Monthly Archives: June 2013

Tuesday Teaser


YAY!  It’s time again for the Tuesday Teaser………..well, I say it’s time and hopefully you didn’t go nuts trying to SEE the Teaser since it wasn’t delivered to you at the usual TIME!   This is the NEW time…………..6AM Eastern Standard Time so more of you can see it and have a shot at the “First Right Guesser” award!

Now as you recall, today’s Teaser is a GUEST Teaser.  Our Guest went to this place and took lots of photos but there are TWO we’ve using for the Teaser and here they are.  Clean off those screens and eyeglasses and take a peek because I don’t think you’ll find a whole lot of clues…………..




Remember you can bigify these if you need to!!!

So!  If you are the first person to guess correctly where EXACTLY these photos were taken, you will get THIS:

The Much Coveted First Right Guesser Award....

The Much Coveted First Right Guesser Award….

And of course if you guess the right details no matter if you’re first, second or LAST, you will get THIS:


SO, everybody wins right?  Remember to get your guesses to me today because tomorrow at 3AM Eastern Standard Time (the USUAL blog delivery time) you’ll find out who wins what OK?

Meanwhile, yesterday was a super busy day – birthdays, gotcha days, all kinds of pawties and some good news and bad news.  In other words, it was another regular/normal day in Blogville.  The whole thing is that we do what we can to help each other when we can and congratulate each other on the victories and hug each other through the sadness right?  Our community is wonderful about that.

Tomorrow my Mom is going to be gone from home almost all day but she’ll be checking in at least once from my Aunt Carol’s house in West Virginia.  Mom is visiting her because it’s my Auntie Carol’s birthday tomorrow!   She’ll pop on Auntie Carol’s computer to respond to comments on my bloggy though – after all, these big old paws of mine get stuck in the holes between keys on the keyboard sometimes and I depend on Mom to help me………..what would we do without our humans huh?   I don’t want to know.

Have a super day gang and Happy Guessing on the Teaser…………..good luck to everybody and I hope having changed the time on Tuesdays for my blog to appear will help everybody to think everything is fair and square.


LOVE clean sheets!!

My Meowzer Monday


Hey All! I’ve got a lot to crow (oops…that’s a bird word isn’t it!) about today!

First of all you know by now that it’s Sparkle’s birthday AND World Cat Domination Day and you really MUST visit her – she’s having a pawty and everything! Some of my dog buddies asked if dogs are allowed and OF COURSE everybody is invited….just be prepared to be dominated! 😀 😀 😀

Ya gotta stop by TODAY!

Ya gotta stop by TODAY!

Also I want to crow about a lovely contest I won on “The Cat On My Head” the other day…..yep……Miss Janet posted a mysterious picture of a hand picking something up off the floor and we all were supposed to guess what it was – – – – Mauricio the cat had done SOMETHING and it looked to me like somebody was cleaning up after him – – – what was the “thing” ?  Well I was the first to guess “A DEAD MOUSE” and I was right!   Wanna know what I won?  Well, take a peek at their blog to see the whole story, but here’s what I will be receiving – how GRAND is this???   THANK YOU MISS JANET AND KITTIES – I’m very excited!

Bootiful new bowl handpainted by Miss Janet....and nip pillows made by her too!

Bootiful new bowl handpainted by Miss Janet….and nip pillows made by her too!


Am I a lucky guy or WHAT? 

Then the other spectacular news which many of you already know about is that Leo, our friend who was ever so sick that we all pitched in to help has passed his vet visit with an “all clear” so he’s ready, willing, and more than able to move into a FOREVER HOME!  That’s right – he is ready to leave Savannah’s foster home environment and get his own space…..his new home needs to be somewhere out in California or the other states nearby so he won’t have to go through any trauma moving.  Heaven knows that Leo’s had ENOUGH trauma in his life!   He’s happy now that he’s feeling good and we want him to stay that way.  If you know ANYBODY in California who would enjoy having a real survivor kind of kitty who loves to play and is very affectionate and loving, please let Savannah know.  It would be GRAND if Leo could get a home QUICKLY……

The last bit of excitement is a reminder that tomorrow we have a GUEST TEASER for Tuesday Teaser… blog for tomorrow will “go live” at 6AM Eastern Standard Time so more of you will see my blog early on and have a chance at the “FIRST RIGHT GUESSER” award!   Anyway, this is going to be a fun Teaser so be ready to check it out whatever time you get it where you are because it’s a “goodie” !

The Much Coveted First Right Guesser Award....

The Much Coveted First Right Guesser Award….

One last thing before I leave you to your Monday Madness (haha)………….The other day as I was visiting blogs I found out about a very sweet French Bulldog named Benny.  Benny was recently diagnosed with liver cancer.  He looks like a REAL champ though and has had his first chemo treatment already.  Benny is a fighter – and all of us know that there’s nothing as strong and determined as a pet who wants to live – so if you can send purrayers and love to Benny and his family – or even help out with his medical care (there’s a way to do that on his bloggy), please do.

We're pulling for you Benny!

We’re pulling for you Benny!


So that’s about it for my Meowzer Update this Monday morning………….lots going on in the world huh?   

See you tomorrow!!

Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀

Monster Day


Good Morning All!

Well my Tuesday Teaser Poll suggested to me that a bunch of you would be happier if I moved the Tuesday blog “go live” time to 6AM MY time so that’s what we’re gonna do next week! Speaking of next week – remember I will have a GUEST TEASER so I’ll be reminding you Monday about the new time! WOO WOO!

Today is housecleaning day – many of you have to suffer along with me on Fridays (or any day of the week) when that old noisy vacuum comes flying out of the closet to do its’ thing. Again I appeal to those of you who love to invent things to PULEEEZE invent a noiseless vacuum that can clean like the noisy ones but SILENTLY. If you humans can send a man to the moon (several times) you can DO this too….. 😀 😀 😀 Some of us animals do our best to keep the area around where you humans eat your food clean for you (tee hee) when little “somethings” pop onto the floor but we can’t do it all! Especially dust bunnies – they are very dry and tasteless!

I wanna thank those of you who have purchased my Mom’s novel too!! If you feel inclined to do a review (which she’d love and so would I because I love her) please post one on Amazon. The paper version isn’t showing up there YET but the Kindle one is there and you can post a review there – when the paperback shows up all the reviews will be there anyway!! You’re the BESTEST buddies. Did you cat friends of mine whose humans have read the book like the character “Eddy” ??? Bailey couldn’t stay cool, calm and collected without him. If your human does a review, I promise not to forget to put you in my will. HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Elephants NEVER forget!!!

Elephants NEVER forget!!!


Speaking of forgetting – please don’t forget World Cat Domination Day is coming – just happens to be Sparkle’s birthday too so put that on your calendar……I’ve seen reminders on some of my buddies’ blogs lately so I wanna do my part to remind everyone!!

It's also Sparkle's birthday!  Two celebrations in ONE!

It’s also Sparkle’s birthday! Two celebrations in ONE!


What did I do yesterday you might ask?  Well, I did one heck of a lot of napping BUT I also went outside for a bit.

Enjoying the yard and the nice fresh air!

Ahhh…’s NICE out here!


Hoping for another nice day today – AFTER the monster gets put back in his place that is !!!

Happy Quiet Friday…………Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀 😀