Teaser Tuesday Class


“Well Security Team – things look nice and quiet for Teaser Class!”

Welcome to class students!   Make sure you COMMENT when you get here!

“I always comment the instant my stroller is pushed inside but I NEVER win!”

Keep on trying Tommy – that’s our advice!   Never give up!

Let’s start class with a review of the rules for Teaser AND the badges that you might win if you’re lucky…………….

Now these aren’t NEW badges for Fall but they still bring a little bit of FALL a week early – Autumn begins officially on September 22.

“We like Fall…..it’s SWEATER WEATHER!”

We need to let you know that today’s Teaser photo is being supplied to us by our Graphics Department.    The Graphics Department doesn’t have a new office in the Cat School yet so they’re operating out of a large closet.    Not the best of situations but Graphics Department personnel are pretty flexible.   (well…..sometimes anyway)

“Graphics Department”

Security Guard – please report to Geography class with the photo of the day so our students can get their brains working on WHERE the photo was taken……………!


“Professors – here’s the Teaser photo for today”

“Interesting Photo but you wouldn’t catch your Professors up in that little cage – NOSIREE!”

So where is this – if you know – make a guess – we’ll TELL ALL tomorrow in our Tell All class and we’ll hand out badges to those who figure this little gem out.    Remember – no cheating – no loading up the photo into a program to allow your computer to tell you where it is!

“Huh??  One of us cheating?  Naaaa – Never!!”


Cheer Team I think you should come in and give this sleepy bunch of students a nice loud cheer so they will be AWAKE when we go to the cafeteria for a meal!

We’re back again for Teaser fun
Then off to the cafeteria we’ll have to run
We like being there first before the crowd
You students can be rowdy and very loud!
Anyway it’s time for you to put on your thinking caps
Stop daydreaming, making paper airplanes or shooting craps!
Tomorrow we’ll be back to give out the news
Who’s a winner and who managed to lose!

OK ladies and students………………………………..let’s line up and head over to see Miss Dingleberry and Miss Mary Ann for a wonderful meal………..brain food.   Let’s face it, you lot need all the brain food you can get.

“Oh…..hi there students……I was just – well – sampling the food to make sure it’s good enough for you!   I’m your official TEASER TASTE TESTER!”  


“Ok students – we’re ready for you – COME AND GET IT!”


ENJOY YOUR MEALS STUDENTS!  See you tomorrow for the TELL ALL!

Angel Sammy and Teddy – The Teaser School Professors

87 responses »

  1. Mom thought the clock said 7:50! Tee Hee. Should have put her glasses on. No idea where this is. It’s a cave, but that’s probably not enough info! XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


  2. NOT. A. CLUE.
    BellaSita mumble “THE Moon”……mew mew mew……
    Missus Dee an Miss Mary-Ann may wee have 1 Shepherd’ss Pie an 1 Salmon CAke? Fore ‘ssert may wee have 1 Irish Mont cake peece an a wee saucer of milk? Many thanx! Wee flubbed THE Teezer 150% purr cent…. **sighss**
    BellaDharma an BellaSita Mum


  3. I am extremely late to class today…oopsie.
    But well, I did find my way here, LOL!!

    That picture is
    Britain’s largest cave; Gaping Gill, Yorkshire Dales, near Ingleborough, England.

    Hi ya’ll!
    Hello Mr Frank, sorry I wasn’t there earlier, but maybe there still are some crumbs left over so I will join you at your table to discuss that cave. The way the light shines in there is so pretty!

    Maybe I will be earlier to class tomorrow…as if it counts for the tell all, LOL!


  4. I think I would pass going into that cave. I do not know where that is. I tried putting in caves and cages and got Nichols Cage and some guy who is a singer. His name was something Caves. Ha,ha,ha!


  5. Good Afternoon 🌞 We didn’t have a clue so we’ll go with others and guess Gapping Gill cave Yorkshire Dales, near Ingleborough, England.
    I’ve got an upset tummy so I’ll pass on breakfast 🍳


  6. Looks like the wall they’re going to carve the faces of four of the most ferocious man-eating otters into. I hear it will be called Mount Bitemore….

    OK, that was bad…. but I had to contribute something!


    • HAHAHA…..OK – you squeezed out a laugh from that one and all I can say is I wouldn’t want to spend all the time it would take to carve those four otter faces into that wall UNDERGROUND – EEEEEEEEK!


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