Tuesday Teaser Time


“All secure team….students arriving….Happy Tuesday!”

“Greetings students – Happy Tuesday – HAVE YOU COMMENTED??”

That’s always the first question you get when you arrive at school on Tuesdays – commenting is important if you would like to win the FIRST COMMENTER badge.    SO don’t forget!

We have an interesting Teaser today – Graphics Department contributed this one.    We think it’s quite an interesting Teaser today get ready.     Here is a review of our rules which we ask you to PLEASE follow and the badges on offer today………..

“Those are some of our FAVE badges!!!”

So let’s get on with it shall we?    Security?    Would you please bring in our Teaser photo for today……………


“Here’s today’s photo Professors and students……”


“EEK….I wouldn’t want to be anywhere around that place!”

While you are considering WHERE this photo was taken – how about heading to the school cafeteria for a snack?   Maybe a little brain food would help you all come up with the answer??????????

Let’s EAT!

I thought you’d say that – line up and we’ll head out!

“Happy Tuesday Students – line up and eat up!”


Good Luck Students – see you for TELL ALL tomorrow!

All Aboard For Home!


75 responses »

  1. Wow, I don’t think I want to fall in that ‘hole’! Yikes!!

    Looks like a crater of sorts…a volcano about to erupt? Hey, let’s toast some weinies and marshmallows, LOL!

    I have a visit with my health coach today…a perfercts excuse to have some onion rings, blueberry pie and a cherry smoothie, tee-hee!

    Please and thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I agree with the guessers ahead of me…

    its Darvaza Crater in Turkmenistan! The gateway to hell.

    It’s gas aflame, from a disaster that happened a long time ago when a gas drilling rig collapsed.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. I had a problem getting here on time- but here I am!!! I sure don’t know where that picture was taken but it looks like a jelly fish in the ocean…I will guess the Atlantic! Wouldn’t wanna be there! Now. Salmon cakes, roasted carrots and roasted Brussels sprouts. Bread pudding and strawberry shortcake..and then, I’ll have what Teddy’s having


  4. wavez two ewe ted o nator and in honor oh sam o 🥓 bacon, mite

    eye haz de bacon samich pleez. hope ewe N mom N dad hada grate

    week and eye wood say thiz waza bar bee Q pit on marz, but then knot

    sure how de carz got ther…lezz marshunz kneaded em ta drive round 😺

    🛸🛸🛸🛸heerz two a grate week a head 💙🐟💚🐟


    • HAHAHAHA……It really does look like it could be a BBQ on Mars….although I sure wouldn’t want to hold a stick out there with a hot dog on it !!! LOL I’m sure those are Martians stopping by for take-out on their way home from work. We have asked Miss Dingleberry to make you a GIGANTIC bacon sammich so ALL of you can enjoy it!!!! Thanks for visiting us – it’s wonderful to hear from you!

      Hugs, The Ted O Nator and the Mom O Nator too

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I read about this burning crater a few months ago. It is the Door to Hell in Darvaza,Turkmenistan. It has been burning for decades. 

    If I weren’t in the office, I would love to have a mimosa. I will have to settle for coffee and toasted pumpkin bread.


  6. That would be The World’s Largest Barbecue Pit® located in Kingsford, Arizona. With a surface area big enough for 87 human burgers, this is the favorite hangout for man-eating otters. Look at all of the silly tourists who have “volunteered” to be today’s dinner! Don’t worry, I hear char markings look slimming…

    Liked by 1 person

  7. I love all the funnies, but I got stuck on all the great food. So many choices.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. ♥


    • I think they fell by the wayside when I had to re-do the entire post this morning at 3:30AM…………..yep – I had a dream last night that the Teaser we used was a repeat – of course my dream was RIGHT so I had to redo the post (quickly) and didn’t notice I left the girls out. Thanks for noticing – nobody else did! LOL


  8. No clue but I am so late

    Just returned from eye doc had to have a field of vision test this morning. I passed but OMCs my eyes are very dilated. I hope I don’t type something stupid

    Hugs Cecilia


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