Thankful and Poetic Thursday


It’s Thursday again – time to be THANKFUL and then poetic.    But Thankfuls are always first – – – and if you want to tell everyone what you’re thankful for this week just click the badge above, link up with Brian’s blog and we’ll read what you have to say.

I’m super thankful that we’ve had some decent weather – “playing in the yard” weather.   Mom, Dad and I played with a ping pong ball (one of my favorite toys) yesterday in the grass out front.   They’d throw it and I’d chase it and bat it around for a while before asking for more.    I bat them around inside too but outside I can whack them harder and sometimes they go pretty far – in the house they don’t.     I’m also thankful that my Dad goes for his second vaccine shot tomorrow.   I will feel better when both of my parents are protected and after tomorrow they will be.

I’m pretty happy that Angel Sammy sent me his poetry information last night – it’s ready to share with you all……………see below!


Thursday is our day for poetry!

Did you write one for the photo I gave you last week?  Good – tell us about it in comments and give us a link to it so we can read it.    SO MUCH FUN seeing what you’ve written.   I love having a theme in the form of a photo that all of us use each week for inspiration, don’t you?

Here’s the photo I gave you last week – let’s see what you did with it and I’ll share my poem below.    Some of you had no idea what this lady was doing in the aisle – well this is the “Usherette” who served snacks in movie theaters from the 1920’s into the 1950’s in many movie theaters.   Not just snacks – sometimes cigarettes or ice cream, etc.   It was considered a rather glamorous job to have.    

“Snacks Anyone?”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell      ©April 14, 2021


There’s no need to leave your theatre seat

She’s walking the aisles with her tray full of sweets!

She’s got nuts, candy bars, gum and the like

She will bring it to you and save you the hike!

She can tell all her friends that she “works in the theater”

They’ll think she’s a star – everyone wants to meet her

At the end of the night though she kicks off her shoes

And her poor tired feet will be singing the blues.


Apparently there was some amount of prestige being an Usherette back in the day.    And notice that everyone in the theater is dressed up.   These days you sure won’t see that!   It’s flip flops and shorts propped up on the seats in front of you……it’s dumping boxes of popcorn on the floor when you’re finished……it’s sticky spills from soft drinks on floors and seats.    Oh well…………… I thought this would be a fun one for poetry and I can’t wait to read yours.

Here’s what I found for us to use for next week………………..

Mom and Dad see tons of places like this when they go for drives out in the country.    I thought it might make for some fun poetry.     Let’s see how that goes shall we?    Hope to see you again next week right here where we’ll SHARE SOME POEMS!

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love and Peace, Angel Sammy


I like that poem you wrote for today Angel Sammy !   Our Mom isn’t QUITE old enough to remember these Usherettes but it would be kinda nice to have someone deliver snacks to you so you won’t miss anything going on with the movie.    Thanks for visiting us every week – it’s a real treat for me…..I’m your brother but we never met in purrrson – but I still miss you and so do Mom and Dad.

Love, Teddy

57 responses »

  1. I remember the usherettes from children’s Saturday morning movies.
    After I had met Ivor, one of the cinemas converted the circle into the “Luxury Lounge” with better seats and tables for drinks between them. They had usherettes up there bringing around drinks and snacks. We thought we were the bees knees sitting up there.


  2. Good Morning Angel Sammy and Teddy! JUNE here and I’ve just written my first poem for Sam’s Poetry Corner. I’d been pawing at my Mom to let me join the fun as we both like to try and write silly poems … she says she “thinks” she might remember “these movie girls”, but maybe not … unless she went to the picture show as a toddler!!! Maybe, maybe not. But we had fun joining in … and we’ll be back, thank you!


    • What a super duper job you did with your poem for today’s photo! My Mom has no recollection of the usherettes either. We’re so happy you joined us in our Thursday poetic fun with Angel Sammy as our host. It’s tons of fun to read everybody’s poems. We hope you will continue to join us every week – you’re a GREAT poet!!!!

