Teaser Tell All Class



Hi Class!   Good job yesterday…………we actually had SEVEN First Commenters and more than two who guessed the Teaser photo right – a bumper crop of a class if you ask us!   Well done.


Now we just need to hand out badges and let you know who our OUTSTANDING STUDENTS were for this week…………….first up – the list of FIRST COMMENTERS!   Could we get a drumroll please??????



“WOWZER MEOWZER that’s quite a crowd of Firsties!!”


Each of you FIRSTIES gets one of these:

I was one of SEVEN (yes I said SEVEN) First Commenters on the Teaser of July 13, 2021! WOW

Next we waited to see who would be the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER…………we had some wrong guesses then WHAMMO – two people guessed it RIGHT within a minute of each other but only one was THE FIRST……………..wanna know who?    Please give us a drumroll and we’ll tell:



Woooo Hooooooooo!

This badge is for you Csilla:

I was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of July 13, 2021- YAY FOR ME!

If you also guessed correctly – you get one of these:

Well I wasn’t the FIRST RIGHT GUESSER but I did GUESS RIGHT so I got this badge. Maybe I’ll be FIRST next week???!

AND if you guessed but were wrong – you get one of these:

Oh dear – I guessed WRONG on the Teaser photo of July 13, 2021….I’ll study harder next week!


Thanks crowd for giving our hard working Teaser Students some credit…………………..now – let’s talk about the PHOTO shall we?    First of all you know it was a GUEST TEASER PHOTO.   Our GUEST was Mr. Frank and he was in class yesterday zinging us with incorrect guesses to throw you off – did it work????  HAHA    Seriously, this is a great photo and our Graphics Department had to blur out the flag flying above the building because it would have given it away – at least the location would have been known to be:


This is the National Palace, or the Palace of the Captains, or – well there are several names for the building but you didn’t have to guess the building you had to guess the TOWN/CITY and COUNTRY and that is…………….


Csilla guessed it first……………here are a couple of links you can follow to get more info on this most interesting place (I bet it’s hot there!):

This is the Wikipedia page for this location……….. CLICK HERE

This site is a UNESCO site – Antigua is a UNESCO city……………..   CLICK HERE

Thanks a lot Frank………….super Teaser and Csilla figured it out by an interesting method of location but she’s really good at searching for clues in photos and making her guess.

This badge is for you Frank for being so kind to send in a super duper TEASER photo for us!

My fabulous photo was featured on the Tuesday Teaser of July 13, 2021!

“Oh poop!  I got a WRONG GUESSER badge and I already have 1,272 of ’em !”

I think there are a lot of people with growing collections of WRONG GUESSER badges Leroy.    Just remember – YOU TRIED!

Maybe the Cheer Team can cheer everyone up (including themselves because they were slightly depressed about having to put EIGHT names total into their cheer for today!

We hope that you’re all happy
Writing a cheer this week was really crappy!
Too many names to cram into one cheer
Means we’re way behind on our beer!
We’re relieving our tension with ballet
Remember we’re grumpy so watch what you say!
Who was FIRST RIGHT you might ask?
Miss Csilla was the one who was up to THAT task!
Our First Commenters were our biggest crowd
We’ll say their names loud and proud!
Cecilia, Carole, Frank and Pix
Bunty, Sharon and Ingrid total one more than SIX!
Ballet is first but then we’re out of here….
Heading to the pub for MORE than one beer!!!

Well I’m sure not surprised and I know the students aren’t either!

“Hurry up girls – we’ve got some cold ones for ya!”

I suppose we should head to the cafeteria for lunch………..oh – before we do – we wanted to tell everyone that our WINNING New School Design was #3 so it looks like we will soon be DING DONG FISH SCHOOL !!!!

Design #3

Happy Wednesday – COME AND GET IT!

Your Menu:

Congratulations from your Professors!


51 responses »

  1. Congratulations to Csilla and congratulations to all the first commenters!

    I think the cheer team deserve some beer after that! 😀


  2. Concats to the winner!!! I thought I had been there and I hadn’t after all. I confused it with a place in Spain. But concats to all of us Firsties! I’ll have some cherry pie for lunch and lemon meringue pie for dessert.
    Katie Isabella (no wonder I gained weight from May till now! Vet was surprised and so was I.)


  3. Congrats to Csilla and the 7 speedy guessers! Great cheer ladies- you deserve a trip to The Grumpy Cat bar. I like the new school. Have a wonderful day. XO

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I googled “palace colonnade arcade” but then I tried to narrow down the geographical area so I added “India”, then “south america”. (First I googled “palace colonnel”, but I got quite strange pics – I had to check my search terms and found out that it’s not colonnel but colonnade – OMG!!!). And voilá, it worked because I found a pic from here which looked very-very similar to the teaser. It was from this page: https://duendebymadamzozo.com/architecture-antigua-guatemala/.


  5. ConCats to all the winners (including our Mom) The Cheer Team did a great job!! Lots going on today. We can’t wait for the Ding Dong Fish School!!

    We would like the soft shell crab please.

    The Florida Furkids


  6. Graphics Dept???? Is that you, you talented kitty? We could (er…mama could) use some graphics knowledge.
    But where to find easy-to-understand graphics suggestions?
    Maybe you have an idea,…


    • My Mom is our Graphics Department as she does all the photos and “STUFF” for my blog posts…..she’s not really a graphics person although she used to be quite the oil painter!! You are very artsy though Miss Suzanne so I bet you are a master at figuring those things out!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  7. HURRAH fore all THE ferst Comminterss!
    An well dun Miss Csilla….wee had NO clue….
    Missus Dee may wee an order of bacon rapped ‘Sparaguss an 2 peecess of Lemony Pie pleese?? Thanx!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) LadyMew


    • No worries – Miss D is so “beaten down” by your badgering and negativity that she has her assistant Miss HAWK in charge of your lunch at school on school days. Miss HAWK says she’d gladly serve you your lunch in purrrrrson.


  8. Looks to me like MsDingelberry needs a new hat…a fish hat?? OMC!

    Concats to all my fellow firsties…and to Csilla for being first right!
    Mr Frank, you sent us a great teaser image:)

    My I please have another serving of those yummy onion rings, and some lemon meringue pie…and I think a tall glass of the watermelon tea will be refreshing on this hot and muggy day.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Congratulations to all the winners – especially Csilla for her diligence in finding the answer. Thanks to the professorial team for the special recognition. Lunchtime … fried chicken, onion rings (a few extra because I know Ingrid likes them), banana split (2 spoons), and some watermelon tea.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Mr. Frank sent us a great photo didn’t he? It was a fun one for sure………and yes our poor Cheer Team was a little depressed until we reminded them that the Grumpy Cat Bar had “buy one get one free” on beer yesterday. HAHA

      Hugs, Pam


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