Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Hi Folks…………and a hearty THANKS to Brian for hosting the THANKFUL THURSDAY Hop.    I can only say that I’m thankful that so far my Mom and Dad are well……….and that as far as we know, while there are virus cases in our County, there are none reported yet in  our town.    Mom and Dad are staying SAFE AS CAN BE.   I’m making sure of that!      If you want to share your thankfuls with us – click the badge above and go to the Hop to link up.


Also thankful Angel Sammy (who does not have a STAY AT HOME order!) is keeping watch over us and sending us some poetry to keep us smiling.    I always love to hear from him.   We hope you do too.    Below is his email and poem.


Hello From The Rainbow Bridge!

We are super duper busy up here……………..we are spending time trying to keep an eye on all of you – it’s what Angels do.    We know that the Human Angels are doing the same.   Trust us – we are doing our best to keep as many of you safe as we can but even this is something way beyond our ability to totally PROTECT you – so for that reason – PLEASE DO WHAT YOU ARE REQUESTED TO DO AND STAY HOME.    If you have to go out, STAY SAFE.

I hope you took your extra time at home to write a poem this week?    I look for photos that I think might inspire you – and I also write one based on the photo then we come HERE on Thursdays to share.   If you wrote a poem please let us know in comments so we can VISIT YOU to read it!   

Here’s the photo I gave you last week along with my poem:

“Home Sweet Home”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell      ©April 2, 2020

The years have passed – so many in number

Since Great Grandpa cut trees to make his own lumber

The house he built has withstood the test of time

Though some boards are rotting and are covered in grime

Life came and went within these four walls

The ghosts of my relatives wander the halls

One magical thing remains though from days of yore

The welcome wreath Great Granny made is still on the door……..


My Mom and Dad pass old cabins and houses like this out in the country all the time………..Mom wonders if they are occupied by ghosts of all those who lived in them and if they were generations of the same family or if people came and went as time passed.    When I was looking for a photo for this week the very first thing I saw IN this photo wasn’t the age on the house or the falling apart bench on the front porch or even the beautiful tin roof……………it was that wreath on the front door.    “Welcome All You Who Need Shelter”……………..and I think this old house was that for MANY through the years.

Here’s the photo I found for you all (and me!) to use as our inspiration for NEXT Thursday’s Poetic Thursday…………….you have a whole week to think about it and write a poem to share next week……………….

Oh boy – this will definitely inspire some INTERESTING poetry don’t you think?    Well as I said you have a whole week to see what you can come up with……………good luck!    I’ll look forward to reading your poems.

Keep the faith everyone…………………do as recommended to stay safe………………and be thankful for what you have not what you “can’t have” right now OK?     

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

Love from the Rainbow Bridge……..Angel Sammy


Thank you Angel Sammy for the good advice, the encouragement from all of you Angels at the Bridge, and for sending me your poem for the week.    We’ll look forward to hearing from you again next Thursday if not before – – – – in my dreams!

Love, Teddy

57 responses »

    • I’m thinking that one has a lot of great tales of families living there through the years……good times, bad times……WE GET THROUGH IT ALL – we’re together like one big family!

      Hugs, Teddy and Mom


    • I saw that too – this little house certainly had nice views of the forest AND whatever field is in front……and I’m sure inside that cabin were families that felt safe. Something we ALL enjoy feeling!

      Hugs, Pam


  1. I am sure that old house holds many memories. Maybe it is still used by people hiking or camping out. I would be afraid of a visit by a bear though!


  2. I always wonder about the memories in old buildings when I come across them.

    The fortune teller looks a bit worried about what she sees in that crystal ball!


    • That photo is so hilarious…….should be some interesting poetry next week. I love the old cabin photo and it sure has made for some great poems this week from what I’ve read so far!

      Love, Teddy and Mom


    • What a SWEEEEEET thought – that only you would have (!) although I admit to imagining all the things I’d do to it if it were mine (lacy curtains, etc.!!). I just bet that little place has some stories it could tell…..I think that about old barns and old homes alike…….like they have secrets that maybe should stay secret!

