Friendly Fill-Ins for Friday


Friday!!  YAY!   Time to HOP with 15andmeowing and Four-Legged Furballs.    Filling in blanks in sentences sure can tell a lot about us huh?    That’s why it’s fun – we travel around and read everyone else’s fill-ins and find out stuff that we might not have known about each other.  We thank our co-hosts for this super fun HOP!    Mom and I usually take turns doing the filling in OR sometimes share in one post.    I thought Mom and I might SHARE the filling in duties for this week.    If Mom is answering, it will be BLUE and if it’s ME it will be GREEN!

And away we go………………………..

1. My favorite outdoor activity is sitting in one of the rocking chairs on the front porch and watching the world go by.
2. One positive aspect of social isolation is nobody is ringing our doorbell!!!!.
3. It’s fortunate that my husband and I are homebodies – life hasn’t changed much for us these last weeks.
4. I have all my favorite napping spots memorized.

Mom is right – our lives haven’t changed much since the “stay at home” has begun.    We love being at home – all of us.    My Dad still goes to the airport to fly his plane or just clean out the hangar, etc., and Mom DOES do grocery shopping once a week but everything else is status quo.    I get to go outside if I want to and pretty much WHEN I want to…………once in a while the phone rings (robo calls of course!) and we get “just checking in to see how you are” emails just as we send out our share of those.    We kinda did that ANYWAY.     Checking in with friends is what you tend to do when you’re a blogger.
We just continue being grateful that we are healthy, happy, have food and supplies, see the sun instead of rain occasionally (!), and carry on while being more careful than ever.    We pray everyone will continue to follow the guidelines and we can hope that as a reward, the virus will DIE OFF and leave everyone alone.    That won’t happen for a while yet though so PLEASE STAY SAFE.    We love you!

Don’t worry Mom – I’m keeping an eye on the front door for you!   

Hugs, Teddy

55 responses »

  1. We are following the guidelines! SSNS did go to the Publix yesterday afternoon and he scored some hamburger so we grilled CHEESEBURGERS last night! We haven’t been able to find ground chuck! We like sitting on the porch/lanai and watching the birds. Love the pond chickens… not to eat, to watch! They are saying Florida is going to be the next New York. Dr. Fauci said a lot of New Yorkers who have second homes in Florida are fleeing down here. Got my fingers crossed and hoping and praying that isn’t true.


    • Gosh I hadn’t thought of that but YES New Yorkers flood down to Florida ANYWAY and probably more of them will do that bringing their germs with them. I hope not. I really do. Cheeseburgers – oh boy! I have some ground chuck in my freezer and if we hadn’t already decided to have something ELSE for dinner, I’d INSIST on that! Maybe tomorrow. We do a lot of porch sitting these days – Teddy likes that too.

      Love you,
      Pam and the Bean


  2. Business as normal here too, well almost. Mrs H just changed some of her shopping times, and what she can buy has changed to more fresh produce of which folk seem to have not panicked on.
    So besides more time to blog and thus ponder life and not get stuff done, all is well!
    You all stay well too!

    Liked by 1 person

    • My Mom has changed shopping time to ALL kinds of options and the shelves are almost empty ALL THE TIME! That’s all three groceries! Oh well…….we won’t starve but Mom says she misses the “old days” (two weeks ago!).

      Stay Safe
      Hugs, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Teddy, mommy said she really doesn’t like hanging most of the time here at hme. She just does what your mommy does except she does have to go to the University’s medical center with favorite brovver every other week. Both of them are wary of being in such a place during these bad times but they must.


  4. Thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers, as always. Our lives haven’t changed much either except I don’t get to see my niece and her family. This will pass-soon I hope. Have a nice weekend and keep your folks healthy Teddy. XO


  5. Mom and I are also living kinda like usual. If not for the fear and dread quarantine would be fine and dandy with us. We pray each day for the people who are sick and the people caring for the people who are sick. Hang in there, friends. We will get through this.

