Tag Archives: writing a poem for a photo

Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Happy Thursday!    It’s time to think about what we’re thankful for – although if you’re like we are here, we are thankful every single day for one OR MORE things!   Anyway, anyone who would like to join up with Brian’s hosted Hop – just click the badge above and link up with us.

I’m super thankful that Mom and Dad are finished decorating the Christmas tree and house.   All that noise and rummaging around in boxes and bags – it certainly makes napping difficult.   One super good thing about it is that the “under the tree” new Lionel Christmas Train Dad got looks VERY cool under our tree.    I don’t particularly care for all the noise it makes with bells, whistles and a conductor announcing the stations BUT it is fun to watch it go round and round if Dad isn’t making it do all those effects with the remote!     I enjoy lying under the tree snoozing…….nice!

I did get an email from Angel Sammy with his poem for today – another reason to be THANKFUL.   I always love seeing his poems on Thursdays!


Greetings Poetic Friends!   

Time for us to get together and share the poems we have written this past week based on the photo I gave you LAST Thursday.    So much fun – I so enjoy reading your poems and I’m pleased that several of you have taken up that challenge and joined in the fun writing a poem once a week inspired by a photo.    If you wrote a poem and would like to share it – please let us know in our COMMENTS that you have a poem and give us your link so we can read it – OR you can write your poem in our comments if you prefer.

Here’s the photo I gave you last week – followed by my own poem.

“Closet Space”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell    ©December 4, 2019

Clothes, shoes, blankets and bags all over the place

We’re always running out of closet space!

Apartments here are ever so small

Sleeping bags line every single wall!

Student housing – there’s never enough

Five of us in a one bedroom apartment with lots of stuff

The only problem that causes us all some pain

Is bringing it all back inside whenever it rains!


A short poem but it was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw this photo.    A little bit about this photo though from my Mom – she lived in Taiwan for two years and in a very crowded downtown housing area it was not at all unusual to see this sight – nobody had enough room – and often the closet in the apartment was OCCUPIED by a family member as a bedroom (!) so clothes were hung up on the balcony to save space.    Whole families would live in a small apartment so space was definitely at a premium and a closet was more of a “private bedroom” than a place for clothes.    Mom didn’t live downtown – she lived with other American service families up on a mountain in a military compound BUT she went to school in downtown Taipei and the bus drove through areas on the way to school that looked much like this (only not this large of a building).     Interesting photo though isn’t it?    A bit mind-boggling!!!

So – are you ready to see the photo I found for you for next week?????

BRRRRRRRRR…………..just looking at this photo makes me cold.   Thankfully, it’s NEVER cold here at the Rainbow Bridge – always perfect – day after day.    Just one of the PERKS we have here – it’s nice for sure but not as nice as if we were back home with you!

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

See you next week!   Write a poem to share – we’ll do that next Thursday OK?   

Love, Angel Sammy


Purrfect Angel Sammy……we’ll see you next week for sure……sending love to you.   

Hugs, Teddy