Manic Monday



Manic – NOT Maniac!  HAHA……..and it’s “manic” because I have several things to blog about this morning!

One thing is that tomorrow is a big day in the Cat Blogosphere but in a way it’s a big day for everyone…….many years ago a special day was started by The Cat Realm began a holiday that is rather pawsome if you ask me……’s called “NOMS Day” but “NOMS” doesn’t mean food like some of us call our eatables, it stands for “NOT OF MY SPECIES”…….a day to honor OTHERS!   This is what they said about NOMS day on their site:

Noms Day (“Not Of My Species Day”), a holiday to remember that all beings are equal, to remind ourselves to be tolerant towards everybody, to reach out across species, cultures, nationalities, religions, languages, beliefs and appearances and to come together and embrace our differences.

Pretty cool huh?   And they created a special badge to be displayed by those of us who pawticipate in blogging about a friend who is not of our species on August 5th every single year……….


So, while the Tabby Cat Club will be participating at the Club tomorrow and you can go there to see everybody’s chosen cross-species posts, I’ll post at the TCC and ALSO my blog.   Make note to visit the TCC tomorrow though so you can see everyone’s posts – RIGHT AFTER YOU’VE SEEN MY TEASER OF COURSE!  (hee hee hee)

Speaking of the Teaser, I have the honor of showing you the newly re-designed and entirely more fashionable (ha) Teaser Badges which will be used this week for the first time……………so without further ado, let’s parade these badges down the runway to show them off!

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Tomorrow’s Teaser is NOT a Guest Teaser photo………….it’s Mom’s………….yep – good old Mom (or Mom and Dad as the case may be).   One from our personal Kimmell Archives.   I don’t know if Google search will help you out on this one guys………you’ll be on your own……..guessing by the seat of your pants (unless you don’t wear pants of course then it’s by your SEAT period!).

This coming Friday and Saturday we’re going to be mighty busy on Cat Scouts too!   I now have a Travel Group which I operate with the help of my blog buddies Gracie and Raz who are also of course Scouts…………we three are hosting a Riverboat trip down the Mississippi River……..we’re having a costume buffet dinner the first night on board – girlcats dressing as dance hall girls or southern belles and boycats dressing as riverboat gamblers or scaliwags (haha)……then the next day we’re taking swamp buggies into the swamp down in the Bayous of New Orleans where we are staying in a swamp lodge on stilts (so the crocs can’t get us) and having a dinner by a campfire on the edge of the swamp (eeeeeek) before returning to our homes the next day.   Should be a hoot and you best believe I’ll share some photos from that with you when I can!!   Meanwhile, if you are a cat and are not a Cat Scout – what’s your excuse????   I’m a Troop Leader you know – of the Worldwide Wildcats Troop……we’re always looking for a few good Scouts AND we have tons of fun.   Visit HERE and join up……..what are you waiting for?  You can come on the riverboat trip if you hurry………….


Me In My Lion Cat Scouts Uniform


Cat Scouts Logo

Happy Manic Monday

Your Pal Sammy

65 responses »

    • Hi Rumbles!!! It’s great to see you………things never slow down around here – somehow I’ve always got SOMETHING going on – Scouts, TCC, blog Teasers, I’m too old for this pace (haha).

      Hugs and Happy Monday


  1. Manic Monday indeed Sammy…I need a nana nap just reading about all the busy stuff you have going on..lucky you have good staffs!! and I love the new badges and can’t wait to get the one with the green critters bwahahaha 🙂 we have done our NOMS postie for TCC and look forward to seeing everyones of course Teaser..bring it gingerbread man!! hugs and loves Fozziemum xx


  2. So much news Sammy! I totally love the idea of NOMS Day! Your hew awards are cool and I am a fly by the seat of my boxers kind of gal.. Ha! A Riverboat trip, now that sounds like my kind of trip! Enjoy your Monday Sammy and see you tomorrow morning for THE Teaser!


  3. a riverboat trip down the Mississippi river? like tom sawyer & huckleberry finn? Oh boy, that sounds GREAT! with poker on the riverboat too? I’m ready for tomorrow, hope I can win the badge with the beer hat… is free beer included?


    • Hi Easy! Yep – a riverboat cruist on a paddlewheeler – and I’ll have photos AFTER the event to share – lots of them I promise! Cat Scouts rules won’t let us play poker for money but you can bet there will be some games happening on board the ship (tee hee). The beer hat badge is way cool isn’t it? Mom says the beer cans will be YOUR choice of brews!

      Happy Monday


  4. You really are a busy bee Sammy my furiend! Today is the first day I’ve had a chance to breathe so I’m looking forward to catching up on all I’ve missed. I know what you mean about manic I think mum and I have been emailing most of the world, it’s hard to keep up, but it’s all very exciting! I love your new badges and I’m looking forward to the teaser tomorrow. Bisous, Bailey


    • Bailey we’re very excited about the USA-premiere of your book! We’ll be blogging about it again……….and we are hoping that your sales are going through the roof already!!!! Glad you like the new Teaser badges – we like to change things up from time to time!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  5. Well happy NOMS Day eve Sammy! 😀 And whew, sounds like you’re as crazy busy as always. Make sure to take plenty of time for lying in the sun and napping 😀 Big hugs Julia & Oscar


    • Hi Shoko! I didn’t know about NOMS day either until I heard about it from the Cat Blogosphere……but it sounds like a great idea – after all – while we kitties think we’re the only impawtant animals on earth we aren’t…..there are lots of other kinds and some of them are our friends!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  6. Wow Sammy, you sure have lots going on. Mau’s really getting excited about the Riverboat trip. We’ll be sure and check out TCC tomorrow and, of course, the confounded Teaser. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


    • Hi Kitties!! Yes indeed things are busy around here – and on top of that today I decided to throw my Mom the old curve ball and refuse to eat my yogurt (with medication hidden in it!). Moms’ upset but I may relent and allow her to give it to me later…..first things first – I’m napping in my tent now! The Riverboat Cruise is going to be SO MUCH FUN…….and I think we’re all ready for some fun – especially before the Quest (EEEEEK!).

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Indeed – one of the busiest EVER weeks and my Personal Assistant is working her fingers to the bone while I snooze in my tent….what’s wrong with this picture? HAHAHAHAHA

      Hugs, Sammy


  7. Just another Manic Monday, wish it were Sunday that’s my fun day. Andy can hardly wait for the riverboat cruise. It should be a lot of fun. I like your new Tuesday Teaser badges. Hopefully at some point in time we will be able to get one for the right guess. We are not holding our breath on that one. Love, Cali,Andy, Tater and Shelly (C.A.T.S)


    • The riverboat cruise will be here before you know it! I think it’s going to be totally FUN……..and “never say never” when it comes to winning a Teaser. One of these days…………….trust me!

      Hugs, Sammy


    • Hi CK….yep – my staff is truly kept quite busy since I am truly a busy boy. Sometimes I think TOO busy for a mancat of my age but then again, if Mom got bored she’d probably find some kind of trouble to get into and this way she has no time for trouble!!!!

      Hugs, Sammy


  8. Oh Sammy meez so lookin’ furward tu da twip. It’s gunna be gweat fun!!! And meez can’t wait fur da costume dinner tu show off meez dwess. 🙂 Hav a pawsum day.

    Luv ya’



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