    Love and licks,


    • We do the same dear Cupcake….those on the “front lines” – doctors, nurses, emergency transport, police, SO MANY who HAVE to be “out there” need all the prayers we can send to them. We think we’ll get through it too but not any time soon unfortunately. Just continue to do the RIGHT thing…..we love you!

      Hugs, Teddy and Mom


  6. It is nice that humans can still sit on their front porches, you can go out in your yard, and we can go on our catio. If we were totally stuck in the house, we would drive our humans nuts. Continue to stay safe dear friends. We love you. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


    • We have always loved our front porch and rocking chairs…..and Teddy enjoys lying on one of the rugs out there especially when the sun is shining on the porch. It’s nice any time of day and we like having it as an option to enjoy during these times of “home isolation” !! We are staying safe and want EVERYONE else to do that too especially YOU!!

      Hugs, Pam


  7. “It’s fortunate that my husband and I are homebodies – life hasn’t changed much for us these last weeks.”
    Same here. Stay healthy, all of you,


  8. Hey Teddy and Mom..
    our lives are about the same except for our walking routine. We are now doing that in the neighborhood. I took some gorgeous photos with my phone BUT cannot figure out how to download so I can use them.
    That Technology is above my pay grade. MOL
    Hugs Cecilia


  9. That were excellent answers on the fill inns, Teddy and mom Pam. It must be great to watch the world go by, now we only have to watch the virus go by and it’s going to happen, purromiss. You made us laugh on the doorbell…MOL😸Pawkisses for a Happy Furriday. Stay Safe Healthy and Yourselfie🐾😽💞


  10. It’s much the same for me too since I already work from home. My husband likes quarantine because now he gets to work from home, too. Our biggest change is not going to the movies once a week. We can certainly deal with that though!


  11. We have to self isolate for 12 weeks as we both have health issues.
    People from London and the Midlands have been heading down here to their second homes, but now the police are stopping cars and telling them to turn around and go back home. The have the power to fine them now if they don’t do so.

    Liked by 1 person

    • So far no problems with cat food here because I eat prescription dry food and Chewy sends my renewals like clockwork. Regular cat food I think can be in short supply. My Mom saw a lady in the cat food aisle crying the other day because her cat’s favorites were sold out. Mom would like to have given her a hug but she couldn’t – she just told the lady to check back the next day…..and also that cats will PROBABLY eat whatever they’re given so to try another kitty food until the favorite is back in stock. It’s sad……..very sad…….

      Hugs, Teddy


  12. Grate answerss Miss Pam an Teddy!!!
    My favorite thing iss sittin out inn Condo hangin out with Chewy Chipmunk! An havin LadyMew sittin out with mee havin her coffee an enjoyin THE sunshine.
    Iss day 8 here off self isolation…thingss were guud til Day 6…LadyMew cryed alot Wednesday. An yesturday shee was furry upset beecause shee was ree-fused her B12 shot…..our frend sounth of here gotted herss at her Docktur so why not here?? An wee have fewer casess than inn THE bigger city!
    Today LadyMew has bin restless an not concentratin well…iss odd as shee does not go out alot. Shee meowed to mee not havin THE freedom to just get up an go iss upsettin her…..
    Mee iss tryin to keep her calm…
    Wee DO have Falcon camss to watch at leest….
    ***purrsss*** BellaDharma


    • Hi BellaDharma….it’s tough on our humans having to stay home but it’s really the only way they can be SAFE and that’s the important thing. My Mom and Dad go to the grocery – do what needs to be done and come home and wash everything. It’s frightening what’s “possible” if everyone doesn’t hang in there and do the right things as recommended. Our job of keeping them happy, entertained, and calm is even more important than EVER before!

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  13. Teddy, you and your mom have such purrfect fill-ins! The kitties here completely agree with you about the doorbell. And this here human agrees about not much feeling different these days, being a huge homebody. I know a lot has changed for some people, though, and we’re sending purrs and prayers to all.


    • Those who are spending most of their days “out and about” have such a HUGE adjustment……………my Mom, Dad and I are just pretty much THE SAME AS ALWAYS. I suppose that is serving us well now!

      Hugs, Teddy


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