Wowzers…What Weather!

Sam's house on the hill.

I can’t believe it but yesterday it was in the eighties!  EIGHTIES! 

If Mom had bought me that kiddie pool I begged her for LAST summer, I would have gotten the thing out, blown it up (well, Dad would have done THAT part for me) and filled it with water and taken a swim!  The fact I’m not crazy about water doesn’t enter into the picture – – I would have had just a couple inches of water in it so it wouldn’t have been like taking a BATH or anything (yuck).  Just a bit of a cool off.  We had the A/C on in the house even………..all day…………amazing.

Can this go on?  Who knows…..I guess this is one of those times when you just say “I’ll enjoy it while it’s here” – right?

Now – moving on……..Guess what ELSE happened today?  I got a really fun package of goodies from my buds Nellie and Kozmo at CATFROMHELL.  In honor of the fact I helped my friend Kozmo on his recently concluded Evil Mr. Chirpy Caper, I got my very own little yellow stuffed chirping chicken!  Yes…..and believe me when Mom showed me the envelope and it was chirping, it most certainly got my attention!  Mom got a new mousie pad too for her computer which she REALLY needed.  Her “David’s Bridge” one she did when she first published her book was looking – well – pitiful.  This Cat From Hell one is pink and looks nice on her drawing table.  I’m so happy.  Mostly I’m just VERY happy to have so many great friends in cyberspace.  I really am.  Blogging every day is a lot of work (as you well know since most of you do the same thing) but it’s let me meet a lot of fun kitties, dogs, birds, and people. 

I might be “one spoiled cat” but I’m also one LUCKY cat. 

Consider yourselves hugged! 


18 responses »

  1. Here’s a hug right back to you, Sammy! (sigh) Love the picture of your house: that’s beautiful!!
    Glad you’re enjoying this wonderful weather… we’ll just hope it keeps coming!
    Enjoy all your new toys from Nellie & Kozmo!
    Love, Sundae


    • Hi Sundae! I hope your day yesterday was super spectacular…..and we’ll all get another beautiful day today won’t we?! It’s going to be 85 here so I’m thinking it might be even WARMER for you since you’re a bit south of me. WOW.

      Have a fun and happy sunny day……….
      Love, Sammy


  2. You certainly are a popular cat, Sammy! Enjoy playing with your chirping chicken (although I hope you remember not to eat this one!), and enjoy the summer weather!
    Hugs, Linda


    • Hi Miss Linda! Oh I’m not eating this one believe me…’s made out of cloth and not nearly as soft and squishy and juicy as the other one I USED to have (sniff). I’m heading outside for my SECOND sniff on the front porch this morning. Whatta day it’s gonna be!!! You enjoy it too.

      Kitty Hugs


  3. Dear Sammy
    Me is happy that the nice weather is at your house, but the cold weather is back way up here in the great white north!It was like winter came back yesterday! Can yous mail me some of your weather? Me is happy you is happy with your Mr Chirpy. Has the “singing” driven your Mom and Dad nuts yet {tee hee}


    • Hi Nellie! WOW….winter’s back there huh? It’s going to be 85 here today and I wish I could mail you some of this weather cuz it’s PURRRRRFECT! Mom and Dad don’t mind Mr. Chirpy AT ALL. Besides, he chirps nice and quiet so only ME can really enjoy him. I LUV him! Tell your Mom that my Mom mailed a package addressed to you and Kozmo today…..keep an eye out for it will you?

      Kitty Hugs


  4. That is totally awesome, Sammy, that you got a chirping chicken! I love your new FBI identification on your blog! You are One Cool Cat.
    It is very warm here, too, and my cars have a half inch of pollen on them! It feels more like late May than mid-March!


    • Hi Miss Trish! Yeah, my chicken toy is pretty neat. I know just how to poke it to get it to chirp but my favorite thing is to “wrap” it in my tissue pile. I’ve been out a lot today in this nice weather here. There’s a lot of pollen here too and everyone’s sneezing – thank heavens my parents don’t have allergies or we’d have big problems.

      Kitty Hugs


    • Hi Miss Caren and Cody…..yeah, Kozmo’s the best. I’m so glad I’m part of the FBI so I can work with him again if he needs help! Thanks for the comments on my house on the hill. When I was little I used to love running from the bottom of the hill up to the top and back again – these days I’m happy just to sit in the grass and watch the world go by! I sure hope you didn’t get any really bad storms……they can be super scary and dangerous. Hope you’re safe and sound this morning!

      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi Katie! Thanks for stopping by. I agree – Kozmo and Nellie are the best and my little squeaky chicken is my new “best buddy”. I installed him in my pile of favorite tissue paper which is considered a place of honor among my toys. We got up to 85 (!) here yesterday but this morning it’s kinda chilly out – perhaps I’ll have to wear my green Irish sweater one day early???

      Kitty Hugs


  5. You are a pawsome friend Sammy, and I’m glad I met you through blogging. So, how’s that Chirpy toy? I might have to get one for June Buggie…. then he can have his own adventure and leave me alone!


    • HAHAHA! I’m happy to have met you too!!! The Mr. Chirpy chicken is doing just fine and if I poke him JUST RIGHT, he does his chirpy thing. I LUV him! I’m not sure where Nellie and Kozmo found it, but it’s one of the very bestest toys I EVER had!

      Happy St. Pat’s Day Rumpy!
      Kitty Hugs, Sammy


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