Tag Archives: NOMS Day

Teaser Tell All



Your Secret Agent Teaser Man


So what was inside the silver briefcase this week?   Who was the Guest Teaser and where was the photo taken????

Here’s the photos first of all…………


This was indeed up at the tippity top of Grandfather Mountain – the highest peak in the Blue Ridge mountain range outside of Linville, North Carolina!

My Guest Photo was sent in by my good friend Madi whose humans visited Grandfather mountain just a few weeks ago and sent these photos to my Mom who thought they’d be GREAT for my Teaser.   THANK YOU MADI and MOM CECELIA!

Thank you Madi and Mom Cecelia!

Thank you Madi and Mom Cecelia!

It was a mad scramble for FIRST COMMENTER but Miss Annie of Animal Couriers was the FIRST!   This is for you!


Then the guesses began coming in and the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER was:

Miss Caren and Cody from CAT CHAT !   WOO HOO!  This is for you:


Then came the others who guessed RIGHT and below is your badge!


AND – as always – there were just a few (!!) of you who didn’t know or guessed wrong and you get (that’s right…..you know it’s coming!) the below:


That was a goodie yes?   You know that Madi’s Mom and Dad had to wait for them to open up that suspension bridge because when they got there initially the WIND was too high to allow access?   Super duper windy on top of Grandfather Mountain……………..!!!

Thanks for playing along – see you next Tuesday I hope !!!


Sammy the Tease



Now for the second half of the show……………….(haha, surprise)!  Today is a fun day in the blogosphere – it’s called N.O.M.S. Day which stands for “Not Of My Species” and it’s a celebration of the fact that we ALL get along together – no matter what kind of animal or species we are, we can all be friends.   We are celebrating it in the Tabby Cat Club today in fact so if you CLICK HERE you can see the posts the TCC participants have put together.   This was my “poster” for the occasion:


No matter what species you are – HAVE A SUPER WEDNESDAY!!!

Love, Sammy of species feline!

Tuesday Teaser and NOMS


Hello Friends!!!!!   Today is the day you all LOVE to HATE….HAHAHA…..well, some of you love it because you like guessing and some of you love it because you enjoy the comments we get………so I guess everybody is happy on Tuesdays??  I hope so.

Remember too that I’m premiering my brand new and improved (hopefully) Teaser Badges for you to display to the universe when you do (or don’t) guess right on the Teaser today.   Today’s Teaser is a photo of my Mom’s…..from a trip she and my Dad took…..so without further ado, here’s your challenge this Tuesday!


Remember you must tell me WHERE the photo was taken and not just the country or state but where (region or area)…….OK?   The FIRST RIGHT GUESSER needs to tell me where the photo was snapped – got it?  Got it!!!

Wanna win a new badge?  Great……………here’s what’s available to the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER:

For the FIRST to guess right!

For the FIRST to guess right!

Here’s what everyone who guesses right will win even if you’re not first!


And last but never least we have the “didn’t guess right/didn’t have a clue” badge!

For the clueless or wrong guesses!

For the clueless or wrong guesses!

Everybody wins – what a deal huh?

♥     ♥     ♥     ♥

Now, for Part Two of today’s post…………because today is a day being celebrated at the Tabby Cat Club – it’s called NOMS Day which stands for “NOT OF MY SPECIES” day.  We will be celebrating friends who aren’t cats!  We all have them – humans and other animals who are important to us and while we cats always stick together we widen our circle to include others!   We have big hearts – room for everyone!   Make sure and visit the TCC to see everyone else’s NOMS posts today – mine will be there.

Meanwhile here at home on my blog, I’ll tell you who my NOMS buddies are today – I actually have LOTS of “other species friends” – pigs, woofies, birds, humans of all ages, guinea pigs, goats, sheep, bunnies and even (I hope they like me anyway!) the kangaroos from “Down Under”!   But today I’m going to brag about my Cousins……….the two shih tzus who live with my Auntie Carol in West Virginia.

Toby and Mollye are rescued shih tzus who are truly living the life with my Auntie Carol as they are loved to bits by everyone who meets them.  They’re so friendly and happy to greet EVERYONE…….I’ve told you all about them before, but they’re #1 in my book so I’m featuring them today because they’re very special.

Toby is the “big brother” – he plays with Mollye, guards the house by barking when there’s a stranger (or if a squirrel is on his front porch) – he’s a big cuddle bug and knows lots of tricks and words and is VERY smart.