      Hugs, Teddy (and Mom Pam)


  3. Well done Angel Sammy! I would have been happy if she brought CHEESEburgers! My little town was so small that it didn’t even have a movie theater until I was around 7. Teddy, it is so nice to see you being you on the sidewalk right in front of the house… you look like you are watching for lizards!


    • Well done poem – have read a lot of super poetry as usual today – lots of people DO remember usherettes…..I think if I’d lived in places other than where I lived back then I would have seen them too!



  4. Teddy, that photo of you is such fun to see! I love seeing the cats in the front of the entry way too. Mom has one in the yard. I enjoyed that picture for the poem..the one of the usherette. I never saw one of those so I can’t think when they were being used in theaters. I saw male ushers occasionally. But only in a large city. One was helpful to me once upon a time.


    • I can remember how nice it was to have someone take me to my seat when I was going to live theater but never remember anything like that in a movie theater. Teddy quite often sits out on the sidewalk to watch all the activity in the yard and down on the street. We’re up on a hill so it’s perfect for spying!

      Hugs, Pam


    • Hello! I like your poem for this week’s photo – and for the record – YES I do agree! HAHAHA I can remember that being the joke with airline stewardesses back in the day too. Thanks for playing along with us this week – hope you make a regular THING of it.

      Hugs, Pam and Teddy too


  5. Great thankfuls and a wonderful poem too Sammy and Teddy. Dad remembers those days when there was the usherette bringing treats. Around here it was only at the evening shows and Dad only remembers it once or twice so it was going at his age (wow that was a long time ago.) Purrs friends


  6. Oui Oui ‘angel’ poe-et Sammy!!! Yore poe-em iss magnifique!
    An Teddy yore foto out front iss lovelee……mee understnadss you miss ‘angel’ Sammy. Mee missess ‘angel’ Unkell Siddhartha alot…sum dayss mee waitss fore him…LadyMew shedss a few teerss (OK alot of teerss) butt shee allwayss tellss mee shee lovess mee two!
    **purrss** BellaDharma


  7. We are glad that you are out and about and playing in the sunshine! We finally got some nice weather. We to have been doing that. We LOVE Sammy’s poem today! We would love to have someone come and deliver ice cream when we are watching movies…But Mom says that would be a little creepy as it would be in our house…Thanks so much for stoipping by our blog and thank you for being such wonderful furrends!


  8. Hooray for warm sunny delights in your yard!
    Peeps used to get dressed up to just even go to the grocery store…even I remember that much!
    Life was more sophisticated and polite back then…and my old fashioned ancient self wishes we would think more about how we appear to others…and get out our manners too!

    The ‘joys’ of working In the theater, back in the day:

    Would you like a treat?
    Brought over to you
    Wending my way to you
    on my dainty dressed up feet.
    I am all dressed up,
    Looking fancy and smart,
    But I’m frowning a bit
    Cause these pumps don’t fit…
    I wish I had a cart,
    to push these snacks around.
    I ‘d throw my shoes in there,
    So that my work
    Would be easier to bear!

    The poor gal can’t even see the movie, sheesh, she has her back to it…


    • I agreed when I saw this photo – she does NOT look happy. I think they did this snack thing during intermissions or before the movie but not sure. I just know she’s not a happy camper! WELL DONE POEM!

      Hugs, Pam


  9. Pingback: Thankful Thursday – Comedy Plus

  10. You always write the best poems, Angel Sammy and you looking super cute Teddy💗We hope to participate Thursday again, Granny can’t hardly resist all that homegrown veggies😸Pawkisses for a Happy Day to all of you🐾😽💞


    • Thanks Binky! I think Angel Sammy has lots of time at the Bridge to write poems – I have to keep an eye on our Mom and Dad and the house but he is always “on my shoulder” helping me!

      Hugs, Teddy


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