Tag Archives: poem from photo

Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Hello Hoppers!   Time to hook up with the Thankful Hop at Brian’s and all you need to do is click his badge above and link up – tell us what you’re thankful for!    Then after we do that, we can read the poem that Angel Sammy sent via his laptop at the Rainbow Bridge for us to read for his Poetic Thursday post.

What am I thankful for this week?   I’m thankful that this Sunday I will be celebrating how much I love my Mom and how much she and Dad have given to me since they adopted me.   I am loved…..I am spoiled, I am VERY HAPPY.    I am also not living in a shelter any longer like so many who would love to find their forever home.    Trust me – I am VERY thankful!

Here’s the email message I got last night from Angel Sammy – I’m also thankful for that!


Hello Poetry Fans and Friends!

It’s me – the Angel Poet – back again with a poem and another challenge for all of you for NEXT Thursday’s Poetic Thursday.     Your mission is to write a poem based on the photo I will give you later and to let us know in comments you wrote one so we can go read it on your blog!    Now I hope you’ve done that THIS WEEK too – have you?    Good – we’d love to read it so let us know.

Here’s the photo I gave you for inspiration LAST Thursday – with my poem – then I’ll give you a photo for next Thursday.


Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell       ©May 8, 2019


Leisure ride in a raft anyone?

Lazy river and having fun?

Don’t choose falls rafting if that’s your thing

Frightened rafters screams will make your ears ring!

Stretches of calm water will allow you to rest

Before the next falls where you MUST do your best!

Keeping the raft upright with all hands in the raft

It’s a real challenge so you must learn the craft

If you know what you’re doing and you’re prepared for the thrill

Then climb aboard for the time of your life – is screaming a “skill” ????


Mom says you will never find her aboard a white water raft – not even when she was younger – old truck inner tube floating down the river like I told you last week – that was her thrill in “her day” !!   I know that many people enjoy rafting and if the water was nice and calm and you could have a leisurely float with no rough water, then she MIGHT hop on board a raft.   MIGHT!

So, here’s what I have for you for next week’s poetry inspiration………………..I think it’s another one with great possibilities don’t you?

This will be a fun one don’t you think?     Well, let’s make a date then to get together again next Thursday and we’ll share what we’ve written that’s been conjured up in our creative heads for this photo shall we?   

In the meantime, remember LOVE MAKES THE WORLD GO ROUND………….it also makes the RAINBOW BRIDGE GO ROUND!

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Angel Hugs, Sammy



Thank you Angel Sammy for visiting with us – you may be far away but I feel you near me all the time…………………………..

Love, Teddy


Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Happy Thankful Thursday!    How about joining in on this fun HOP that let us focus on things we’re thankful for every week?   Just click Brian’s badge above and link up.   Share.   We all have things we’re thankful for right?

I’m thankful that we have NOT had anymore snow.   In fact, all that mud which Mom insists comes OFF my feet before I’m allowed back in the house after a walk is GONE.   No more foot washing!  YAY!

I’m also thankful that I got Angel Sammy’s poem and message for this week – direct thru his wi-fi connection at the Rainbow Bridge…..!    Here’s what he wrote:


Greetings Poetry Fans!

I hope all of you had a good week since we last “met” here in the blogosphere.    Things are busy here at the Rainbow Bridge but then you all know about that as you’ve had to say goodbye to a LOT of your friends in the last few weeks.   This time of year we have more new Angels than we usually do during other Earth Seasons.    We welcome everyone with open arms and an Angel Hug and help them adjust – we know it’s an adjustment for YOU, but it’s also an adjustment for US.

Last week’s photo inspiration was the photo below, and I’ve followed the photo with the poem I wrote based on my thoughts about the photo.  If you have written a poem with this photo as your inspiration, please let us know in comments OR write your poem in comments so we can read it!

“Serious Bingo!”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell      February 27, 2019


Bingo player extraordinaire

In her eyes the determined stare

At her table her “equipment” is ready

Nerves are calm, her hands are steady

She takes this seriously – It’s important stuff

Concentration is present as she takes a puff

She’s a seasoned expert and knows the deal

She’s known in the Bingo Hall as Lucky Lucille!

She’s a ten card wonder and fast as lightning

She can mark cards and sip coffee so fast it’s almost frightening!

This is her BIG weekly outing so don’t get in her way

Lucky Lucille is in her regular spot and ready to play!