Who could resist this Toby puppy face?????

Who could resist this Toby puppy face?????

Mollye was a puppy mill girl who was used for breeding purposes only so lived her life having puppies constantly and only knew the inside of a small cage – never getting to go for a walk or know human kindness.   She’d never had any sort of medical care – she had undiagnosed glaucoma which eventually caused her to lose one of her eyes.  She’s now got special drops to keep the progression of the disease slowed down so hopefully she’ll be able to use the one good eye for a while longer.   The thing about Mollye is she knows every square inch of her house and yard – and Toby “herds” her around anyway so if the day comes she loses all vision, she’ll still be getting around with Aunt Carol and Toby’s help!   She’s a loving and very sweet pup.

Hi Mollye!!!!

Hi Mollye!!!!

So that’s my special NOMS post today…………….all about woofies…………….I’m a lover of all animals like my Mom and Dad though………it’s just that these two came to mind FIRST when I thought about who to blog about on NOMS day.   However, all of you who are “not of my species” but are friends of me – I LOVE YOU ALL!!!!   Yep I do!!!

Tune in tomorrow for the Teaser Tell All and the awards……………………..I bet you want one!!!

Hugs, Sleepy Sammy

Yep - you know where I am right now....hee hee

Yep – you know where I am right now….hee hee



Manic Monday



Manic – NOT Maniac!  HAHA……..and it’s “manic” because I have several things to blog about this morning!

One thing is that tomorrow is a big day in the Cat Blogosphere but in a way it’s a big day for everyone…….many years ago a special day was started by The Cat Realm began a holiday that is rather pawsome if you ask me……..it’s called “NOMS Day” but “NOMS” doesn’t mean food like some of us call our eatables, it stands for “NOT OF MY SPECIES”…….a day to honor OTHERS!   This is what they said about NOMS day on their site:

Noms Day (“Not Of My Species Day”), a holiday to remember that all beings are equal, to remind ourselves to be tolerant towards everybody, to reach out across species, cultures, nationalities, religions, languages, beliefs and appearances and to come together and embrace our differences.

Pretty cool huh?   And they created a special badge to be displayed by those of us who pawticipate in blogging about a friend who is not of our species on August 5th every single year……….


So, while the Tabby Cat Club will be participating at the Club tomorrow and you can go there to see everybody’s chosen cross-species posts, I’ll post at the TCC and ALSO my blog.   Make note to visit the TCC tomorrow though so you can see everyone’s posts – RIGHT AFTER YOU’VE SEEN MY TEASER OF COURSE!  (hee hee hee)

Speaking of the Teaser, I have the honor of showing you the newly re-designed and entirely more fashionable (ha) Teaser Badges which will be used this week for the first time……………so without further ado, let’s parade these badges down the runway to show them off!

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Tomorrow’s Teaser is NOT a Guest Teaser photo………….it’s Mom’s………….yep – good old Mom (or Mom and Dad as the case may be).   One from our personal Kimmell Archives.   I don’t know if Google search will help you out on this one guys………you’ll be on your own……..guessing by the seat of your pants (unless you don’t wear pants of course then it’s by your SEAT period!).

This coming Friday and Saturday we’re going to be mighty busy on Cat Scouts too!   I now have a Travel Group which I operate with the help of my blog buddies Gracie and Raz who are also of course Scouts…………we three are hosting a Riverboat trip down the Mississippi River……..we’re having a costume buffet dinner the first night on board – girlcats dressing as dance hall girls or southern belles and boycats dressing as riverboat gamblers or scaliwags (haha)……then the next day we’re taking swamp buggies into the swamp down in the Bayous of New Orleans where we are staying in a swamp lodge on stilts (so the crocs can’t get us) and having a dinner by a campfire on the edge of the swamp (eeeeeek) before returning to our homes the next day.   Should be a hoot and you best believe I’ll share some photos from that with you when I can!!   Meanwhile, if you are a cat and are not a Cat Scout – what’s your excuse????   I’m a Troop Leader you know – of the Worldwide Wildcats Troop……we’re always looking for a few good Scouts AND we have tons of fun.   Visit HERE and join up……..what are you waiting for?  You can come on the riverboat trip if you hurry………….


Me In My Lion Cat Scouts Uniform


Cat Scouts Logo

Happy Manic Monday

Your Pal Sammy