Teaser Tuesday Is Now


“Here come the students…..let’s move out of the stampede!”

When the school bus lets all the students out, Security better steer clear because they run to the door to be FIRST COMMENTER and things get a little hectic!


“Welcome class…..let’s get started shall we??”

First of all we have a GUEST TEASER this morning – it’s a fun one – we’ll show it to you in a moment after we go over the rules and the badges for today – ready?

Now I think we’re ready to show you the Teaser photo from our Guest today.     Security?   Please bring the photo to Geography Class…………………!

“Here’s Today’s Teaser Photo!”

Where Was This Photo Taken? 

So please follow the rules when guessing and hopefully tomorrow we’ll find out who figured this one out FIRST!!    Good luck Students !

“Well now that’s a blank stare of confusion if I ever saw one!”

Cheer Team?   You’re on!

This Teaser makes us cold
But it’s SUMMER now so we’re told!
It’s interesting though we must say
Wonder who’ll figure it out anyway?!
One of you smarties will be our firstie
Now we want hot chocolate since we’re COLD but THIRSTY!

I guess considering it’s now Summer  this Teaser photo cools all of us down right?   If not, then I’m thinking we can get cool in the cafeteria when we see what’s on today’s menu – everyone ready to head there?


“Ready, Set, Go Students!”


Good luck students – see you tomorrow for more Teaser fun!

Your bus awaits! 

Professors Angel Sammy and Teddy

60 responses »

  1. I am late…slept in..oh well!

    THat sure is a huge igloo. iI might need a bit of it in my pocket as its hot here today…and the lawn mower is calling me to use t. Our grass is T.A.L.L!

    Anyways I agree with kitties blue. THat structure is called Igloo City, and is an unfinished hotel…in Alaska,  about 23 miles south of Cantwell.

    May I please have some bagel casserole, onion rings and some banana split pie? Oh and a cold fruit smoothie would be nice, too.

    Have a nice day!


    • Bagel Casserole, Onion Rings and Banana Split Pie coming right up along with your fruit smoothie – sounds like a good way to start the day! As for your guess – and the others who have guessed it, we’ll find out tomorrow!


  2. They say the best way to avoid man-eating otters is to move as far north as possible. Looks like everyone sharing that communal igloo (with just one shower, and cold water… much like prison) had the same idea. But they just don’t teach you in school about the existence of vicious man-eating SEALS!!!!


  3. May I have a slice of Pumpkin Flan…thankyou

    I saw a hallmark movie once about Ice Hotels in upstate NY and in Europe

    Hugs cecilia


  4. Certainly an igloo and possibly a hotel igloo but couldn’t find it anywhere. Polar bear apartment maybe….love the Scottish salmon over and over.


  5. wavez two ewe ted o nator😺 hope yur dayz goin grate sew far N ewe N mom N dad iz stayin chillax…gonna bee a toastee one two day sew that snow cone plaze wood bee my tee welcome.. mite eye pleez an thanx order a lof oh meat, tho hold
    de spudz N beanz …if ya want, stop bye N we will due sum fizhin 💙💚💙💚🐟😺


  6. Hidiho effurryone…that’s here, we’re still furreezing, so it must be here somewhere😸😸Can we have a Bacon Ham with patatoes and some Hot Milk, please. Double Pawkisses for all of you🐾😽💞


  7. Late this morning… fudge! The heat is ON in Floridadooooooodeeee and The Teaser looks very cool and refreshing. I think it has been guessed correctly so I am going to eat 🙂

    So many delicious choices this morning, Miss D! Chicken fried steak with mashed potatoes with more gravy and Bacon-Pear Salad with Parm dressing. And Banana Split Pie. SSNS and I are going to share. Thank you!


  8. Lots of fun and I ate way to much this morning. Thank you for always having food.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to Teddy. ♥


  9. Very late today! Ivor needed to get some things, nothing interesting just roofing screws etc for some work he is doing on the stables, so we decided to make a day of it.


  10. I am guessing it is America, and license plate is yellow, and maybe blue, which is used by New Jersey, new York, California and Alaska. It isn’t east coast, and doesn’t look like California so somehwere in Alaska. Specifically next to a giant igloo.


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