Tuesday Teaser




After you’ve commented, please take your seat and prepare yourself for Teaser Class.   The Professors are coming down the hallway now so EYES FORWARD…………

Good Morning Students – shall we get the Teaser started?

Today we have a GUEST TEASER for you – we think we have a good one for you to agonize over so hopefully you boned up on geography, architecture, topography and every other kind of “graphy” you could think of to be on top of your game this morning.

Before we get started, I want to remind all of you students of the rules – if you don’t follow them, everyone is not on equal footing and it’s only fair that we all give each other a chance to win a badge on Tuesdays.   Ok?

It’s fine to search for images using certain details in the photo but please don’t load the photo up in some sort of image search to try and find it the EASY way.   Life isn’t EASY so why should TEASER be?

We want a classroom full of HAPPY!

Any questions???

I haz a question….what’s for lunch today????

Now Tommy you know that the Teaser part of class is way more important than filling your tummy up with food – trust me when I say Miss Dingleberry has prepared lunch for us today so just concentrate on Teaser and the food will follow in good time!

*Whispers* Tommy got in trouble….nanny nanny boo boo……tee hee!

Before we show you today’s tricky Teaser photo, perhaps we should rev up your engines with a rowsing cheer from the Ding Dong School Cheer Team!!

You want a cheer that’s “rousing”
When we were out last night carousing?
We can barely do a leap!
We hardly had any sleep!
Well we will do our best
Then crawl off to get some rest.
Good luck to this special class
We hope you all will pass
Tomorrow we’ll feel up to cheering
We’ll be cute and so endearing.
Sorry to be such a drag
But our energy is starting to SAG!

Well I’ve had to have a little talk with you all before about too much partying – and just think what a bad example you set for class too!    You all go home, rest up and be on your game tomorrow OK?    OK!!!!

HAHAHA the Cheer Team got in trouble!!!!!

Perhaps we should go ahead and have our Security Guard come and show everyone the photo now………………please study the photos and do your best…………..and tomorrow we will let you all know who our FIRST COMMENTER(S) might have been, and who was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER, who else guessed right and who gets a GREENIE!

Hello Professors and Class – here’s your challenge for today!

WHERE were these photos taken and if you know what this structure is – tell us that too!!

Now for the part of the class that you all wait for so very patiently (usually).   Time for Miss Dingleberry’s lunch-o-the-day!

Miss D – your Profs would like two “THE WORKS” to go please!



101 responses »

  1. no way are we firsties today. Mom was deleting emails just when the most important email came through so she had to get to the blog on her own, still I figure we’re pretty close to firsties.


  2. Great cheer despite being a little hungover. This heat is making everyone feel under the weather. I have no idea where this is, it looks like a nuclear plant. See you tomorrow. XO


  3. We got up late and then tried again and are later! MOL
    Thanks fur the super cheer team and Miss D can I take a few burgers for the family. They got up and waited and now are sleeping on the big windowsill in the sun. Like I should be. Buddy is with Dad in the office keeping his music puter happy and warm. Now that teaser.
    That is a Wind Tunnel! Maybe at Boeing or NASA? Where, California , or is that Philadelphia or??
    Thanks Profs
    Timmy and Family


    • Ya think? Maybe yes maybe no maybe maybe……….so in other words – we might have to wait for tomorrow to come to get the answer!!

      Hugs, Teddy
      p.s. have some burgers “to go” !


  4. no clue today… maybe it is the factory of haägen dasz? …oh imagine this building if stuffed with ice cream… or is that a nuke, mr. burns house? or a former olympig ice arena? probably not huh? so we go with maine usa ;O)

    Liked by 3 people

    • Maine, USA is always the best place to end or start with right? HOWEVER, I have to tell you – and I don’t often give stuff away you know (!) – that it is NOT Maine, USA! If it was the Haagen Dasz factory I’d be there eating my way through the building and I think I would run into Da Phenny and Da Neilson right boys?

      Hugs, Teddy


  5. The security guard must have some pretty nifty government clearance since that is the top secret maximum security penitentiary built on Area 69 to alleviate the prison overcrowding problem…. code name: The Grinder. Do I even need to tell you what happens to the prisoners when they are sent to that chamber of horrors in the middle of the building? Let’s just say this highly classified institution also ships out high quality meat to places like McDonalds. Golden Corral, the Spam factory, the Ding Dong School cafeteria…… hmmmmm, funny how it just happens to be burger day. Yes, Miss Dingleberry’s secret ingredient can now be shared….. it’s Soylent Orange. And Soylent Orange is PRISONERS!

    Liked by 2 people

    • OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! I thought these burgers were just a little bit CHEWY. I bet Miss D even has a “mini-grinder” in the cafeteria where those who interrupt class go and are recycled! My Mom says thanks for the reminder of that movie Soylent Green by the way.

      Hugs, Teddy


  6. Burger King used to have an advertising jingle,
    “Hold the mayo, hold the lettuce
    Special orders don’t upset us
    Have it your way”
    My peep went there once and told them to “hold the burger”.

    Miss D, I’ll have a “Nothing Burger”-hold everything.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. No clue on the photo but OMCs did we love the cheer
    You want a cheer that’s “rousing”
    When we were out last night carousing?
    We can barely do a leap!
    We hardly had any sleep!
    Hugs Madi your bfff


  8. Hello! Hey, I got here before noon hour, MOL!
    I was going to say that was one huge hamster or gerbil tunnel…and just imagine what size those rodents would be that got to run inn there!! OMC!!

    By the road signs, I figured it was in either USA or Canada…
    Then I saw some comments about wind tunnels…so I checked that out, and fur sure it *is* the 14×22-Foot NASA Langley Subsonic Wind Tunnel in Hampton, Virginia.
    Way cool!!
    I do not think I would want to feel the wind forces in there, yikes!


  9. What a funny looking building. It looks squished. The peeps must get smaller when inside. After, reading Evil Squirrel’s babblings Miss Dingleberry, I don’t think hamburgers with meat is the way to go. Do you have a fish on a stick, maybe?



  10. WoW! How does Ms Jackie figure these things out? Do Eric and Flynn go looking for her? We came early this morning, but class has not started yet and now…its almost lunch where Mom works…so I am LATE! but that shall not stop me from asking if I can have the fish from a fish burger…hold the bun!
    And what were those cheer grrls doing last night? Were they at the same place as Ninja?


    • Well Marv I guess we’ll find out tomorrow if Miss Jackie is right or not……we had class start later than usual this morning just to throw everyone off – I guess it worked huh??? How about a couple of fish burgers to make up for it?!?!?! The cheer girls are pretty wild – you best stay away from them because they are a BAD influence!!

      Love, Teddy


  11. Mee iss here Teddy an mee msut say mee has absolottley NO clue what kind of a building this iss or where it is…LadyMum just stared vacantlee at thee foto….Sorry wee iss cluelss.
    May mee have a fishie burger pleeze??? An fank you….
    **paw patsss** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=


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