Teaser Tell All and More


Time to Get The Scoop!

Hello Students – I hope by now you have managed to gain at least five or six pounds from all the food and treats you got for the holidays AND you’ve picked out your favorite “NEW TOY” that Santa Paws brought to you – because if all of that is true – then you’re probably ready to SIT STILL in class today while we tell you who won what for Teaser this week!

Too much food here…..can’t keep my eyes open!

I think someone slipped some caffeine in my kibble!

First we’ll begin by telling you WHO was our FIRST COMMENTER……………..but wait – that FIRST COMMENTER was also our FIRST RIGHT GUESSER!    That’s right – a double win!   How cool is that and what a good way to start of the PRE-NEW YEARS EVE celebrations.   Wanna know who it was??   Do ya?   OK!

I was FIRST COMMENTER on the Teaser of Dec. 26, 2017!

I was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of Dec. 26, 2017!

Miss Csilla – these are for YOU!   

It was an interesting Teaser day – we waited and waited and wondered if anyone was up early on the day after Christmas – or whether it would be a long time before someone commented – it was SEVERAL minutes indeed but Miss Csilla was here and then others woke up and arrived and before you knew it, the guesses were flying.    But Miss Csilla was FIRST!

It was NOT a Guest Teaser photo – Mom posted it – and we wondered if most would think it was European – some little snowy village………but in fact, it WAS taken in Vail, Colorado!    Some gorgeous place isn’t it???   Know what else?   SEVERAL of you knew it where it was……….here’s the photo again:

The other Teaser Guessers who guessed Vail, Colorado will get one of these:

I guessed RIGHT on the Christmas Teaser of Dec. 26, 2017!

And if you were WRONG with your guess but still gave it a try – this special Christmas Greenie is for you!

I was wrong with my Guess on the Christmas Teaser of Dec. 26, 2017 but at least I TRIED!

The Cheer Squad wants to honor the Double Winner with a cheer………………go girls go!

Miss Csilla you surely did it up right!
Seeing TWO badges for you is quite a grand sight!
You were fast on the draw and commented so fast!
Then you popped back with your guess – such a blast!
You new it was Vail in a resort oh so pretty
While we thought there would be guesses of some European city!
Congratulations to you from the cheer team at school
The Professors now know you’re not easy to fool!!
Rippy Tippy Too

Of course next week we’ll be starting a new year of Teasers……………Our BIG SURPRISE for you students of geography is that we will have class in a brand new school!    Miss Dingleberry and all the gang are going to still be with us there………..we will just have a “new look”.    Swell huh?

In addition to new surroundings, we will have – YET AGAIN – new badges.    New year – new badges.   The Graphics Department around here is exhausted because we’ve kept them designing and producing new badges on OVERTIME but we like to keep things new and interesting AND besides, new badges means you can add even more great BLING to your collection at home!    So make sure and keep on studying!

Studying?   What’s that? 

Well that’s why YOU are wearing the DUNCE CAP!    You obviously do not know what studying is!

We will see you next week Class…..we hope you have a HAPPY NEW YEAR

Professors Angel Sammy and Teddy


This is Pam, the Professor’s Mom – I wanted to share something with you all – some of you who are Cat Scouts saw this on the Scouts site before Christmas but others probably haven’t and it’s just so special to ME I wanted to show it to you.    Sammy was a Cat Scouts for several years and was the Troop Leader of the WILDCATS Troop – he (and I !) had a great time being involved with Scouts and when he became an Angel on Dec. 2, 2016 it was a sad time at Scouts AND for us as well.    He still visits Cat Scouts – as an Angel Scout – but when we went by Scouts on Christmas Day, we saw his picture on the front page along with an invitation to follow a link to see him telling a Christmas story – it led to a You Tube creation that the “Denmaster” of Cat Scouts (who runs the site and is the leader) Karen Nichols, had done in Sammy’s honor.    It is grand…….it’s fun……..it’s sweet…….but it made me cry as I “heard” my boy Sammy talking and telling a hilarious story.    It’s fun to see………I’m providing the link here if you’d like to hear and see it too.    My thanks to all Cat Scouts Moms who have sent me a note to tell me they loved it.   I wish I could take credit for it but the credit is Denmaster’s – her idea – and a TOTAL surprise to us!     Please enjoy………..and Merry Christmas Week!


Love, Pam

55 responses »

    • It was such a surprise to find that video at Cat Scouts……of course my Mom had a box of Kleenex nearby when she watched it the second time. We thought it was a pretty darn good Teaser too – sure looked like Switzerland to us!!

      Hugs, Teddy


  1. Oh my Christmas Stockings what a most beautiful link and story and dear me what a dear surprise to share in honor of everyone’s Favorite Scout Angel Sammy. Did Karen write the story too? It is Amazing
    Hugs Madi and Cecilia


    • We were absolutely thrilled and super surprised – Denmaster hadn’t told us so imagine what a shock it was to log on to Cat Scouts and see Angel Sammy on the front page AND in the newest puzzle!

      Hugs, Teddy


    • Wish we could take credit for that video – we were as surprised as everyone was when we found it at Cat Scouts – we owe it all to the Denmaster – she created it and honored Angel Sammy who was a great Cat Scout!

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Congratulations to the winners! I knew it, but…not my turn. *Good grief* Sometimes, it is best to just let someone else have a turn. I love what you do there. Thanks for letting us be a part of it. HUGS!
    Bill is back on the road, but will have another long weekend. I am trying very hard to keep up, but will be unplugged again this weekend. But, I am not complaining! The holidays are time consuming, but in a good way! Enjoy yours, too, HUGS!


    • Barb it was the most amazing thing I’ve seen in ages – and a total surprise – the Denmaster did it on her own and never said a word – I just went to the site to log in as normal and there it was. I cried too – and I know I will every time I watch it from now until forever. I’m glad you enjoyed it……

      Love, Pam


  3. Double congrats to Miss Csilla! I get a special Christmas badge too! I was very late, but my friend has shown me lots of photos of that place. It is mega $$$ but her husband is a private dentist and you know what they charge!!!


    • Yes it was a lovely thing for Denmaster to do – it was sort of bittersweet – hearing Sammy’s “voice” for the first time sent Mom into a tailspin but we did love the video – it was just plain SWEET.

      Hugs, Teddy


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