Tuesday Teaser Time!


Ding Dong School is in Session!  

Another confusing weather day outside but it’s ALWAYS confusing in class….

Don’t Forget To Comment!

Shall we begin class?


I hope you all are ready for your photo today…………we think it’s a goodie……….but that will be up to you – you who are guessing!     Before we get to that shall we share our rules AND badges up for grabs today?

You know the rules by now but we like to refresh your memories since we don’t know if you were out partying all night and aren’t quite AWAKE or WHAT……………..so that’s how we do this – remember to guess the WHOLE thing and not just a city.

What are the new Spring badges?

Perhaps tomorrow in the Tel All our stellar cast of cheerleaders will be singing YOUR name as they do their cheer – all you have to do is be FIRST COMMENTER or FIRST RIGHT GUESSER!    The other badges are “winnable” but Suzie and the cheerleaders usually only include the FIRST COMMENTERS and FIRST RIGHT in their cheer.

By the way today we have a special and unusual lunch from our Ding Dong School cafeteria crew.   The new Assistant Chef is from Japan and suggested that Miss Dingleberry let him whip up some Japanese delights including sushi for you to try!     Won’t that be FUN??????

Suzie – how about whipping these students into a frenzy so they don’t fall asleep…………..unless of course it’s too late for that……..


………huh? Who?…….zzzzz…



We hope you’re awake and fine
Your test today is rough
We think this Teaser’s tough
But then we aren’t brainiacs
We’re just cheering maniacs!
You’re the ones who are smarty
So wake up and join the party
Give it your best shot
Whether you know it or not
At least you will have tried
And aren’t just along for the ride!!!

Gosh thanks you all – I’m sure everyone is WIDE AWAKE now…………………….In that case, Mr. Security Guard will you PULEEEZE bring in the Teaser photo for this week’s class?????

Here is today’s Teaser Professor Sam and Teddy


OK – get to guessing everyone…………….while you’re thinking about it – how about taking a little break for lunch?   You can eat at your desk and study the Teaser photo at the same time – just don’t get any teriyaki sauce on your paperwork.

Say – this looks yummy!   I, Truman Catpote, am gonna have a little of EVERYTHING!!!

Good luck Students!  See you for the Tell All tomorrow!!

Professor Angel Sammy and Professor Teddy

115 responses »

  1. What a super cheer team. Makes us want to get up and shine. Miss Dingleberry we, same as Truman, would like a bit of everything but I will have a double order of Tuna Sushi please.
    Now that photo is a toughie. What popped to mind right away was the Scottish Highlands in the UK where James Bond did his spy fight scene in Skyfall.
    Yep. Thats our guess and we are sticking to it MOL
    Timmy and Family


    • You and Truman have good taste – or actually it’s the FOOD that has good taste but you guys know how to get a well rounded lunch. I’ve tried everything and it’s ALL yum. Scottish Highlands? Maybe…….we shall find out tomorrow!!!!!

      Love, Teddy


  2. Here! I’ll have some chicken fried rice please. It looks like Ireland, I’ll have to think about it and come back with a better guess.


    • Hello Da Phenny! How’s that trip going? Are you home now or still exploring Germany? That’s a good guess BUTTTTT we will have to wait and see how good it is tomorrow. Meanwhile, have some Japanese food….it’s good for weims and non-weims too!

      Love, Teddy


  3. Looks like one of those fancy resort prisons… maybe even off the coast of Maine, USA. Wait, a resort prison, you ask…. what in the heck in that? Did you really think inmates don’t like to take vacations now and then when the stressful grind of The Big House gets to them? Here, even the most hardened criminals can take time to unwind and be waited on by people sentenced to community service. You can trade the orange jumpsuit for an striped mankini and tan on what’s left of the beach. Maybe get a very “special” massage from Bubba in the spa room. Or just watch the folks on the mainland and dream of the day when your parole hearing comes up. You have to book your cell early, though… space fills up fast, and there is no overcrowding allowed at Cape Attaca…

    Liked by 4 people

    • Glad to hear there’s no overcrowding allowed especially because I should think the SHOWER facilities there are – well – smallish. Overcrowding would be just a tad too close for comfort. I do however think the mankinis ought to be orange – I mean a criminal should look like a criminal at all times even on vacation.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. We love these lines
    Students RISE AND SHINE
    We hope you’re awake and fine
    Yep we were up and awake and fine and the peeps left home at 7 am for their Tuesday Morn
    breakfast and just returned from walking.
    Hugs madi your bfff


    • I think that might be one of the names this place is known by – we call it Ballinskelligs Castle so purrrhaps you are RIGHT?????? There is a link in the TELL ALL today – shows several names this old ruin is known by. If you are RIGHT – Concats!!

      Love, Teddy


  5. To us this looks like the dark side of the moon, but it also appears as if the previous commenter could be correct. Girls, that cheer today is first rate. We’re all going to keep some of that yummy looking shrimp tempura. Thanks Miss Dingleberry. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer


  6. That sure is a forlorn spot…and all broken down, too. I think it looks like somewhere in Ireland. But…that is a big country! MOL!
    So after I searched for ruins by the sea and got no where I went to hunt in ruins by the Irish sea and still got nowhere. So then I started to hunt for small coastal ruins on Irish coast lands, and I found something that looks similar. Something about the Ring of Kerry. But I have to go to my oncologist now and have no more time to snoop anymore…so I’ll just say, Ruins in Ring of Kerry Ireland. Maybe I’ll grab a sushi as I go out the door. And I will fill you all in on my report when I check back tomorrow.

    Liked by 2 people

    • You are RIGHT – this old “castle” is in the Ring of Kerry and we think it’s one of many such old ruins to be found in that area. You did a great job snooping though!! Hope your doctors appointment went perfectly well…..thanks for spending some time searching out the mystery – well done.

      Hugs, Teddy


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