Teaser Tuesday Class Time!


“Hi Officer Kitty – we’ve circled the property and found no introoders – we’ll tell the Professors to proceed with class!”

Word is we’re a GO for class – so if you haven’t COMMENTED yet – you’d better do it!

Thanks to Clowie and her Team and our new “Sargent at Arms” at the front door for their quick reports this morning.    Now we’ll get class started.    First thing to tell everyone is that today we have a GUEST TEASER.    So buckle up – it might be a bumpy ride for some of you as you figure out WHERE on earth (yes this one is on planet Earth) the photo was taken.

Let’s share the RULES of guessing – and the badges that are up for grabs today:

Perhaps this week we won’t only be able to award TWO badges like we did last week – just the “I GUESSED WRONG” and “FIRST COMMENTER” badges were given to classmates last week as it was an impossible Teaser !!    Maybe this week’s will be easier.

“It better be easier than that one last week!!!”

Before we get going we have an announcement…………..yet again Ding Dong School will be moving to a new building in the near future.   It’s not far from here so our school buses will take the same amount of time to pick you all up and bring up to class AND take you home again.     We have several designs in mind – and we’d enjoy your input.    Please let us know which of the below looks like a place you could call your own (school that is….not home!):

Design #1

Design #2

Design #3

Design #4

Design #5

Now on with the show……………….here’s today’s TEASER photo and remember – it’s a GUEST TEASER……………so EXTRA good luck!

Where was this photo taken??

“I bet the Evil Squirrel guy who tells us about the man-eating otters at some of these Penitentiary spots you show us would say this is a barracks for the man-eating otters at the world famous “Boring Building Penitentiary” !!!

Well that could be but we’ll have to wait and see won’t we!    Meanwhile, let’s hear from our Cheer Team……………………

Are we really getting a brand new school?
We think that is super cool!
Another excuse to get new uniforms we think
We’re up for anything as long as it’s not pink!
This Teaser looks to be a bit tough
But we know you students are made of strong stuff!
Get the lead out and give it your best
Prove to the Profs you’re better than the rest!!!!!!

Well now that was inspiring………………………..let’s head to the cafeteria for lunch………..I think a little lunch will make everyone happier and more alert…………I see a couple of students in the back who need some help staying awake!

Well we’re excited that we might get a new cafeteria!    Meanwhile enjoy lunch in the HERE AND NOW

Lunch Menu:



99 responses »

  1. My firstie acceptance speech
    Thank you one and all I owe my agile fingers and quick mind to the fact that at 0’Dark 30 I left home to pick up a Panera Breakfast order so not only was I awake but my tank was full of high test coffee
    Hugs cecilia

    Liked by 3 people

  2. How exciting to be getting a new school. I think #4 is cool, but I am old-fashioned so prefer #1. Nice cheer ladies and as always, no clue as to where this is. Have a great day. XO


  3. Hey! What’s with the groundhog guy trying to copy off of my paper? Don’t steal my answers, dude! Make up your own! I have it on good authority that man-eating otters also happen to find big furry rodents like you delicious. As for the school design, I’ll take the boring penitentiary in the teaser photo. Especially if Miss Dingleberry has to share a barracks with the man-eating otters…

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Number one for the new school. There is nothing else around so the stench from the “cafeteria” will dissipate before it reaches innocent bystanders. Many lives will be saved. A “must” is a telephone so those who wish to live can order food delivery.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Enjoy some chocolate for me, too! We’re at hospital visiting patients so none of that yummy good stuff for us. We sure like that Dory the Fish design and hope our taxes won’t be going up with the move. 🤣 As for today’s teaser, no clue, but Guatemala seems as good a guess as anything. Happy Tuesday; gotta rush back to hospital now and bring smiles to folks.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Call us old fashioned but Ding Dong School needs to be #1. We like #3 too as fish taste great and in fact we will have a Grouper Sandwich with Fries for all of us! We are so late as Dad had his monthly MD thing so see you tomorrow to see who got what, when! Purrs


  7. Palacio de los Capitanes Generales in Antigua, Guatemala, right? Someday i’d love to still be home when you post, see if i could guess earlier.

    Love the idea of roasted veggies and extra roasted carrots, and i’ve never tried watermelon tea, it sounds so good.


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