Thankful and Poetic Thursday


Hello Thankful Hop friends.    First thanks goes to Brian for hosting the weekly Hop.   GREAT time to voice the things you’re thankful for.    I have to say that I’m FINALLY thankful that we are having some positive signs that Spring is TRYING to make it here.    Buds on trees – yards full of beautiful bulbs popping (not ours though since Mom didn’t plant any), trees blooming (our Bradford Pear Trees NEVER let us down).    There’s also a whole lot of nice delicious green grass out there which Mom hopes to mow in the next day or two.

There are always things that we need to be thankful for and Brians’ Hop is our chance to do that.

Thursday is also the day we dedicate to my Angel brother Sammy’s Poetry Challenge.    His post follows this one!    See you all next Thursday.

Hugs, Teddy


Greetings From The Rainbow Bridge!

Happy Thursday friends.   It’s our day for poetry.   I hope you wrote a poem for the photo I gave you last Thursday.     Just let us know in comments so we can read it on your blog OR you can write it in my comments if you’d rather.    Either way – I hope you join in our Thursday fun.

Below is the photo we all worked on this week – AND my poem for the photo:

“Modern Miracle”

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell    ©March 29, 2023


In the living room after dinner the crowd would form

Mom, Dad and the kids together – the new “norm”

So different from gathering around the radio before

This modern miracle of television was a HUGE score!

No more imagining pictures to go with radio sound

We could see it on the screen as we all sat around

I wonder which was better – to IMAGINE or to SEE

I think Radio and TV both set our imaginations free………..


Think about how many other “inventions” have been introduced since television – even back then nobody imagined something like cell phones and internet and oh so many other things that are part of our lives now.    Of course here at the Rainbow Bridge we don’t have all that stuff – who really “needs” it?  Not us!      

Here’s your photo for NEXT week’s poetry fun – hope you like it and it inspires you!

I already have an idea about this one……….how about you?     Hope you share it next week when we get together for more POETRY!

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

LOVE and LIGHT (and poetry!), Angel Sammy


60 responses »

  1. Your spring is WAY ahead of ours! We even saw snow Saturday and yesterday! At least it didn’t stick around.

    I am drawing a blank…that wold be a good title for next week, LOL!

    Here my offering for this week:

    Family Time

    Come let us gather around,
    Its time to turn up the sound,
    For our favorite show.
    It might be an adventure,
    Or some singing high or low.
    Is great to sit and watch,
    Hoping it will have a good flow,
    To keep our rapt attention,
    Till its over and time to go
    To our beds to dream,
    Of all we saw…Whoa!

    Liked by 3 people

    • Happily on Sunday nights there’s an “OLD TME RADIO” program here – it’s hours and hours long and we never can stay awake for the whole thing but LOVE listening to all the old radio programs.


  2. You had to plan ahead when you wanted to watch those old tvs – they took minutes to warm up and for the picture to appear! 😀


  3. None of our imaginations could come up with a poem for the TV one. TV? Radio with a tv screen? We were confused. Next time will be different, BOL! Good poem you got out of it, Teddy, we’da never thoughta that! Happy Thursday!! Oh and we’re thankful to have a BIG TV to watch when we want to! XOX Xena, Lucy, Chia and Riley


    • Loved your poem AND yes you’re right – things on television were a whole lot DIFFERENT back in those days. Some would say we’ve come a long way but we’re not so sure that “long way” was the “right way” !!

      Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam


  4. Mama, papa, can those people come OUT
    of that magical box, play, and jump and shout?
    Do the have to stay in their for all of thier life
    and trapped in a TV box? What terrible strife!
    But we’ve heard there are cartoons of Mickey and Bugs
    and we’d just as soon leave them there for our virtual hugs.

    (This is possibly the worst poem mama has ever written, but love the photo.)

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Thursday’s are the day we realize just how lucky we are to be a member of this wonderful community (though we’re trying to make time everyday acknowledging gratitude). And today we can say we’re especially grateful for all the terrific poets out there. Well done, once again sweet Sammy.


    • Modern artist – I had a “phase” of loving modern art when I was taking painting lessons many years ago. Now I really am more into realism. Those first TVs really did have itsy bitsy screens.


  6. Terrific poem. Mom’s family got a TV when she was five. They had such tiny screens. She would get up at 6 a.m. on Saturdays to watch cartoons. She would lie on the floor on her stomach as close as she could get, so she could keep the sound down and not wake her parents. She did write a Poem: XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer, Kizmet, Audrey & Raleigh


  7. Great poem. I don’t remember that kind of TV but; I think color came out when I was really little. My dad was a TV sales and repair man(his own business) so we were lucky and had a colored TV. A big one. Back then you could get trips somehow. Not sure if it’s how many TV’s my dad sold or what. And sometimes I got to go on service calls with my dad and some of the older ladies would give me something homemade like a sock monkey.


  8. Terrific thankfuls Teddy, we’re sure enjoying blooming season too. That was a fun poem, so many inventions that have changed so many lives. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!


    • What a wonderful memory and a wonderful poem! Many of us remember those first TVs and just look at how far they’ve come. We don’t have a HUGE screen TV but it’s sure a lot bigger than the first one I remember as a little girl coming into our house. It was magical – and while I still enjoy listening to the radio when we could put a picture to the voices seemed to be a miracle at the time. Thanks for your fabulous poetry every week!

      Hugs, Pam (and Teddy too)


  9. That early television cost the equivalent of $10,000 in current purchasing power. I remember the b&w images scrolling bottom to top, the snowy reception, the promise of 13 channels, but only getting two and then three once public television reached this outpost on the high plains, the miracle of a television antenna my friend had that could be remotely positioned inside to improve reception of the worst of the two channels, and the day cable filled in those 13 channels with Denver (i.e. “big town”) channels that were as crystal clear as those old televisions could be. I was hooked!


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