This photo reminded my Mom of going to bingo with her Mom once in a while.   A room full of serious Bingo players.   Concentrating and piles of cards in front of them – lightning fast marking each letter/number combo called out………WAITING until someone finally yelled out BINGO and you could hear a collective sigh of disappointment.     I love this photo.   I bet this lady is a real “character” !!

How about next week – ready to see the photo I have for you for next week’s poetry inspiration?

Oh  boy!   Magic huh?   Let’s see what we can all do with this one………………..in the meantime, please remember – poetry is EASY if you let it be.   Doesn’t have to rhyme – just tell me what you FEEL when you look at the photo…..it’s all about interpretation!  

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love, Angel Sammy


Thanks Sammy………….that was a fun photo this week AND I think the magical fairy one will be fun NEXT week!     I’ll see you in my dreams…………………………….

Love, Teddy

Thankful and Poetic Thursday



I Am Thankful………….!

Time to be hopping along with Brian on his Thursday Blog Hop……..thanks again Brian for hosting this chance to share with the universe what we’re all thankful for.   If you want to join us – just click on the badge above……..visit Brian and hook up to the Hop!

Since this is the last “Thankful Thursday” before my birthday on March 4th, I want to say just how THANKFUL I am that I am celebrating my SECOND birthday here in my forever home with my Mom and Dad.   Last year I had only lived here with them for about 3 weeks when I had my FIRST birthday.    Now I’ve lived here a whole year since then and I know just how nice it is to have food, fun, and forever so I can really RELAX on this birthday right?    I’m also thankful Angel Sammy arranged my adoption – because I know in my heart he did JUST THAT!

Second part of our blog today deals with POETIC THURSDAY – Angel Sammy sends me an email transmission to post for him with his poem and a new photo for NEXT week’s poem.   I look forward to that every week – I hope you do too?

Here’s what I got from his cloud last night!


Hello my friends………time to share some poetry!

Thursday is when those of you who are playing along with my challenge to write a poem each week inspired by a photograph that I give to you SHARE those poems either by giving us a link to your poem on your blog OR where you can post your poem in our comments on this blog!    However you want to do it – we want you to give this challenge a whirl.    When you look at a photo, you get an impression of something – a feeling, a memory, an emotion – can be anything that pops into you head upon seeing the photograph.    The fun then is to turn THAT into a poem!    Here is last week’s photo that I gave you to work with, and then my poem from MY impression of the photo:


By Angel Sammy Kimmell  February 28, 2018

I stood on the bridge watching the setting sun

Feeling relaxed as the day was done

As the sun slowly sank on the earth’s horizon

My cell phone rang courtesy of Verizon

“Yes?” I said irritated at the noisy ring

Until then all I’d heard was birds on the wing

“Time for dinner” my Mom said and I turned to leave

But the sight that awaited me I just could not believe!

As I’d stood on the bridge letting my thoughts take flight

The tide had come in as day turned into night

I was trapped on the bridge for I could not swim

I’d walked out to this bridge on an “unthinking” whim

Thoughts of tides or times or dinner just hadn’t occurred!

If Mom had warned me, I just hadn’t heard!

What to do, what to do, I just couldn’t THINK

One thing for sure, my bridge would not sink!

So I called Mom back and told her the tale….

She reminded me of something which just couldn’t fail

I had been so lost in my thoughts that I forgot one BIG thing

I was an Angel now – and Angels have wings……………………….


Tee Hee.   Yes it’s a bit of a silly and fun poem this week – not moody as my poems sometimes are……….but that’s the thing about writing a poem – you can truly write about ANYTHING – you can describe how you feel, what’s in your head, something you can’t “speak out loud but can write about”……….and that’s why I say – GIVE IT A TRY!    I’d love for you to do that.    I also hope you liked my poem this week.     I can’t wait to read yours too!

Here’s my photo challenge for you for NEXT Thursday……………if you didn’t write one for today – see what you can do with this photo and I’ll see you next week OK?   


Now this photo is gonna be tons of fun right?   

Oui Oui – me in my French beret which inspires my POETRY!

Love to you all – Angel Sammy


Thanks Angel Sammy!   I liked your poem and I think that photo for next week ought to get some creative juices flowing with our followers – even those who haven’t written a poem before – maybe they’ll enjoy coming up with something.

Happy Thursday To YOU!   From Teddy

On a sad note……..we had to say goodbye to yet another friend – the beautiful and sweet Kali from CANADIAN CATS blog.   She and her sister Shoko ran the household together along with their Mom and Dad and we know they are missing Kali – so are we – Angel Sammy is making sure she feels “at home” at the Bridge along with all the other Angels.  

You are missed…….Teddy and Mom