Tag Archives: yard work

OK Mom….I’m Ready!


Let’s do it………let’s get this monsterizing thing out of the way so we can ENJOY the rest of today OK Mom?    I’m ready to help………the faster we do it the better!

"Mr. Clean" (?)

“Mr. Clean” (?)

Now, what else can I do for you?   Wash the dishes?   Hang up the laundry?


I say we goof off the rest of the day……………oh wait – Dad said he was going to use his new string-trimmer and that you were going to tractorize the yard.   That means another whole hour without you allowing me to lie on your lap on my blankie.   Heck…..well, what are you waiting for?   Get out there and DO IT Mom!

Not bad Mom - you're a terror on that tractor!

Not bad Mom – you’re a terror on that tractor!

Tomorrow is Bacon Caturday……………..oh boy!


Welcome to my newest Bacon Club Member – my buddy Raz!


An update on the backyard landscaping project………..the landscape architect guy called Mom today and made an appointment to come see our backyard next Friday!   Oh I’m so excited…….you know what happens when I’m EXCITED!!!


Nice to stop and smell the roses....I mean mums!

Please Mr. Architect Guy – make my yard more FUN!

Have a pawsome Friday Kiddos!


Happy Straw Hat Day!!


Sneakin’ Up On Friday


One more day until we do the weekly bunny hunt………yeah – those pesky dust bunnies my Mom is determined to eradicate from my environs!   If you need a translation of that last sentence:  “Tomorrow is housecleaning day” ………HAHAHA

My thoughts on cleaning......

My thoughts on cleaning……

Meanwhile, there’s plenty of activity around here.   Mom is doing laundry and going shopping later and Dad is going to the airport to fly in the flying machine.  I’ve shown photos of his plane before but just in case you were under a rock when I did (!) here they are again!


Dad putting the plane away in the hangar after flying




A kind of interesting thing is going to happen around here soon – my Mom has a landscape architect coming to help us figure out what to do with our impossible back yard.   Whatever IS done, will take a while because my Mom and Dad will probably do it in stages…..this kinda stuff isn’t exactly cheap but when it’s done, I envision more of a “park” than a back yard.   Mom wants as little grass (even though there’s very little any way because it doesn’t grow well back there!) as possible and nice “pad” for the picnic table and grill……and maybe some paths and lots of shrubs.   When my Mom and Dad first  built the house and the lawn came in that first year it looked great but then erosion over the years really changed it – we’re on a hill so the backyard just goes downhill – fairly gently – but still rain runoff is a biggie.  We’ll see what the architect has in mind – his company will do whatever installation of plants is needed too.   Should be exciting AND I’ll get a brand new back yard out of the deal……cool huh?   I’ll keep you posted on the progress I promise.

Sam's backyard

The back yard USED to look like this with grass…..not anymore though!

Never a dull moment in THE HOUSE OF KIMMELL……………I pretty much see to that but now we have other things  that will keep us rollin’ !!


Happy Day Before Friday!

Hugs, Sammy

p.s.  A friendly reminder that if you’re a Kindle person,  my Mom’s book is on sale for NINETY-NINE cents – just use the link on my sidebar!  

“The Mystery of David’s Bridge” will be yours for CHEAP!

Teaser Winner and More….




So that’s where it was!  And we had someone who was a first time visitor to my blog guess it after my hint about pink sand……that was Meg!  Thanks for visiting me and guessing…..I’m glad you’re going to add Bermuda to your huge list of places you’ve traveled to Miss Meg.  Mom and Dad loved it there.   Meg’s been to LOTS of the same places my parents have been on their travels. 

As for what I’m up to this morning – not much.  Mom’s heading to the grocery store in a bit and I’m taking up space on the bed – you know, just keeping it company for a while…..if I happen to nap a bit SO BE IT.  A guy’s got to keep up his strength.  

It’s going to be a nice day here and Mom and Dad are going to head out into the yard for the first MOW and TRIM and CLEANUP session.  I’ll stay inside and watch from a window.  Too much noise for me! 

The only noise I want to hear is my own snoring………… little happy face

Sam Taking a Snooze on Mom's Bed

A guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do!

Mystery Photo 4