TEASER Class Time Is Now!


“Compared to the last school, this place is so peaceful – never any trouble for us to sniff out!”

Yes it sure is and Clowie and Company have given us the GO AHEAD to start so let’s DO IT!


Hope you students fit in a little globe studying while you were off from last Wednesday until today – we have a GRAPHICS DEPARTMENT special for you today as your Teaser photo.


Here are the rules AND the badges you can win if you’re lucky:

“I am SOOOOOOOOOOO ready for the Teaser photo!”

Well we like your enthusiasm Roger – we’ll go ahead and show the photo NOW to put you out of your WAITING MISERY!

“Yeah…..we’re ALL ready!”

OK Smarties!  Where is this?  

“Looks like it could be ANYWHERE!!”

Cheer Team?   Wanna cheer this crowd up?

Here we go again with a Teaser that’s tough
Give these students a break – they look kind of rough
Party all weekend then come to school
They’d rather be swimming in the neighborhood pool!
Well gang just do your best then as least you’ve tried
Tomorrow you’ll be either super happy or ready to cry!

Well what you say in your cheer is probably true – but Fish School students are smart and I think we’ll have someone guess this one QUICKLY tomorrow in class!

“Hey Sidney, wanna bet it’s guessed right away????”

OK students enough chit chat – let’s head for the cafeteria and have a good lunch……………..then tomorrow we’ll see what’s what on the TEASER TELL ALL!


Come and get it!  Lunch is ready! 

Our Menu of the Day:




99 responses »

    • Sounds good…….I’m thinking Ingrid will be here soon – and if not, you can always use one fork in the right and one in the left hand!! 🙂 OR I can tell Miss Dingleberry you’re looking for a table partner and she can join you….tee hee

      Liked by 1 person

  1. I have seen that photo before and am sure it is an island in one of the Great Lakes possibly Lake Eyrie. Off to Google Islands in Eyrie and if nothing comes up I will try another lake.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I am not a firstie, and I do not have the first right answer either, LOL! I was filling up my supplement holders for the next two weeks…and as soon as I was carrying them to the place I keep them…whoops, they both fell on the floor and the impact made the little doors open and all 14 compartments spilled out…What a big mess…I had to sort out the jumble…but then I realized the time…oh well…I shall go and see what Mr Frank has. Oh yes, onion rings, and carrot cake sound good to me too…I shall pass on his lobster, don’t care for that. The Irish Mint Shake sounds good, too. Can you please add a raspberry tart or two? I love those raspberries! Real good food to keep my detox in the right spot! Hah!!

    And to make me feel better I do think the others have it…
    Middle Bass Island in Lake Erie, Ohio.
    You can be there and be closer to Canada that I am here, LOL!


    • UHOH Madame Butterfingers! Bet that took some time to sort out too………we are adding TWO raspberry tarts to Mr. Frank’s table-of-food he set up for you two. ENJOY!!!! As for your Teaser guess – visit us in the AM………..before you sort out your supplements! (haha)


  3. No first for us today. Mom just remembered that today is Tuesday. Phooey! We will be drowning our sorrows with milkshakes, tarts and cake. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet


  4. This is a tough one. My first thought was the Toronto Islands here in my city in Ontario Canada, but I don’t think they are shaped that way. Been there many times, but never seen an aerial view.


  5. Unlike many of the other penal institutions that get profiled for the Teaser, Klink Memorial Supermax Penitentiary really is a very secure facility. When the prison was built in 1964, it had the standard model moat surrounding the grounds stocked with a token man-eating otter or four. After a rash of escapes, the warden ordered the moat to be expanded…….. and expanded……….. and expanded…….. until it was finally about three miles deep and several hundred miles across. There hasn’t been a successful escape from Klink Memorial Supermax since the last dig. The only downside…. now this rural Midwestern area spawns its own hurricanes.


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