Tag Archives: cat playing

Sunday Selfie Hop


Another Sunday arrives which means SELFIE time!    Our host, The Cat On My Head, would love it if you would join in the Hop – click the badge above and fill in the Linky Form and join in the fun with the rest of us!

I’m going another FLASHBACK Selfie today.   Why?   Because Mom hasn’t taken any new photos of me – that’s why!    For my FLASHBACKS I look for a photo taken of me this same date or close to it from the past.

This little gem was dated July 9, 2017…………..

Looks like Mom caught a catfish!!!!!    HAHAHAHAHA     I still have that felt toy and I still like Mom to dangle it in front of me……………….I was a year and four months old in this photo – these days I’m a MUCH BIGGER FISH!

Here’s a puzzle of this photo if you would like to do it!

Click the MINI-ME of the puzzle photo and have fun!   Two of you did the puzzle before (Jackie and Ellen) so you can see if you can beat your time!!





Pre-Trip Whining

Sam Settling in for a Nap

Got tired helping Mom start packing for her trip.....

Mom are you absolutely totally positive there isn’t going to be any room in your suitcase for me?  I’m pretty small – not all that much bigger than your blow dryer….surely you could do WITHOUT that for a couple of days.   Wouldn’t you rather have ME along?  I could sit on your table at the book fair and look cute…..maybe people would see me and come to your table just because I’m sitting there and wind up buying your books!!! 

See?  Always thinking aren’t I…..yes I know I hate being in the car so that might mean that I throw up all over the inside of the Blazer while you’re driving BUT you love me and wouldn’t mind that – right?  So what if you have to stop every thirty minutes to clean the car up.  Yes, I know Auntie Carol will be in the front seat with you but I’m sure she won’t mind either.  Right?  I mean she’s my Aunt – SURELY she won’t mind if I get a little – well – sick from time to time.

What?  You mean you think it’s BEST for me to stay home and play with Dad while you’re gone?  Will he play Mr. Yellow Fuzzy Ball with me?


Sam and His Dad Playing on the Rug

Me and Dad playing with yellow fuzzy ball

OK……..if you promise he’ll play with me AND give me lots of treats I’ll stay home.  I’ll try not to get so upset that you’ve abandoned me that I get sick anywhere.  

Just hurry home on Sunday OK?  Daddy and I will be waiting for you.  YES I know you’re not leaving until Friday morning but I thought I’d start whining a day early. 

Your Pitiful Son Sammy