Thankfuls, Poetry and MORE on Thursday


What a busy day today is in the blogosphere – we have our usual Thankful Thursday, our usual Poetic Thursday AND today is also REMEMBER ME Thursday.   We’ll try to cover everything!

We’re always happy when Brian’s Thankful Thursday Hop is on our agenda because it is VERY important to be thankful for things we have in our lives.   We are very blessed so we want to voice our happiness about that every week.    If you’d like to join the Hop – just click the badge above and link up.     We’re thankful for the stretch of incredible weather we’ve had because it’s allowed ME to go outside more than usual and Mom and Dad have indulged me and let me even fall asleep under my favorite Dwarf Maple Tree and have a nap (under their supervision of course).   I’m also thankful that the mornings are in the 50s – it’s a great thing to have a frosty morning again.    I’m thankful that I have my vet visit over with and got the shot I needed in order to stay at the Paws A While Pet Hotel while Mom and Dad are on vacation next month too.   Done!

For poetry – we always look forward to Angel Sammy’s poem that he sends and that I share with you so let’s do that next THEN we’ll get to REMEMBER ME THURSDAY.


Hi Poetry Fans – it’s OUR day!

Thursday means poetry – and I do hope that you used the photo I gave you last Thursday as the “springboard” for a fabulous and fun poem to share with us today here on the Poetry Podium!

Below is the photo I gave you to use followed by my poem for the photo.  If you wrote a poem this week – let us know in comments (or give us your link) because we would LOVE LOVE LOVE to read your work.

The Mountain and the Mole Hill

Poem by Angel Sammy Kimmell      ©September 21, 2022


Hey little guy you’ll not move me

I’m the great big dog and you’re a little flea!

I am somewhat of an immovable object

Pushing me down will be a HUGE project!

I admire your determination and standing your ground

But you need to put on about three hundred pounds!



I absolutely love that photo – when I saw it I knew it would be FUN to work with…………………and it was – I’m sure you thought so too and I hope you wrote a poem for the photo.    I have another gem for you for NEXT Thursday!

Cute photo right?   Do you remember seeing a dinosaur for the first time?   Hard to believe there were creatures so huge when you’re a little kid.    This little one isn’t too sure about touching those teeth!

So we’ll get together again next Thursday – you have a week to write a poem………..YOU CAN DO THIS!

I am the Angel Poet in the green beret…..and I hope you join me for POETIC FUN each week!

See you soon – until then be kind, be safe and be happy!   

Love, Angel Sammy


And now let’s talk about the other special occasion today – REMEMBER ME THURSDAY.     

Now going into its tenth year, Remember Me Thursday® aims to unite individuals and pet adoption organizations around the world to be an unstoppable, integrated voice for orphan pets in need of forever homes.

“Over a million beautiful, adoptable pets will lose their lives in 2022,” states Mike Arms, President and CEO of Helen Woodward Animal Center. “We all come from different countries, cultures, and backgrounds, but together, we can raise our voices and share one life-saving message and literally save millions of pets on this one day.”

Want to find out ways you can honor this most special day in the lives of so many people AND adoptable pets?    Visit this website  (CLICK HERE) – light a candle while you’re there – and remember there are so many lives that can be saved by sharing a little love.

My Angel brother Sammy and I were adopted from a shelter here in our County and had we not been adopted – even though it was a no kill shelter – it’s very hard to say what our lives would have been without the love and willingness to help that we received from our Mom and Dad.

Baby Sammy in 2001

Baby Teddy in 2017

Please be part of the solution of so many orphaned pets – open your heart – your life and THEIRS will never be the same!

Hugs, Teddy

50 responses »

  1. Busy indeed!

    Glad all is well, and great weather is a big bonus!

    Cute poem! Hard to move a mountain like that…

    Here is my tiny ditty…

    Hey, Sir?!
    Your Belly
    Like Jelly!

    We sure hope that many more peeps will adopt from shelters, so that room can be made for more to come in…to look and await their forever homes.

