Tuesday Teaser Time!


“It’s another beautiful day in the neighborhood – let’s let the Professors know!”


Good Morning Class!   Time To COMMENT…………

Happy Tuesday everyone and welcome to Teaser Class.    We have a GUEST Teaser for you this morning – another nature-related one and those are often tricky so make sure your glasses are clean and you’re ready to investigate.



OK.  Let’s get started then shall we?     Let’s review the rules for playing Teaser AND we have some BRAND NEW badges for you to try and win today too!


As I said earlier we have a GUEST TEASER today and we have TWO photos of the Teaser location for you to use when figuring out WHERE this Teaser was taken.   Madge would you please call our Teaser Photo Security Guard to classroom with today’s Teaser?


“Here’s today’s photos Professors”

OK students – do your best.   Pretty scenery but where on the planet is this????    We’ll see who figures it out tomorrow when we have our TELL ALL class.

Cheer Team?  You’re on!

It’s Tuesday so get your brains in gear
You’ll need them on Tuesdays we think that’s clear!
Two photos today for the price of one
Figure it out and then you’re done!
A pretty place this is and there’s no doubt
Now it’s your turn to study and figure things out!
We’ll be back tomorrow with cheers for the WINNERS
Now let’s see Miss Dingleberry for our FREE dinners!

“What’s with all the nature photos lately?  I can’t even WALK yet much less go to a place like this!”

I hope lunch cheers you up!


“Time to enjoy your delicious and FREE school meal!”



Professors Angel Sammy and Teddy


76 responses »

      • You know why…because this did not post at the top of the minute. I refreshed and then refreshed immediately again and was here when it hit at about 30 seconds after the minute, which didn’t give me enough time to get in before the next minute, as WP always makes me re-sign in to comment. So now I know why I can rarely be a first commentor anymore, and so I think I will probably not try anymore. Too much frustration, and this should be fun and not frustrating, Cograts to Ingrid and Sharon!

        Liked by 1 person

        • So sorry you won’t compete for “Firstie” any longer – you never know when nobody else is around when it goes live except you – and you could be a Firstie in that circumstance but we understand because we WANT Teaser to be fun for people and not a frustrating experience. I have no idea why WP makes you re-sign in to comment though – that’s a new one on me. Anyway, we’re so sorry. 😦


          • So funny, Sharon. I am usually on the iPad and have problems being first, so I decided to switch to the laptop today and still shut out. Not a big deal though! I always have P&S to look forward to on Tuesdays! Legoland was wonderful. I want to go!

            Liked by 1 person

  1. Oh, My! Those sure are obscure teaser images! Yikes, LOL!

    I like those new badges!!

    Ma I please have some blueberry crepes, some lemon meringue Pie and some mango juice? Yummy breakfast…but I am fasting this am…lab work…and I need some yummy stuff afterwards!


  2. This is a tough one, I wonder if anyone will get it right. I love the badge with the eggs- very cute. Thanks for hosting. Have a wonderful day. XO


  3. They say a rolling stone gathers no moss (Keith Richards excepted). Well, those who like to brave the Great Outdoors should beware while skipping across these stones that they don’t get attacked by man-eating algae!!!!!!!!!!!

    Sorry, the man-eating otters are on vacation this week at Disneyland and were unavailable for this Teaser appearance. Maybe they’ll send us a blood spattered postcard….

    Liked by 1 person

    • HAHAHAHA…..you do realize I’m sure that there are FANS here of the man-eating otters and they will be very sad to learn all they have to worry about today is ALGAE. However, man-eating ANYTHING is a bit scary. A blood spattered postcard would be nice….all they have to do is put a bunch of blank postcards under one of those rides at D-Land and wait for the inevitable to happen and voila – blood-spatters! EEEEEK!


    • Well that’s a good guess and we’ll see if it’s GOOD GOOD or just OK tomorrow when we have the Tell All. So you think slippery stones are fun? Well, I suspect your Mama would disagree if she was being dragged along by two Weims on leashes through the rocks and stream at 80mph !! LOL


  4. Good Morning! Hmmm, I think it looks like Kate’s happy place where she walks but I can’t say where that is… hahaha. There is a cornucopia of choices for FOOD today… goodness!!! I think I am going to have the Huevos Rancheros for now and come back for something else for lunch! Hello Virginieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee from Floridadeedoo!


  5. I have a few minutes after my shower before I go. My mind keeps telling me it is the Yorkshire Dales and I think it could be where the river Wharfe narrows down and made those tock formations in the second photo. It is near Bolton Abbey where we travelled around a few years ago doing B&Bs. There is a name for that area maybe the Strid or something like that. I want to check but daren’t or I will make myself late!
    I see there are some guesses for my area. I will kick myself if I didn’t get that right.

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  6. Running way late today because I had a medical appointment. All is well. Also wanted to drop by after the cafeteria has cleared out. Whew …. I don’t see Fred anywhere – back to my lonely table.

    My guess …. It’s not my backyard!!!!

    Time to eat …. Hmmm …. wonder if I should get some Irish Mint Cake. Not sure …. hmmmm …. I’ll go with the chocolate peanut butter pie, bacon & chicken chopped salad, grilled bacon tomato & cheese sandwich, Irish Mint Shake, and my sheet of Irish Mint Cake!

    Liked by 1 person

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