Tuesday Teaser Class Begins…..


“Well gang, another hot patrol of campus completed….this weather is what they call ‘the dog days of summer’….but I’m a dog and I’m not crazy about it!!”

Hi students!  Teaser class is NOW – have you commented yet?

Our Security Patrol led by Captain Clowie has a tough job checking out the school campus on a HOT HOT day………..we’re inside in the air conditioning but we really DO appreciate them looking out for us and the students on their daily rounds.     I bet right now they’re in the cafeteria enjoying something cool to drink courtesy of Miss Dingleberry.

So it’s Teaser class and today we have a GUEST TEASER which we hope will be a challenge for you.    The Graphics Department was more than happy to receive a Guest Teaser since lately all the Teasers SHE picks seem to be TOO EASY for you – class!

First up is a reminder of the rules and a preview of today’s badges…………

“Bring On The Teaser!”

OK – you all look fired up so let’s get on with the show.    Here is today’s Teaser photo courtesy of our Teaser Photo Guard:

“Here it is Professors – it’s a good one!”

We think this one will challenge all of you!! 

“Uhoh……the most dreaded of all types of Teasers…..TOUGH!”

“Oh come on now – put a little effort into it Rodney!”

Now now……..everyone calm down and study the photo and make your guess.   Good luck to all of you!     Cheer Team?   Can you settle this crowd down please??

No more Mr. Nice Guys this Teaser is tough
It’s a really good chance for you smarties to strut your stuff!
Not many clues here but you have to try!
Something in the photo might catch your eye……
The Guest Teaser photos are usually rougher
But having to study hard just makes you tougher!!!

“YAY – very inspiring cheer ladies!”

Now perhaps if we head to the cafeteria for some food, you all will be ON YOUR GAME and ready to make a guess on this one……………..tomorrow we’ll let you know just who did what!

“We have delicious meals for everyone!”


See you tomorrow for the TELL ALL everyone!  

Good Luck Students!    Your Professors

71 responses »

  1. Wowzers, where was everybody this morning! So far no luck discovering where this teaser photo was taken. We think some raspberry and lemon tarts may help. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


    • Maybe people are tired of Teasers? Maybe people are enjoying this beautiful weather we have (for a change)? Maybe people have gone out to breakfast for a treat? Raspberry and lemon tarts would certainly be fab right about now!


  2. The visitors who came to enjoy Mealworm National Park were quite surprised to come back to the parking lot and find that someone had stolen all of their vehicles. Of course, the real culprits were CAR EATING OTTERS. Luckily, this incident won’t get reported to the police as the man-eating otters aren’t far behind to clean up what’s “left”….

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The everything platter and the entire lemon tart…IF Miss Dingleberry has more in the kitchens. At least 4 slices. Mom said I had to hurry, on accounta James is coming to visit in about 30 minutes and mom isn’t even dressed!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Hidiho effurrybody, we see we’re not first…but at least we’re in again and we have a little clue were this is. We think it’s in Norway, Tresse Kristiansand, but of course it could be somewhere else…MOL…Teddy, we like to have some crepes today with a little milkshake please. Can use a little sweet😺Double Pawkisses for a Happy Week ahead to all of you🐾😽💞


  5. Yikes! You said tough-you should have said impossible! Holy cow…ok, since I’m just guessing…how about near the Suomenlinna sea fortification, Helsinki, Finland? And to console my perplexed brain, how about a nice plate of crepes?


  6. I’m totally idealess. Let’s go to the cafeteria! Could I have a bacon cheese zucchini, an avocado burger, a few crepes, a raspberry tart, a sopaipilla, and an ambulance to the next hospital?


    • Why don’t we just dump everything that’s on the cafeteria line in a big huge pot and sent a GREAT BIG SPOON to you and you can enjoy some “TEASER STEW” ??? Hope you’re enjoying your blog break. Miss Dingleberry was so inconsolable you weren’t in class that she has carried on making that chocolate mint cake for you EVERY SINGLE WEEK!!!!


    • I just got here…and today I have no answer!! Sometimes I too get the stumped award!


  7. BellaSita Mum sayss it is Southampton, Ontario, Catnada! Shee iss sure Professor Teddy…
    That meenss shee iss probablee wrong, mew mew mew……..
    Missus Dee an Miss MaryAnn mee iss sure BellaStia wuud like a Salisbury Steak Plate an mee wuud like 2 soft crabss (hold efurrything else) an fore ‘ssert may wee have 1 :emon Tart an a wee sacuer of milk pleese? Many thanx deer Ladiess!
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an 🙂 BellaSita Mum


  8. Oh dear…late again…and no time tto sleuth out that picture…I have tyo take care of the lawn, which is a mile high from our recent rains. Loved that we had good rainfall, but it made the lawn and weeds go boom! LOL!
    Anyways, May I please have some onion rings and lemon tart? Lime punch sounds refreshing, too.

    Maybe when I am done I will check it out again and make a wild guess. I does look like a water’s edge place.


  9. Teddy color me very late…for this impawtant date.
    I had an 8:30 date with an orthopedic doctor to discuss the pain in my right knee that I have had for over a year. Got it while out on one of those EMWs
    After a ton of Xrays my doc came in. Knees are in good shape. Diagnosis is my bursa. I was so very thankful I don’t need to have surgery!!
    Hugs Cecilia


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