Tag Archives: cat napping

Friendly Friday Fill-In Fun


“Fill It Like It Is!”  

Yep that’s what we do on Fridays.     This fun blog which is co-hosted by McGuffy’s Reader and 15andmeowing is all about filling in the blanks on FOUR sentences thereby telling a little about yourself that helps us know each other better!    If you think you’d enjoy doing this too, click on the badge above – it will take you to McGuffy’s and you can link up if you like.   Trust me – it’s tons of fun!

Here are this week’s sentences – two from McGuffy’s and two from 15andmeowing………………..and I decided to let my Mom fill out the first two and I’ll fill out the last two.   Her fill-ins are GREEN and mine are PURPLE!

1. I can’t believe Zweiback Toast is still sold.   (Note: when I was a very little girl that was what my Mom gave me to chew on when I was getting teeth!   I’d “gum” it into mush but it kept me quiet for hours Mom said as I gnawed it to bits……I saw online that a German company “Brandt” is still making it – that makes me happy somehow……..)

2. I have NOTHING on Craigslist.   I’ve never used Craigs List before but know plenty of people who buy and sell there.   

3. Going into December, the weather outside is WARMER than usual but Mom tells me that I’m mistaken if I think THAT will last much longer!   Cold weather is comin’ !

4. My current weakness is playing with those “spring” toys for kitties – I am ADDICTED – I have two I carry all over the house and I bring them to Mom so she will throw them for me and I can fetch them.   I also like her to toss them in the jacuzzi so I can hop in and play with my spring in the empty tub……then I fall asleep in there (tee hee)

So there you have it – another Friendly Friday Fill-Ins by me and Mom.     Tomorrow we will be having a special blog day as it is the one year anniversary of Sammy becoming an Angel.    I know we’ve said it all before but since it’s an anniversary of sorts, we should make it special – SO, since Saturday is usually my baking day in Baconia, instead it will be “all about Sam”.

See you there!    Meanwhile, have some fun – hook up to McGuffy’s and FILL-IN THE BLANKS!!

Wake me when it’s Saturday Mom OK??????

Love, Teddy

Just Catchin’ Up!


Hi Peeps!

It’s been such a whirlwind few days around here with me and my secretary working on the contest and the Teaser and organizing surprise packages that I’m just plain POOPED! 

Mom just snapped a photo of me in my tent (gee thanks for disturbing the peace Mom) and you can plainly see that I’m exhausted…..

Mom left a peep hole in the back for a “back door window” this time when she made my tent…..cool huh? Pardon me…..YAWN….back to sleep…..!

We’ve almost got both surprises packages ready to go out to the winners of the photo contest – Miss Mollie and Mr. Cody – but Mom DID have some other things to do today like grocery shopping and working in her gardens.  I may be #1 priority around here but there ARE other miscellaneous duties that my secretary handles every day after all.

I was conscious enough earlier to make a quick trip into the front yard to have a bit of a munch……but other than that it’s been SLEEPVILLE for yours truly! 

Sam grazing on the grass in the front yard

Yum….nice crunchy grass…somebody pass me the salad dressing will ya??


One Spoiled Cat?  Oh yaaaah……..no doubt about it!!

Kitty Hugs, Sammy 😀

Where Are My Sunglasses?!

Hey! Get these presents out of the box so I can have it for a racecar!

Is that lightning flashing or the camera flashing????

Lights – camera – action…..I’m not a big fan of light.  Especially when it’s accompanied by thunder of course (last night we had a doozy by the way!!)……but also whenever I see Mom holding that camera of hers.  I know there’s gonna be a big flash – and I really don’t like that one bit.  I try to be cooperative so she can take my picture – – – after all I know I’m one handsome guy and it’s hard for her to resist snapping my photo to show off (tee hee)….but gosh that light is SOOOOOOOOO bright!

HA!  She thought she’d managed to sneak a picture quickly enough that my eyes would be open this time!  Fooled her…..got ’em almost shut and even plastered a silly grin on my face too……I really messed up this shot for her didn’t I ?? 
Sam relaxing after the visit to the vet yesterday!

I like DARK when I nap!

Like in this photo – here I am sound asleep, snoring loudly, and just so I can have things as dark as possible, I have one arm over top of my eyes to keep out ANY light.
Funny Face Sam

Oops - almost didn't get the eyes closed in time for the flash!!


And this is another favorite thing to do when the camera’s aimed at me….I make a silly face…..I didn’t QUITE get my eyes closed for this one but with a grin like this – who needs closed eyes anyway?  It still kept Mom from getting a perfect picture of me (one of those little games I play ya know!).
Anyway, you get the idea.  How do you guys feel about having your picture taken anyway?  How about naps – don’t you like it DARK when you’re snoozin? 
Time for breakfast………..hope you all have a swell Friday…….
Sammy, One Spoiled Cat