      Love, Pam


  3. Oops – I interpreted that picture as an old country store!!! (I did think it was odd to have a wreath on the door…!) Anyway, that’s what my poem is about!! Thanks, Angel Sammy, always looking out for us as much as you can, and Teddy, that is such an adorable photo of you.
    Stay well, everyone, and at home as much as possible!
    Here’s the link to my blog:

    Liked by 1 person

    • It could very well be an old store – and it’s possible that that wreath was someone’s idea of “fixing up the old place” whatever it was in its’ heyday. Loved your poem – and it’s nice you have that old photo too. Places like that were the CENTER of things in the day. Everyone gathered at”the store” to keep current with the community. I loved the photo when I saw it – still do.

      Hugs, Pam

      Liked by 1 person

    • We loved your poem – and all the ones we’ve read today have been truly WONDERFUL! So glad it inspired so many people to write something really special. Next week’s will be a HOOT!

      Love, Pam


  4. That is a great poem. Angel Sammy never disappoints.I love cabins, so cozy. Next week’s photo is going to be a lot of fun to write about. Thanks to your mom for finding such cool photos. Have a nice day and stay healthy. XO


    • Next week’s photo is way cool isn’t it? Who knows what we’ll all come up with for that one……..meanwhile, we love ALL the poetry for the little cabin that we’ve seen today – they’re all FABULOUS! Thanks to you for being our poetic friend dear Ellen……..

      Love, Pam


  5. That’s a sweet poem and next weeks photo should get some good poems too. That’s a terrific thankful. We have quite a few virus cases in our town, even some deaths, it’s a bit scary sometimes. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

    Liked by 1 person

    • No cases in our town and only 8 in our County but Virginia is a HIGH COUNT for total cases………we sure hope we get to this “peak” everyone’s talking about soon – and then that the virus becomes just a dark memory. Thanks for hosting the Hop – it’s good to focus on THANKFULS at this time!

      Hugs, Teddy and Pam

      Liked by 1 person

  6. That could be a house of our dreams, Teddy, with a little restoration of course…MOL…Always great to see you Angel Sammy. Here’s our poem we hope you like it too. It’s a reassurance that you’re watching over your pawrents. We sure hope everything goes away as fast as it came🙏Clean Pawkisses for a Happy Thursday. Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie🐾😽💞

    Liked by 1 person

    • Dear Binky wouldn’t we have fun exploring all the hiding spots for the critters that have moved into that house after all the humans left???? We sure did like your poem – it was PURRRFECT! We both have big jobs just now dear Binky – we must keep our humans happy and entertained while of course getting plenty of naps for ourselves. I think you and I are super lucky to have the families that we have!

      Love and Pawkisses back to you

      Liked by 1 person

  7. What a lovely poem Angel Sammy. Love your photo too. We are so thankful for your poems every week. We woke up to more snow today. April showers here are snow. It’s cold too. Not going out anyway.


  8. Thanks Teddy and Angel Sammy. Some may call that cabin old and rickety, but Mom and I think it is charming and we would love to sit inside in front of its warm cozy fire. Mom would sip cocoa and I would nibble on one of her marshmallows. Purr purr purr.


    • Hi Valentine! We thought it was a charming and cozy looking little house too…..just in need of a little LOVE! I like the idea of a marshmallow but Mom says she thinks I’d just play with it like a little ball and never actually EAT it!

      Hugs and Happy Friday


    • Mimi that is an amazing poem. It really TOTALLY reflects the feelings I had when I first saw the photo…….and I wanted that little place to have another life and for someone to love it and make it home again. Well done!! Happy Friday……

      Hugs, Pam


    • Loved your poem – the photo this week REALLY brought out the poet in people didn’t it? A wonderful batch of poetry done for that little cabin and I think the fortune teller will get some goodies next week too!!

      Hugs, Teddy and Mom


  9. Teddy, we’re so glad you and your mom and dad are staying safe and healthy! Angel Sammy, we really enjoyed this photo prompt, and your poem goes with it perfectly. The new prompt is so fun, and this here human immediately got an idea from it. Purrs!


    • We thought the photo for next week would be another really fun one. We REALLY REALLY read a lot of wonderful poetry last week though for the old cabin photo. People seemed to have a lot of fun crafting something to “honor” that old building. Let’s see what’s in store for next week – should be fun! Thanks for being part of that weekly tradition.

      Hugs, Teddy


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