Teaser Tell All


Yep – we’re BAAAACK!  Time to Tell All!

Hope you enjoyed yesterday’s Teaser…………..we were fairly certain it would be difficult………..and it was………..for about 15 minutes.   But FIRST THINGS FIRST!

Let’s talk about who was the fast and furious student (or students) who pushed their way into the doorway at school to ring the school bell FIRST.     We had TWO who did just that and if we can get a drumroll we’ll tell you WHO!





And each of you gets one of these fabulous badges for your effort to be FIRSTIES:

I was one of two FIRST COMMENTERS on the Teaser post of April 25, 2023…..FAST AND FURIOUS WE WERE!!

OH Come on Rodney – there’s always NEXT week – maybe you will be quicker getting off the bus!

THEN we moved on to the TEASER.     Yes – the Teaser we said at the beginning of class we thought might be a toughie…………….HA!

Here’s the photo again:

This charming place is the Stockport Mill Inn, in Stockport, Ohio

The historic Stockport Mill is the last remaining mill on the Muskingum River. And now it’s a one-of-a-kind inn and restaurant.  A mill has operated on this site since 1842. Construction began on the current structure in 1906. Its milling equipment was operated by electricity generated by turbines harnessing the power of the Muskingum River.

Would you like to know who the smarty pants was who guessed it First??????   Drumroll please??


WOO HOO (oops…..we mean MEOW MEOW) !

Here’s your  badge Ingrid – you can add this to your collection!

I was FIRST RIGHT GUESSER on the Teaser of April 25, 2023. YESSS!!!

If you also guessed right, you get one of these:

I was right with my guess but I was NOT first for the Teaser of April 25, 2023…..I still got a cool badge!

And of course if you guessed but you were WRONG – there’s always the WRONG GUESS badge for you!

I guessed but I was WRONG on the Teaser post of April 25, 2023. I’ll try again next week though!

Can I get a hug from the cute Cheer Team?  I tried to guess right but didn’t make it!

Well Chester the Cheer Team prefers to not get physically involved with any students………….they save their energy for the boys at the Grumpy Cat Bar after class.    Speaking of Cheer Team – here they are!

Another Teaser bites the dust
Like eating the pie and leaving the crust
Next week we’ll be back with another try
You’ll either smile or maybe cry
FIRST COMMENTERS today we had two
Ellen and Frank were faster than you!
She guessed it right before some of you could start!
Congrats to you all because we know that you tried
Come have some lunch – whether boiled or fried!

“Boiled or fried?????   HAHAHAHAHAHA”

“Last one to the cafeteria is a rotten egg!”

The Cafeteria Line Is Open!

The Awesome Menu:

See You Next Week Students!

Your Professors

(P.S.  Comments from the Professors on your posts may be late today – Graphics Department Lady having second cataract surgery this morning!)


42 responses »

  1. Congrats to Ellen, Frank and Ingrid! I was too late for the Teaser yesterday, too busy enjoying myself.
    Good luck with your second cataract surgery.


    • Glad you were enjoying yourself! I will be doing more of that now that I can see….well – can’t see very well right now as have left eye bandaged but tomorrow I get rid of eye bandages PERIOD. All is well – surgery a success.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Yipee! I was right!! I think I want to go there sometime and check ouut their food, its supposed to be yummy!
    Congrats to Ellen and Frank, too!

    Speaking of food, may I please have some broccoli cheddar soup, Onion rings, (But of course, LOL!), and some of those puff pastries with the bacon and eggs. Then I might just have some room for a milkshake and a bit of that apple cheese cake. Oh…I might need some alkaseltzer after all that…

    Hi, Mr Frank…I think I got my appetite habits from yours, LOL!!!
    I’ve saved you a seat over here.

    Here’s to a great new vision for your Mom, Prof Teddy!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Cheers to fellow-Firstee Ellen … and to Ingrid for leading the way to the right answer. Best wishes to our host today!

    Time to eat! After all, it’s Casual Eating Day!!!! …. BBQ sub, onion rings, shrimp salad, a piece of two cakes: Maple Bacon cake & Chocolate Pound … and my Double Mint Chocolate Cake …. and a big glass of orange-cranberry juice.


  4. Do I see KITTY ears on the puff pastry with bacon (yum) and eggs? I’ll have THAT please, and girls, I’m going to try to get more lively today after yesterday, and bust in on ya over where the boys are! They’ll remember me!


  5. Congrats to Frank, Ingrid and me! 🙂 Nice cheer ladies. Have a great day. And I am praying your mom’s cataracts surgery goes well. XO


    • Surgery went well – came home and slept for several hours – no more wobblies – able to spend short time on computer…..tomorrow will be BETTER! Thanks for the good thoughts – love you!

      Hugs, Pam


  6. I was right, it is a mill with some kind of attraction attached. At least i figured that out.

    Meanwhile, the tomato salad looks delightful.

    I hope this doesn’t go to spam, i will be back tomorrow (heaven willing) with a poem.


  7. Rite on Miss Ingrid!!!!!
    BellaSita Mum iss hangin her head….shee has been to Ohio many timess an nevurr saw this place Professor Teddy,,,,,,
    Wee so late wee apawlogize. Wee jsut wanted to meow Concatss to THE winner!
    **purrss** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum


  8. Pingback: A Guest For Sunday Selfies | Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs

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