Teaser Tell All


“Welcome back students – time to TELL ALL”

So did you find that Teaser tough?    Some of you did and some of you obviously did NOT!      We’re here to tell you the scoop.    BUT FIRST – would you like to know who rushed inside the school door first yesterday to ring the bell?????????

“YES!  We’re dying to know!”

Drumroll please??


Katty and the Weims and Ingrid

Yay for the FIRSTIES!

Here’s the badge each of you gets for being here first yesterday:

I was one of TWO First Commenters on the Teaser post of December 12, 2023 – YAY FOR ME!

“If you weren’t such a juvenile delinquent Rodney, we could have been FIRST COMMENTERS yesterday but NOOOOOOOOO you  had to have a ciggie before class!!”

Now as you know the Teaser was a GUEST TEASER yesterday and our GUEST was one of our own students – Mr. Frank!    YES – he contributed that pawsome photo that everyone had to try and figure out.     This beautiful town is his Mother’s hometown and he has an Aunt and three First Cousins who still live there.    Here’s the photo:

Beautiful shot of Pescia, Italy………

So WHO was our FIRST RIGHT GUESSER?     Let’s have a drumroll please!


Woo Hoo Miss Ingrid!

And here’s your badge Ingrid:

I was the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of December 12, 2023! YAYYYYYYY!

AND if you were also right but you weren’t first:

I was RIGHT with my guess on the Teaser of December 12, 2023 BUT I was not FIRST!


I was WRONG with my guess on the Teaser of December 12, 2023 but I got this badge for at least TRYING!

For for our GUEST TEASER Frank, this badge is for you with our thanks!

Cheer Team?

Hello Students it’s time for badges fun
Wish we could give everyone one
Our GUEST Teaser today was Frank
Some of you guessed right and some were “blank” !
Ingrid and Katty were at the bell – where were you??
Our FIRST RIGHT GUESSER was Ingrid again
She’s familiar with so many places it makes your head spin!
We’ll see you next week for more Pre-holiday cheer
Now we’re off to the pub for a pre-holiday beer!

Ladies somehow I’m not surprised you’re heading to the pub.    Enjoy the rest of the day and remember to call an Uber for your ride home!

Now – let’s get serious about EATING shall we?    Miss Dingleberry is ready for us in the cafeteria – let’s go!


Today’s Menu:

And that’s a wrap!   Yep – we’ll be seeing you next week for more Teaser fun before Christmas!

Your Teaser Christmas Elf Professors!

49 responses »

  1. Hooray!! When I saw all the italy guesses I put in small ancient town between mountins in Italy and there it was…sort of hiding among others, but I found it!

    Congrats to my fellow firstie too, Katty and the Weims.

    Thanks for a great picture to guess Mr Frank…I wondered about that…and why you didn’t make a guess, LOL!

    I am going to to a Christmas lunch with my ladies group later, so I’ll just have a Rudolph punch, Please and thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Concatulations Katty and the Weims! And Mr Frank for such a fine photo. Makes me hungry. How about hash browns and eggs and the peppermint bark cheesecake. May as well have the entire thing. It’ll save me from having to go through the line a bunch of times for seconds through tenths. I just had my claws done and I don’t want to mess them up, you know? Oh, cherry strawberry smoothie too, please. And girls, I have a secret new cheer you can try. Want to listen?


    • We’re totally up for a new cheer – in fact, if you wanna join us next Tuesday you can be the Cheerleader for us and we’ll be your backup! Oh by the way, Miss Dingleberry is on her way over here with your yummy breakfast.

      Hugs, Suzie – Head Cheerleader, Teaser School

      Liked by 1 person

  3. (Sneaking into the classroom). Concats to Katty & The Boyz and Ingrid (2x)! Yesterday our meeting with my research group was quite exhausting, thus I simply HAD to go outside for a run – otherwise, my brainbox would have exploded!!!


  4. HURRAH fore Aunty Katty an Miss Ingrid beein Ferstiess!!!
    ❤ BellaSita got the RITE country Professor Teddy ❤
    WOO HOO!!!!!!!

    Missus Dee an Miss MaryAnn wee cellybratin!!!!
    May wee have 1 order of Pancakess an Sausagess an an xtra sausage….Fore 'ssert may bee have Peppymint Bark cake an a wee saucer of milk??? Many THANX!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an 🙂 BellaSita Mum


  5. What a beautiful photo congrats to all the smarties and firsties.

    May I have an itty bitty slice of peppermint barkcake?
    Hugs cecilia


  6. Mom cannot believe anyone could have guessed that teaser. She should have suspected Ingrid would get it. Congrats to all the winners. We would all like some cocoa, please. XOCK, angels Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta & Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


    • One large pitcher of cocoa coming up! Ingrid shared her photo search terms which worked in finding the place but he also has relatives from that area! She’s become a “Master Teaser Guesser” !!

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. Pingback: Santa Selfie And Another Ussie | Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs

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