Tag Archives: big cat

Sunday Selfie Hop


Happy Sunday everybody.    I know people are getting a little stir-crazy but that’s where we pets come in…………….our job to keep our humans happy and perky and selfies somehow make them get all gooey and “awwwwwwwww” so let’s strut our stuff a bit at the Selfie Hop hosted by The Cat on My Head.   If you want to include your Selfie – just click their badge and fill in the Linky Form and you’ll be in.

My Selfie today is one Mom took about 30 seconds ago while I was TRYING to take nap in the upstairs hallway.    The minute she stepped into the hall the floor creaked and I heard her coming so of course I’m AWAKE not ASLEEP.    Oh well – I can always go back to LA LA LAND after the flash goes off – which is PRECISELY what I’m doing now.

Here’s the Selfie she took of ME………….obviously I couldn’t take my OWN selfie since I was lounging in the hallway.

I’m the first to admit that this is a LESS THAN EXCITING photo of me – so Mom said she’d jazz it up a bit with Lunapic…………………..here’s what she came up with and of course we did a puzzle of the FANCY version for you puzzlers out there!!

I quite like this special Art Effect on Lunapic – it’s called “HUNGER”……..and I’m not sure WHY it’s called that but I like it – looks like I’m on a pie of ice chips doesn’t it.   But just look at my TIGER STRIPES!  WOO HOO!

Here’s your puzzle and I hope you all have a SAFE and HAPPY Sunday!



Hugs, Teddy

P.S.   A note about a friend….Terry Frum of Brian’s Home Blog……he’s in the hospital having some tests – is having heart issues and we hope you will send him some POTP and perhaps a prayer or two?  If you click the note, it takes you to the blog and you can leave a message if you like!

Sunday Selfie Flashback


Happy Sunday……………….it’s that time again – time to strut our stuff and share our photos with each other.   We love this Blog Hop which is hosted by our pals The Kitties Blue at The Cat On My Head.   If you’d like to play along with us – just click the badge above and join in the fun by filling out the LINKY form.    Then get to work visiting your friends.

I’m doing my FLASHBACK thing again this Sunday.   I’m having fun looking for what kind of Selfie I posted a YEAR ago and reposting it.   MY HOW I’VE GROWN!

This is the photo from October 13, 2017 and Mom used Lunapic to create my artsy selfie below for my SELFIE post on the same date last year!

Interesting huh?    Well of course we did a jigsaw puzzle out of this one for you in case you’re up for it!


Big Ginger Hugs, Teddy

Sunday Selfie Hop


Hip Hopping Along!

Sunday means Selfie time………….and The Cat On My Head hosts us every week with a chance to show off our fine selves in “Selfie” form.   It’s a popular Hop and if you haven’t joined up you SHOULD – and it’s easy too – just click the badge above and fill out the linky form and there you are!   Along with the rest of us!    Our thanks to The Cat On My Head for hosting this weekly event for so long!!

This week Mom used Lunapic’s “CREEPY” effect which I can’t say I like the name of much………Me??  Creepy?   I think not!    Then she added “SOFT LIGHTING” to it and we came up with what you see below…….I’m also including the “original” she started out with before jazzing it up.   Was I asleep?  Of course!!

We started with this!

And ended with this!   The paper on the right – tissue paper but now you can “see” through it unlike the original photo.  And I look like I’m a log on a fire don’t I ????


Well anyway, you get the idea……you don’t have to jazz up your photos either – we just do it because Mom WANTS to…………I like letting her have her little fun.   Know what I mean??

Happy Sunday!!  

Love, Teddy