poor Miss Janiss; shee an Binga had such a long time together….
    An HURRAH fore Sawyer…..deer deer Sawyer!
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma


  5. Casey did a pawsome job with his selfie ! His different colors are amazing ! We’re sad about Binga too, we’ll miss her. Purrs


  6. Casey sure is one super cute guy, and the fact he is small makes me think he’d be welcome in my household too. The whole colour changing thing is much like our plough horse at the palace. He changes colour with the changing of the seasons, from light to dark.
    The jigsaw looks awesome this week, hard too. I shall save that till after supper, but before Mrs H has had her sherry else we’ll be there for ages, MOL


  7. Condolences to Binga’s family, many happy returns of the day to Sawyer, and that dog is pretty amazing, i wonder if those dogs simply do not develop their final coat color until they are a few years old, just like many Siamese cats’ points will continue to darken until about age 5.


    • I’m pretty sure you’re totally right about “final coat”…..Casey is still a “baby” (in many ways) – just turning two. It’s just fun to see him when I visit my sister because he’s always at least a shade or two different from my previous visit.

      Hugs, Pam


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