Monthly Archives: October 2015

Pre-Tease Monday



Teaser Coming Tomorrow!


Consider this your early warning wake-up call because tomorrow you’ll need your wits about you (and your glasses) so you can figure out the Teaser photo.   The photo I’ve decided on is not the toughest one in the world but because you have to tell me more than just what country or state it was taken in, it might be TOUGH.   We’ll see about that!

Did she say TOUGH???  Uhoh.....

Did she say TOUGH??? Uhoh…..

I know some of you think it would be a lot easier if I just had you tell me what country or state the photo was taken in and NOT make you tell me the city/village.   Well, you’re right – it would be easier, but wouldn’t you rather have a BIGGER challenge??????   You know BIGGER CHALLENGE like when we’re trying to wake our humans up in the morning to feed us??????


I’ve been promising some newly designed badges for a while and haven’t done them.   Shame on me.   Seems I’m up to my eyebrows these days in blog stuff and Cat Scouts stuff………between those things and trying to allow my Mom to get OFF the computer and read or take a drive with my Dad, the day is FULL.   No time for designing badges………BUT I will get around to it I promise.

Meanwile, you’ll have a chance in the morning to get one of these little gems!

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The post will be popping up in your inbox at an UNKNOWN time………..a SURPRISE time…….we all love surprises right?

I also want to remind you not to wait until the last second to send me your Sam-O-Ween Costume Contest entries……….I’m sure you’d just LOVE to have the surprise prize package I will have for you if you are the winner of the BEST COSTUME contest right?   You have until OCTOBER 28TH to get your entry to me – just email me at junekimm(at)aol(dot)com.   I’m getting some real doozies!    Then on the 29th and 30th YOU will get to vote for your favorite/best costume…………………I’ll announce the winner at my party on the 31st!


I haven’t decided what my costume will be this year.  Last year Mom dressed me as a lobster in a pot.  Can you believe it?   Who knows what indignities I’ll suffer THIS year!

Guess you’ll have to wait and see!

Happy Pre-Tease Monday

Love, Sammy

Achin’ for Bacon


No, I’m not achin’ – Not really – no aches here – I may have arthritis but bacon has HEALING power you know………so on Saturday especially I’m always FEELING FINE!    Mom didn’t let me down either – she made bacon and egg sammiches for her and Dad and for me?  I had bacon on bacon with a side order of bacon!

Mom and Dad had these

Mom and Dad had these

I had this.....tee hee

I had this…..tee hee


Seriously though, we did have a nice breakfast this morning which is preparing us for a great Caturday.    I have a busy day at Cat Scouts…… fact the whole weekend is busy.   It’s always something there – if you have time on your hands, are a cat, and have a Mom who can help you have the time of your life (hahahaha), consider joining up.  If you DO join up, join my Troop – The Wildcats!   I’m the Troop Leader and I promise you we’ll keep you hopping!!!

Sunday at Scouts we’re celebrating the joys of S’mores.  If your Mom or Dad were ever Scouts, they know what a s’mores is………..two graham crackers with a marshmallow between them and a couple of squares of chocolate bar….then you hold it over the campfire and it gets all MELTY.   It’s like a little bit of heaven on a stick!  HAHAHA    Anyway, we’re having a “S’moresapalooza” and we’ll tell stories about s’mores, recite poems about s’mores, and EAT s’smores (virtually of course) so I thought I’d make an outfit to wear to the event.  What do you think???

OK.....I hear you giggling.....stop that!

OK…..I hear you giggling…..stop that!

Do I look good enough to eat?   HAR HAR – that’s what Mom thinks anyway.

Well if you’ll pardon me, I’m going to see if I might have left a few bacon crumbs around my breakfast dish.    You never know………..I don’t want Mom to have to clean up any messes so I’ll search for every last bit of bacon and be on my way!

See you tomorrow for Sunday Selfies!


Don’t Forget – SAM-O-WEEN Party with Costume Contest coming!  Get your entries in!  YOU will be voting for BEST COSTUME.   All animals all over the world invited to pawticipate – we’ll ship prize anywhere!    ENTRIES DUE TO ME BY OCTOBER 28 AT THE LATEST!!!!   Email me at junekimm(at)aol(dot)com.


Happy Friday



We are happy here at my house……why?  Well because Mom has her computer back all fixed up (that means I can visit with you!) and Dad has his beloved Blazer back and his wallet is aching due to the $900 spent fixing it, and the refrigerator is full of bacon so I’m obviously happy – see?  We’re ALL happy!

I have to say that Mom did go just a little but nutso yesterday because she couldn’t get online.  Sad isn’t it?  Everyone is hooked on computerizing!   Well, such is the way of the world.  If not for the computer I wouldn’t have my blog, and if not for my blog you would be UNAWARE that there’s a ginger, polydactyl kitty in Virginia who loves bacon and teases the heck out of everyone on Tuesdays!

Tomorrow we’ll celebrate around here – because everything didn’t get back from repair shops until late in the day so we couldn’t celebrate last night.   There will be EXTRA bacon Mom says.  EXTRA…….I do like that word!

I spent yesterday sleeping – following the sun puddles – we had rain for so many days I’ve been enjoying the last few when we’ve had sun – just in time for there to be rain later today but yesterday was FAB.   I started enjoying it when the sun made it over the trees………

Love it!

Love it!

I continued moving from dining room to library to upstairs guest room to hallway to stairs………..wherever Mr. Sun went, I followed…………

Sam in Library

I guess I can put up with a little bit of rain since we did have three or so days of sun right?  “Into each life a little rain must fall” !

I’m already working on next week’s Teaser………….you know I like to have them lined up so I’m not staying up late on a Monday night trying to find something to TEASE you properly.   I have FOUR candidates for next Tuesday – FOUR!   I could do the “eeny meeny miney mo” thing to pick one but instead I’ll try to get the one I think will give you the MOST challenge.   You DO like a challenge right?   Right?

Until tomorrow – when the BACON shall flow freely – I’ll see you then!



Silent Thursday



Peeps!   Today Mom is WITHOUT the computer (again) all day as it goes back to the “doctor” for an operation.   Brand new CD/DVD drive being installed and Mom will NOT be able to comment on your comments (say that ten times fast) today – or if she DOES, it won’t be until LATE in the day so be advised!    She will probably be like she was last week when the computer was being diagnosed……………….she didn’t know what to do with herself!   She tried reading, watching TV, even resorted to cleaning/laundry, but no matter WHAT, she missed being online to check email and blog comments.   This is the woman who SWORE she’d never get “hooked” on computerizing!   UH HUH.   Tell me another one Mom.

SO – anyway, not much to say anyway except I’ve already received two costume entries for my SAM-O-WEEN costume contest……………also we’ve kind of decided in order for YOU to have plenty of time to vote for the BEST COSTUME before I announce it at my SAM-O-WEEN party on the 31st, we will say the LAST DAY FOR ENTRIES will be October 28th instead of 29th OK?   Got it?

Costume Entries To Me Not Later Than Oct. 28!

YES I did say there would be a prize package for the winner and I meant it…………the winner will be having “Christmas in October”!


Is this a threat?  Well, maybe… don’t want a goblin visiting you do you?   Of course not – so you’d better plan on at least stopping by my blog on the 31st for some snacks and to see who’s won the contest right?  Right!

Hang in there – we’ll be back with a vengeance tomorrow I’m sure………and Mom will have a HAPPY FACE because hopefully we’ll be back in business with the blog and email.

Until then:

CRYINGCATWe’ll miss you today!!!!