Teaser Class Christmas Style


HO HO HO…..OK Security Elves – let’s go get some hot chocolate!

Happy Christmas Class students!   Have you COMMENTED yet?

We welcome you to what actually is our Christmas Teaser Class because NEXT Tuesday will be the day AFTER Christmas when there’s wrapping paper all over the house and dishes needing to be done and kids’ toys in pieces all over the living room and leftover turkey on the dining room table and……..

“Excuse me Professors but did you know the loud speaker is picking up all this chatter about what a mess the day after Christmas is???   Is that NECESSARY????”

OOPS.   Sorry Miss Brunhilda.    We’ll turn off the speaker – didn’t know it was on!

Where were we class…….oh yes…………we will be getting together next Tuesday for Teaser class again and hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas.    We have a special CHRISTMAS TEASER for you today.     Our way of celebrating at school.    Remember we have RULES for Teaser though and of course badges to win!    Here’s a refresher!

And Graphics Department Christmas Badges:

Woo Hoo!!!!

Now here’s your Teaser for Christmas 2023………………………!!

WHERE WAS THIS PHOTO TAKEN???????????  (remember the rules!)

Now let’s bring on the Cheer Team to cheer you up!    Ladies, we know you have a special guest member cheering with you today – it’s Katie Isabella and she’s cheered with you ladies before but TODAY she actually WROTE the cheer you’re going to do – GO GIRLS GO!!!!!

Kitties and Woofies, it’s all cheers
As we lift up high, our nice cold beers!
‘Cause all of us Girls
Never had the hurls!!
Hurray for the Winner(s)
We know they’ll buy us our dinners!

Well they MIGHT buy your dinners – if they actually serve dinner at the Grumpy Cat Bar – I thought they specialized in BREWSKIS!      Anyway, thanks ladies and Katie – it’s a pleasure to have you join the Cheer Team for Christmas!

Now how about we all head off to the cafeteria?     I’m sure everyone including the cheer team has worked up an appetite!

Happy Week Before Christmas!  Time to CHOW DOWN!


Seeds Anyone?

We’ll see you tomorrow for TELL ALL!

The Professors, Angel Sammy and Teddy

71 responses »

  1. YUM! After all that, meatloaf, mac and cheese and veggies. And Spider icing chocolate cake! And mini red velvet cakes. And Christmas cinnamon rolls. Where’s Frank?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. What a beautiful place! Love the reflection. Now to get thinking about where it might be.

    THat was a great cheer! But…um…I didn’t see any beer lifted high?? Just the pom-poms! Prolly a good thing to leave the beer at the pub, right?!

    Holy Cannoli, May I please have some Cannoli? After my onion rings and Rudolph Punch, please.


  3. I think that place isn’t too far from your place Teddy!
    I am going to also guess:
    Williamsburg Inn – in Williamsburg, Virginia.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I LOVE this post! So festive. The badges are all great and the cheerleaders look so adorable all dolled up for Christmas. I know Santa will bring you all what you want. No clue where the photo was taken though. XO

    Liked by 1 person

  5. The Graphics Depatment did an incredible Christmas Teaser! The Cheer Team is so cute.
    The Teaser photo DOES look magical!
    I would like a Mini Red Velvet Cake and a Holiday Bonanza Burger please!
    Good Morning…. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!


  6. Just in time for Christmas, that looks like the mansion of Ebeneezer Scrooge. Decoration by Bob Cratchit, The Ghost of Christmas Present, and Tiny Tim, who was later fed to the man-eating otters in the moat because everyone got tired of his perpetual good cheer…

    Liked by 2 people

  7. ted o nator….happee twooz day two ewe dood! mite we pleez and
    thanx place an order for pan cakez, while we figure out if we can
    fizh in theez waterz! hope ewe N mom N dad iz safe and dry, YEOWZER
    if de weatherz out yur way iz crazed 💙💙💚💚🐟😺


    • Hi gang! Happy Holly-days! One order of pancakez comin’ right up…..I’m sure there’s fish in that big huge tank out front of the mansion – feel free to fish there and bring your catch o the day to Miss Dingleberry and she and her cafeteria staff can cook ’em up for ya!!!! Weather here is cold and windy but no snow. Hope you all have good weather so that the Guy in the Red Suit can land properly to bring you bags o fresh fish for the holidays…………..

      Hugs and Happy Christmas!
      Ted O Nator


  8. WOW, we’re still taking the grouper every time we can, and that magnificent dwelling must be a president’s, governor’s, famous politician’s-of-some-kind house but then again, maybe it’s Barbara Streisand’s, haha. LOVE the long pool in front….wonderful graphics on your blog. How much time does all of this take? You must be a wizard at this!!!


    • Frankly it takes a lot longer than I wish it did to do graphics for Teaser BUT it’s done with love and that makes it worth it. We’ve done Teaser for YEARS and YEARS and have as much fun as hopefully everyone else has! One Grouper meal comin’ right up!!!! By the way, we couldn’t do those badges without the help of Lunapic.


  9. BellaSita Mum meowed sumwhere inn Virginia USA….so mee go with her guess!
    It DOES look sorta Co-low-nee-al to mee two……
    Missus D an Miss Maryann may wee have 1 order of Pancakess an 1 small order of Sottish salmon pleese? Fore ‘ssert may wee have sum Tryfull an a wee saucer of milk? Many thanx!!
    Wee wishess both of youss’ a Meowy Catmess two!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an (((hugss))) BellaSita Mum


  10. OMG, Teddy, I totally forgot that it’s Tuesday!!!! That’s a magically beautiful place but I could not find out where it is! It should be somewhere in the US, I think. Is the cantine open yet? I’d like a chicken burger and a Christmousie cocoa if possible!


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