    Us pups were pulled form high kill shelters and transported form Texas to Michigan, where we adopted them from 2 different shelters in our area,

    Liked by 2 people

  2. OH, baby Teddy, just too cuddly for words. And thank you for giving us a photo we can get our teeth into….

    WHOA, what teeth!
    Do not want to be beneath!
    A dentist would give up(s)
    On these bi-cusps!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Next week’s photo reminds me of the design of a box of popsicles we used to sell at Mecca. It showed two kids each holding one of the delicious flavored treats in the box….. and the look on their faces was of absolute and utter summer vacation boredom. What a way to try and sell popsicles. The kids with the dinosaur look just as enthused about those teeth as those kids did the popsicles….

    Liked by 1 person

    • We enjoyed your poem – Mom is familiar with Sumo wrestling but that photo wasn’t really about that – it was just the clash of worlds and sizes that made it a fun photo for poetry! Next week will be fun too!

      Hugs, teddy


  4. I am living through the Fall season of all my friends in blogland that are experiencing those lovely cool crisp nights. Teddy, I am so happy for you and your Mom and Dad having some refreshing weather.
    The Kimmell family is all boosted!
    Those Sumo dudes are a strange thing. Angel Sammy, you gave me a fresh perspective!
    We have always been about adopting our kitties from shelters and even my horses were rescues in different cases. Did you know that you can adopt off the track thorougbreds?… New Vocations Racehorse Adoptions.
    I will be checking out your link for Remember Me Thursday ♥


    • Hi Miss Pix! It’s been cool here today and Mom is starting to wear sweaters some days – she and Dad are thinking since it’s cool here, it’s going to be COOLER in Maine in a few weeks. Yep Mom and Dad are all boosted and I even got a shot that I had to have before going to Paws A While Pet Hotel next month. Miss Pix – guess what……….I weigh 28 lbs. now! YES I DO! EEEEK! Mom says I’m still her baby but I’m an awful big baby aren’t I ????? We did know you could adopt thoroughbreds because as you know the Virginia Countryside is full of horse farms and we often see ads in the newspaper here about horses….!!!!

      Love, Teddy

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Teddy! That is a terrific photo and we LOVE your poem! And your thankfuls have reminded me that I should be outside sleeping under the sunflowers (but I’m waiting for the sun puddle!). And we forgot about Remember Me Thursday! As everyone knows we are all rescues and we have all told our stories I think we will just donate to our purrsonal favourite shelter (They loved that my comment-athon on my birthday did so well). Keep being AWESOME! Purrs Marv


    • Marv it’s always great to hear from you. I know how busy your Mom and all of you are but it’s super duper to hear HOWDY DO from you when you can!!!

      Big Hugs to you all……
      Teddy (and Mom Pam too)


  6. Great gratitude and great poetry, guys! I completely spaced out Remember Me Thursday this year but absolutely am ever so grateful for both my rescues. I remind everyone who meets Norman at the hospital that he is a rescued pup whenever they remark what a sweet boy he is. And Elsa, my ninja…she’s a sweetheart at her core. Despite her puppy mill beginning and epilepsy journey, she makes me smile inside and out. And when she wags her tail (which is much more frequently these days) I get practically giddy with joy. 💙

    Liked by 1 person

  7. It’s wonderful to hear you are having such great weather. Ours is hot, but it’s a swamp, our seasons can either be called wet and hurricane, with hurricane being hotter, or summer and February. Either is reasonably accurate.

    Your poem is just right, the little guy has bitten off more than he can chew. My take on the photo is over here.

    Our kitties were all strays or shelter cats. Adopt don’t shop!


    • We actually had to wear fleece lined jackets today – it was breezy and quite chilly….lots of leaves falling already! I loved your poem – as I said on your blog, the photo reminded me of that old song about the ant and the rubber tree plant. LOL Thanks so much for writing poems for our Thursday Poetry Day – I look forward to reading yours – they’re always fabulous.

      Hugs, Pam


    • You kids did a wonderful job writing a poem – you are STARS and you’re very talented babies! My Mom and I are going to love watching you two grow up and with an Angel on your shoulder you will learn all the wonderful things about your new home from the BEST TEACHER! Angel Little Binky is happy you are happy there…………….

      Hugs, Teddy


  8. Pingback: Thankful Thursday – Comedy Plus

  9. Furrst, that was one terrific photo and the poem rocked. And although we missed all the festivities on Thursday, we have really enjoyed reading about our rescued furrends and Sammy has such a special story (and he is such a special furrend). And Teddy, we are so happy that you are filling your Peeps with Love! Purrs Marv


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