Tuesday Teaser for Thanksgiving!


“Team – good job rounding up all the loose turkeys…..I think these turkey hats helped us blend in with them and made it easier – now let’s go report in to the professors!”

Greetings Students!   Happy Almost Thanksgiving Tuesday!   


Welcome to class and since we’re almost to the BIG day, we thought we’d do things up right with some Thanksgiving decorations – even the Security Team joined in by wearing turkey hats – now that’s real dedication isn’t it?     We have to say that we have a GUEST TEASER today that is probably as close to impossible to figure out as any photo we’ve ever used in class.    Yes we aren’t kidding.   You’ll see shortly BUT FIRST – let’s do rules and our special THANKSGIVING BADGES shall we??


Yes our Graphics Department gets a 40 lb. turkey to take home to fix for her family as a special thank you!    Of course she has to catch it first…………………

Now let’s move on to the Teaser shall we?    As we said, it’s a whopper.    It really will be a miracle if anyone gets it.     But we’re giving it a whirl anyway.   Ready?

Where Was This Photo Taken????????????

“You’re right – this is practically impossible!”

Well give it your all – and our Cheer Team will help cheer you up for the challenge!

Here we are looking silly
Tossing turkeys willy nilly
It’s our duty to be all cheery
But keeping this headgear straight makes is weary!
Anyway we wish you lucky as you study and guess
Your Professors expect perfection and deserve no less
We are thankful for the Profs, all of you, and Miss D
Now lets all head to the cafeteria for a lunch that’s FREE!

Sounds like a good idea to me ladies…………….class – let’s go eat!    Maybe we all need a little BRAIN food to guess that Teaser today……………………

Greetings Class!  It’s time to relax and enjoy your Thanksgiving Meal!

Good Luck Students!   See you at TELL ALL tomorrow!

Your Professors



80 responses »

  1. Now that is a symmetrical building!! And it has a top hat, LOL!

    That Neapolitan French Toast looks interesting…and the Baked Apples & Cranberries are a yummy ‘side’. May I please have some Irish Mint Milkshake to wash that all down?

    Hello to you Mr Frank! Are you coming today? There is a huge feast in the cafeteria, that Ms D and her sidekick have made for us!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It should be in the US, and from the 19th century. But where??? I’m taking my empty brainbox into the cafeteria – purrrhaps a full tummy will help. Could I have a bap, a spinach, apple bacon salad, and a cherry pie?


  3. YooHoo here we are, Teddy and class and we’re ready for some brain food…this one’s a toughy, but we think it’s The Meigs County Courthouse – in the US. That was a mouth-full huh….now we could use a chick parmesan to refill it😸Double Pawkisses for all of you🐾😽💞

    Liked by 1 person

    • Well you cuties – make sure and stop by tomorrow for the Tell All Class to see how you did!!! In the meantime – we have some chicken parmesan with YOUR name on it!!!!!!!

      Triple pawkisses for you!! 🙂


  4. Given the low angle of that photo, it’s obviously a man-eating otter’s eye view of Ye Olde Southren Prison, a shout out to the days when the Teaser photos always had a jail in them. Of course, the prison is abandoned today…. as are the streets and the entire town. I mean, would you stick around if a couple man-eating otters wearing Hawaiian shirts and cameras around their necks decided to vacation where you live?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. BellaSita meowed this iss a County Courthouse inn Pomeroy, Ohio, United States!
    Shee not reememburr name of Buildin butt shee knowss shee was there inn 1975…..mew mew mew….
    Missus Dee an Miss MaryAnn may wee have 2 Turkey Leg dinnerss pleese?
    An a servin of Sweet ‘Tatoess two?
    An fore ‘ssert may wee have a slice of Punkin Pie an a wee saucer of milk?
    Many thanx Ladiess…..yore THE bestest!
    Professor Teddy mee sure hopess BellaSita ot this rite 😉
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an **hopefull sigh** BellaSita Mum


  6. It has to be a governmental building someplace, an older one, when they built them with character and style.

    Green beans and apples and cranberries and sweet potatoes, oh my! Maybe a half a slice of the French toast for dessert (gotta watch my girlish figure!).


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